kinnser patient report sheet rn

by Prof. Heidi Hill V 3 min read

RN - Skilled Nursing Visit - Kinnser

19 hours ago 51 ,qlwldo $vvhvvphqw 9lwdo 6ljqv 'ldjqrvlv 3dwlhqw 1dph /dvw 1dph )luvw 1dph 051 'dwh .lqqvhu 6riwzduh 51 ,qlwldo $vvhvvphqw 3djh ri 3ulpdu\ 3dlq /rfdwlrq ,qwhqvlw\ >> Go To The Portal

How do I contact kinnser support?

Kinnser Software Support Login. You may reach us by phone at: (877) 399-6538

How good is kinnser for mobile healthcare?

Specializes in ER, Mobile Home Healthcare. Has 2 years experience. 4 Posts Kinnser is very user friendly. Be sure to get a tablet with a bluetooth keyboard, a camera and an integrated wireless connection so that you can do your POCs on site and send pictures of wounds. It works great. I have increased my productivity 10 fold.

What are the benefits of nursing report sheets?

Due to their excellent recording system, nursing report sheets are used by physicians, doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff all over the world. These report sheets are highly beneficial in helping the medical staff to obtain information efficiently.

What are the applications of a nursing report?

The applications of a nursing report commence at par with a nurse’s shift. As soon as a nurse’s shift starts, her first priority task is to gather data from the report prepared by the previous nurse. This enables him/her to head into her assigned duties while providing clarity about task priority.


You Need a Nursing Brain Sheet That Works for YOU

For the longest time I have tried pushing the brain sheet that worked for me onto new students and newbie nurses. I’ve changed my tone.

The Nursing Brain Sheet Database

The response was AMAZING (to say the least). We received over 100 report sheet templates from nurses working in MedSurg, ICU, ED, OB, Peds, Tele . . . you name it.

1. Handoff and Nursing Report Sheet

This is the report sheet that my preceptor used to make me fill out prior to the end of each shift as a newbie. To be honest, at first I was so annoyed that I had to spend like an hour at the end of each shift filling this out. It wasn’t until I realized I was able to give a badass report that I was finally grateful she made me fill this out.

3. 4 Patient Simple Tele Sheet

Some people like it simple . . .this is the sheet for you. With slight prompting this sheet makes a great tool for the MedSurg or Tele nurse on the GO!

4. 4 Patient Simple Nurse Task Sheet

I love this one. At first glance it looks basic . . . put at closer inspection you start to see all the details and information you have available with it. From lab values, to foley care, to last pain med, this is would be a great one for a nurse that has a flow and just wants a simple push to stay a bit more organized.

5. Vertical Nurse Brain sheet with Assessment Diagram

I’m a visual learner. This one just grabs my attention. I like the top section for the “essentials” like blood sugars, DX, and Pt info. I also really like the area below the charts to draw little notes about your physical assessment. I really like this nursing brain sheet for beginner or experience nurse.

6. Just the Boxes

I’ll be honest . . . after a couple years of being a nurse my “brainsheet” has evolved into more of a few freehand drawing on a sheet of paper. If that sounds like you, this is probably the one for you. With little more than a few suggestions . . . this is a pretty basic organizer for nurses.
