kentucky health patient portal

by Lorna Gibson 5 min read

My UK HealthCare Patient Portal

35 hours ago UK HealthCare launched a new patient portal – UK HealthCare MyChart – on June 5, 2021. MyChart has replaced our former patient portal accessed through the FollowMyHealth platform. We encourage you to set up a MyChart account. With a MyChart account, you can continue to access information in your UK HealthCare record. >> Go To The Portal

What is my ukhealthcare patient portal?

My UK HealthCare Patient Portal is a convenient, secure way to connect with UK HealthCare online. My UKHealthCare is available to all patients of clinics using our electronic health record. Log in to the portal Request a portal account. After you register for the portal, you can: Send a secure email message to your care team.

What is the myhealthnow patient portal?

MyHealthNow is UofL Health’s patient portal that provides you secure access to your medical information. The MyHealthNow patient portal is for patients who have been seen at one of the following facilities: There’s an app for that!

What is the UK healthcare MyChart patient portal?

On June 5, 2021, UK HealthCare will launch UK HealthCare MyChart, our new patient portal. (Learn how this transition will impact your UK HealthCare FollowMyHealth account .) UK HealthCare MyChart is a secure and easy-to-use online patient portal that allows you to manage your care and access your health information any time.

How do I get help with Kentucky Medicaid?

Kentucky Medicaid Site For assistance, email us at or call (800) 205-4696 during normal business hours 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday - Friday EST. Sign in to the KyHealth Choices Manage your contact information


What is UK HealthCare MyChart?

UK HealthCare MyChart is a secure and easy-to-use online patient portal that allows you to manage your care and access your health information any time. MyChart provides you with online access to your health record. It can help you participate in your health care and communicate with your providers.

What is KRS 214.185?

Note: KRS 214.185 allows minors, in certain situations, to be treated without parental/guardian consent. Under HIPAA 45 CFR 164.502, this sometimes prevents UK HealthCare from releasing information to the parent/guardian.

What is proxy account?

Proxy accounts for minor children and dependent adults. If you are the personal representative (for example, parent, legal guardian, attorney-in-fact) of a UK HealthCare patient, you may request access to the patient’s health information. This is known as proxy access .

What is my chart?

MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.

How to contact HIM office?

You can also contact the HIM office through MyChart. (Select Messages from the top menu, hit the "Ask a Question” button and then select “HIM Document Question” in the dropdown menu.)

How to contact MyChart?

MyChart Support: E-mail us at or call our MyChart Patient Support Line at 859-218-6221 or 844-820-7344 (toll free) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

When will prior authorization be reinstated?

Effective date of service, June 1, 2021, prior authorization will be reinstated for inpatient hospital (provider type 01). The following services will continue not to require an authorization: substance use and behavioral health services and services with a diagnosis of COVID. February 26, 2021

Is Kentucky Medicaid a CMS code?

Each year Kentucky Medicaid is required to provide an Upper Payment Limit demonstration for CMS on DME codes covered by Kentucky Medicaid. This demonstration must reflect reimbursement rates for Kentucky Medicaid are set at or below the rates for the same codes listed by Medicare. Kentucky Medicaid was notified by CMS that we were out of compliance and must make adjustments to our fee schedule. To bring Kentucky Medicaid into compliance the Department for Medicaid Services immediately ordered a rate change adjustment to the 2020 DME fee schedule retroactive to 1/1/2020. This resulted in paid claims with any codes having rate decreases to automatically trigger a recoupment. The recoupment was in error. The recouped amounts will be reprocessed and repaid. Kentucky Medicaid apologizes for the late notice and any inconvenience that this has or may cause. The new effective date of the rates is 11/15/20. June 19, 2020
