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VISIT A JORDAN HEALTH CENTER TODAY. Anthony L. Jordan Health Corporation has many locations for your convenience. View our virtual map to find a location near you. View Map. AddThis Utility Frame. MENU. About Us. Services. For Patients.
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Patients were chosen based on need and on the complexity of the surgery. By the end of their stay, the surgeons and their staff had operated on 82 patients. In many cases, however, the complete reconstruction may take multiple surgeries, and some patients return several years in a row to complete the procedure.
The birth control pill, the pill, is a tiny and powerful dose of hormones that help control the body’s production of hormones. The pill was developed in 1960 to help give women more choice in their ability to become pregnant. Currently, the pill is considered to be 91% effective in allowing women to avoid pregnancy.
Women are prescribed the pill to control their hormone cycles for the sake of fertility, to influence hormone cycle regularity, to suppress hormone dysfunctions that contribute to menstrual pain, and to clear acne. Is the pill effective for these needs?#N#Lets find out.
The pill is designed to work in the brain to suppress a woman’s natural production of hormones so that she cannot ovulate. Avoiding ovulation means avoiding a potential for pregnancy, as well as avoiding a surge of hormone production.
In the last 40 years, scientists have realized the need for less hormones in birth control pills, leading to improved side effects. The dramatic cardiovascular risks associated with oral dosing of estrogens have greatly decreased with the lower-estrogen formulas used today. Still, the known side effects are extensive.
The pill has the potential for aggravating or improving acne. There is very limited research on the use of the pill for acne, but it is often prescribed this way.
Gynecologists still prescribe continuous birth control pills to women who have endometriosis pelvic pain associated with their cycles. This method involves the low hormone dose every day without the 1 week break. So, menstruation is stopped entirely.
A comprehensive research report involving more than 14,000 women, did not correlate use of the pill with change in fertility (Giram, 2018). But because of the side effects discussed, it seems feasible that fertility may be decreased for some women.
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