kpace patient portal

by Kathryne Metz 6 min read

University Health Care | Pace University New York

3 hours ago Your patient portal is through a third-party website that is connected directly to your patient records. To access your patient portal, log in with the email attached ... >> Go To The Portal

What is carespace?

CareSpace provides you and your caregivers easy access to your health information and care team. CareSpace is easily accessible: on your personal computer, tablet, or mobile device, you have 24/7 access to your medical information. Log In Today! Click the button below to begin to enjoy the convenience of our patient portal.

How do I sign up for carespace?

Manage your appointments, medical records and information on CareSpace, a secure, online patient portal designed to give you 24/7 access to your treatment plan. And much more! To sign up for CareSpace, speak to any of our team members. If you have already signed up for CareSpace, you may log in to your account here.

What is an acceptable password for carespace?

Acceptable passwords include at least one lowercase and uppercase character, one number, one special character, and have an 8 character minimum. Once you create an acceptable password, you will be taken to the login page. Here you will enter your newly created credentials and enter CareSpace.


How to access CareSpace?

You can access CareSpace by visiting: Or by clicking the CareSpace button on the bottom of our homepage.

How to register for CareSpace?

Step 1. Let the front office staff at our practice know that you’d like to register for CareSpace and provide them with your email address. Step 2. Check your email for a CareSpace invitation from our practice. The email will have details on the patient portal and a sign-up link. Step 3. Open the email and click “Complete Your Registration”.

What is CareSpace?

CareSpace provides you a place to communicate with your comprehensive care team at our practice, and have your questions answered seamlessly.

What is CareSpace on my computer?

CareSpace provides you and your caregivers easy access to your health information and care team. CareSpace is easily accessible: on your personal computer, tablet, or mobile device, you have 24/7 access to your medical information. You can register at any time.

Can you send your health information to a carespace?

From CareSpace you can securely send your health information to providers outside of our practice, like your primary care doctor.

Is CareSpace a secure site?

Yes, CareSpace is certified in the latest security standards, and information will stay private and secure. CareSpace access is only permitted to authorized users who have been verified through a registration process.

What is KPACE looking for?

KPACE is looking for people who are: Seeking to earn a livable wage. Low income (below 250% of the federal poverty level). Dedicated to increasing their skills. Unemployed or underemployed. Dislocated workers – someone who has had their career outsourced or replaced by technology.

How does KPACE work?

KPACE works with all students to make sure they’re ready for their educational journey. All three pathways are structured in a way that lets you choose when you’ll train for your new career in a way that’s easier to manage as an adult learner. Video: Getting Started with KPACE. Eligibility Requirements.

What does KPACE stand for?

KPACE stands for Kirkwood Pathways for Academic Career Education and Employment. Our mission is to help students access education and resources to develop skills and obtain self-sustaining employment in high-demand industries. Have a high school diploma, HiSED, or GED from the U.S. or your home country.

When to contact Pathway Navigator?

Regular contact with your Pathway Navigator before, during and after training.

Is KPACE a good program?

If you are in a low-income wage bracket and are eligible to work in the U.S., the KPACE program can help you earn a two-year degree and achieve your goals as you navigate your journey to a brighter future.
