kapiolani hospital patient portal

by Douglas Wunsch 5 min read

Kapiolani - Patient Experience - Hawaii Pacific Health

4 hours ago Patients and Visitor Policy Updates. Visiting Hours. Everyday: 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Public Parking Garage. Entrance is located off of Bingham Street. Open 24 hours/7 days a week. Valet Parking. Entrance is located off of Bingham Street, in the patient drop-off zone. Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., closed weekends. >> Go To The Portal

What is Kuakini Medical Center doing to ensure patient privacy?

Privacy and Security Kuakini Medical Center is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of your personal health information. Access to your personal health information is being made available through CernerHealth, a service of Cerner Corporation.

Is there a chapel at Kapiolani Hospital?

Chapel Our chapel is located on the second floor of the hospital adjacent to the pediatric units, and it is always open. The chapel at Kapiolani is for people of every faith who seek spiritual refuge, a place of prayer, meditation, reflection, or simply a place for those few quiet moments.

What's new at Kuakini Medical Center?

Kuakini installs 256-slice CT scanner Kuakini is among first in Hawaii to adopt new breast cancer technology Kuakini Primary Care Clinic Welcome to the new Kuakini Primary Care Clinic Kuakini Medical Center Pharmacy


Looking for COVID-19 Test Results?

For patients who are: 1. Discharged from the Emergency Department or hospital inpatient areas while your COVID-19 test results are pending or 2. Tested at our drive-up testing facility


If you did not provide your email at registration and need help, contact (208) 625-6222.

Mobile Apps

Are you looking to access all your health information in one convenient mobile app? Check out the apps that are currently available with access to your online patient portals and which are still in the works. As mobile apps with the ability to access our portals become available, we will add information to this page.

What is the Online Patient Portal?

An Online Patient Portal is a convenient and secure health management tool you can use anywhere you have access to the Internet. Through the Online Patient Portal, you can review:

Find Your Patient Portal

If you received care at Kootenai Health (admitted as a patient, had blood drawn at the Kootenai Health lab, visited the emergency department, or had an MRI, CT or CAT scan at Kootenai Health).


Kootenai Health’s health portal is completely secure, so you can be confident that your private information is protected. Only you, or an authorized family member, can access your information through the portal.

How to contact Kuakini Health?

Should you have further questions about MyKuakiniHealth and the personal patient portal, please contact Kuakini's Patient Relations Representative at 808-547-9791 , Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

What is Kuakini Medical Center?

Kuakini Medical Center is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of your personal health information. Access to your personal health information is being made available through CernerHealth, a service of Cerner Corporation. Cerner Corporation is the computer software vendor from which Kuakini purchases the electronic medical record product and security management of your personal health information.

Is Kuakini Health a complete medical record?

Please note - the information that you can access via MyKuakiniHealth is not your complete electronic medical record. If you have questions about your electronic medical record, please contact the Kuakini Patient Relations Representative at 808-547-9791 who can direct you to someone who can answer your questions.
