krames patient portal

by Hazle Dickinson MD 4 min read

Krames: Patient Education, Marketing & Clinical Workflow …

21 hours ago The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we do a lot of things. Virtual tools—like patient portals—are more important than ever, but how do you maximize your patient portal and get patients and clinicians to engage with it? View this infographic for tips to get the most out of your patient portal, and build patient loyalty and clinician ... >> Go To The Portal

Why Krames patient education?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we do a lot of things. Virtual tools—like patient portals—are more important than ever, but how do you maximize your patient portal and get patients and clinicians to engage with it? View this infographic for tips to get the most out of your patient portal, and build patient loyalty and clinician ...

What is Krames?

Welcome to Krames Online, the most up-to-date patient education resource. At Duke HomeCare and Hospice we believe a patient’s well being is above all else. We realize sometimes questions slip your mind when dealing with one of our healthcare professionals, and now you can search for answers 24 hours a day.

What can Krames on FHIR do for your patient education workflows?

TUCC has partnered with Krames Online to provide you with the most up-to-date patient education materials. This unique portal will allow you to search for answers 24 hours a day. With access to more than 4,000 topics relating to health and medicine, this resource gives you and your family the ability to find the answers to most of your questions.


How does a patient portal help?

The benefits of patient portals include improving patient engagement, driving greater compliance with preventive care, and enhancing health outcomes—especially for those with chronic conditions. Health care organizations can do this by: 1 Educating them about preventive health and the value of reducing lifestyle risks 2 Reminding patients when it’s time for screenings, such as mammograms or colonoscopies 3 Teaching patients to recognize the early signs of preventable illness and chronic conditions and to seek timely care 4 Helping patients track their compliance with best practice prevention

What is StayWell Health?

StayWell combines behavior change science, lifestyle risk management, and the latest health technologies to deliver patient education that empowers patients to take an active role in their own health. By doing so, these patients not only better manage their conditions but are more successful reducing lifestyle risks and preventing illnesses.

Improved clinical workflow

Streamline and optimize your workflow with the ability to deliver clinically reviewed, evidence-based health content and tools at the point of care and through the patient portal —all from one place.

Positive experiences and outcomes

Activate good patient health and ensure a positive patient experience by providing patients with high-quality education and intelligent tools through integration and patient education systems.

All-inclusive engagement

Capture new patients and members, and then turn them into loyal visitors with multichannel marketing solutions. Using scalable tools and proven strategies, they can build self-care and disease management skills, while improving care, compliance, and costs.

Closely coordinated care

Set care managers up for success with your care management. Using Care Connector™, they easily access continuously updated education and tools to personalize support for members and holistically address their conditions while motivating healthier behaviors and lifestyles.

See More Latest Blog Posts

While telemedicine, digital health, and other innovative patient engagement technologies were around prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, patient and provider use may have been minimal. Now, these technologies are here-to-stay as they've proven to be effective in managing health.

Addressing Marketing Needs

Ready to ignite productivity improvements for both clinical and IT departments? Use our interactive calculator to estimate the savings that Krames On FHIR can deliver for your organization.

Streamline how you order patient education

We're proud to offer more than 700 Krames health and wellness titles, but realize you're most interested in those that apply to you and those in your care. Visit these curated pages of our top specialties to get right to the resources you need. It's an easier, more efficient Krames store shopping experience.

Support those with chronic disease

Approximately 40% of Americans suffer from a chronic disease, and that number is expected to grow.1 Our printed workbooks provide a physical reminder of actions needed to treat conditions, and digital tools offer convenient, engaging resources to follow up telehealth visits.

Deliver engaging, world-class content and tools to patients at the point of care with Krames On-Demand

Share resources directly in your patient portal from EHRs with our technology-enabled solutions Krames On FHIR ® and Krames On-Demand®. Do so following a telehealth visit, or even to create a two-way dialogue that promotes understanding and adherence, before and after care.

American Heart Association

Fight heart disease and stroke, while striving to improve and save lives, with American Heart Association (AHA) titles from Krames.

Mental health in times of crisis

We're surrounded by constant change and uncertainty, especially now. It's never been more important—and, perhaps, more of a challenge—to take care of our mental well-being. Help those struggling with mental health concerns relieve anxiety and improve depression during these tense times, using these supportive titles.


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