jasper report patient list

by Edison Beahan 5 min read

Creating Report with List containing List using Jasper …

24 hours ago  · Creating Report with List containing List using Jasper Report. Creating reports is a common scenario in any enterprise application. Jasper Reports, together with the Tibco Community edition designer tool Jaspersoft, makes this task easy for you, especially in Java applications. Most of the normal reports can be generated without any trouble, using … >> Go To The Portal

What is the use of a Jasper report?

JasperReports is one of them. JasperReports is an open source java reporting engine. It is Java based and doesn't have its own expression syntax. JasperReports has the ability to deliver rich content onto the screen, to the printer, or into PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, ODT, CSV, TXT, and XML files.

Where does JasperReports get the data from?

While generating the report, JasperReports engine obtains data from the datasources. Data can be obtained from the databases, XML files, arrays of objects, and collection of objects.

How to print the documents generated by the JasperReports library?

As a result, we see a JasperViewer window as shown in the screen given below − We can print the documents generated by the JasperReports library (in their proprietary format i.e. JasperPrint objects) using the net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager class.

How to fix defects in JasperReports?

As JasperReports being an open source tool, if any defect or bug is recognized during execution in the jasperreports-x.x.x.jar, we can fix it and build the JAR again using the build.xml file. To use JasperReport, we need to set the following files to our CLASSPATH −


How do I get a list on Jasper Report?

Creating Report with List containing List using Jasper ReportStep 1: Create Project with Jasper dependency. ... Step 2: Create Course Class. ... Step 3: Create Student Class. ... Step 4: Create a report Input Class to hold all data needed for Report. ... Step 5: Fill StudentReportInput with your data.More items...•

What does a Jasper report show?

JasperReport provides a built-in viewer for viewing the generated reports in its original format. It is a swing based component and other Java applications can integrate this component without having to export the documents to other formats in order to be viewed or printed. The net.

How do you integrate JasperReports with spring boot?

Below are the steps involved in developing the application.3.1 Maven Dependency. Here, we specify the dependency for the spring boot, free marker, and jasper-reports. ... 3.2 Application Properties. ... 3.3 Report Template File. ... 3.4 Freemarker Template File. ... 3.5 Java Classes.

What is sub report in Jasper?

A subreport is a report included inside another report. This allows the creation of very complex layouts with different portions of a single document filled using different data sources and reports.

Is jaspersoft free?

JasperReports Server Community Edition is Jaspersoft's free, open source reporting and analysis server, based on JasperReports Library, Mondrian, JPivot and Spring. It is licensed under the GPLv2.

Is Jaspersoft open source?

Jaspersoft is a Java-based open source BI platform developed by TIBCO. The product has been around for several years and excels in the fields of embedded BI, visualization, and data exploration.

How does Jasper report integrate with Java?

Need to add all jasper jar file into project lib foldercommons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar.commons-collections-3.1.jar.commons-digester-2.0.jar.commons-logging-1.1.1.jar.groovy-all-1.5.5.jar.iText-2.1.7.jar.jasperreports-4.0.1.jar.mysql-connector-java-5.1.14-bin.jar.

What is Jasper report in spring boot?

JasperReports (http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net) is a powerful open-source reporting engine that supports the creation of report designs using an easily understood XML file format. JasperReports is capable of rendering reports output into four different formats: CSV, Excel, HTML and PDF.

How do I create a Jrxml file with Jasper?

There are three ways to compile jrxml to jasper.You can do direct compile via compile button (hammer logo) on iReport designer.You can use ant to compile as shown in the Ant Compile Sample. ... You can also use the JasperCompileManager class to compile from your java code.

How do I link subreport to main report in Jasper?

3 AnswersCreate main report parameter, such as DATE_PARAM .Open sub report and Create a parameter with the same name and the same type.Go back to main report.Right-click on sub report, select properties.Choose parameter.Add parameter from main report to sub report with parameter name same parameter name.

How do I create a subreport in Jasper?

Create the Reports in iReport DesignerCreate the subreport; give it a descriptive name (e.g. "subreport. ... Create the main report; give it a descriptive name (e.g. "mainreport. ... Drag a Subreport component from the Palette into the main report's Detail band.Follow the Subreport wizard: ... Save the main report locally.

How do you pass a field to subreport in Jasper report?

Create a subreport parameter (for the sub-report from the main report) called "paramA" and pass it the value you wish by setting the report expression as needed. If the value is in a field try using $F{myField} as the expression, if its a parameter that was passed to the main report, use $P{myParam} etc.


We already saw that, in some cases, a subreport is needed to print particular information of a record (see the tutorial Subreports in Jaspersoft Studio). In general we can say that, in the case where we need to print a record, and a list of information related with that record, we have two options: subreports or lists.

Create the Report

Start a new report by selecting File > New > Jasper Report, use the template Tree and give it the name PhoneBook. When you are in the data source selection step of the wizard, click the button New, select XML document and click Next. Now you have to configure an XML data adapter. Use these parameters:

Adding the Phone Numbers

In order to display the list of numbers, we need to create a sub-dataset starting from the person node. The main dataset works on the person nodes, while the sub-dataset processes all the phone tags of a specific person node.

What is JasperReport?

JasperReport provides a built-in viewer for viewing the generated reports in its original format. It is a swing based component and other Java applications can integrate this component without having to export the documents to other formats in order to be viewed or printed. The net.sf.jasperreports.view.JRViewer class represents this visual component. This class can also be customized as per the application needs, by sub classing it.

Can JasperPrint be used to print?

We can print the documents generated by the JasperReports library (in their proprietary format i.e. JasperPrint objects) using the net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager class. This is a facade class that relies on the Java 2 Printing API. We can also print the documents once the JasperReport documents are exported to other formats such as HTML or PDF.

What is JasperReports?

JasperReports is a Java class library , and is not meant for the end users, but rather is targeted towards Java developers who need to add reporting capabilities to their applications.

What is build.xml in JasperReports?

build.xml− An ANT build file to build the JasperReports source code. If we don't intend to modify JasperReports, we don't need to use this file since JasperReports is distributed in the compiled form.

What is report group?

A report group represents a sequence of consecutive records in the data source, which have something in common, such as the value of a certain report fields. A report group is defined by the <group> element. A report can have any number of groups.

What is the purpose of the JasperFillManager?

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager − Used to fill a report with data from the data source.

Where are the jar files?

All the JAR files under the libsubdirectory (C:toolsjasperreports-x.x.xlib).

Can a symlink present data?

It can present data either textually or graphically.

JasperReports Tutorial

JasperReports is an open source java reporting engine. JasperReports is a Java class library, and it is meant for those Java developers who need to add reporting capabilities to their applications. This simple and user-friendly tutorial covers almost all the basics of JasperReports that a beginner should know.


This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals as well as for all those beginners who would like to learn the concepts of JasperReports.


Before proceeding with this tutorial, it is expected that you have a basic understanding of Java programming language. A basic understanding of Java and other associated programming will be an additional advantage to understand the topic.

Why use Jasper Report?

Here, are many reasons for using a Jasper report tool: It offers report generation performance and delivery to users. It helps you to represent your data in textual or graphical format. It is a standalone and embedded reporting server for reporting compilation and execution.

What is a report template in JasperReports?

The report template file used in JasperReports is a simple XML file having jrxml extension. This file contains the tag as its root element. JasperReports framework can handle different types of data sources.

What is JasperReports for Java?

JasperReports is an open-source reporting tool for Java that is used for reporting of applications. This reporting tool helps in writing rich content onto the screen, to the printer, or into a variety of files like HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF, CSV, XML, ODT and TXT. JasperReports can also be used for Java-enabled applications like Java EE or web applications to generate dynamic content.

What is the difference between Jasper and Pentaho?

The major difference between Jasper and Pentaho is that Jasper reports uses a report for designing the reports while Pentaho uses the Pentaho Report Designer. The report template file used in JasperReports is a simple XML file having jrxml extension.

Why do we compile Jasper files?

This compilation is done to get better performance during execution. These generated Jasper files should be shipped along with your application to run the reports.

Where is Jasper output stored?

The output will be stored in Jasper print file (file with jprint xtn) which can be used to print or export the report.

Where is the band in a report?

This band is shown at the starting of the report. It can be used as the first page by setting the attribute isTitleNewPage="true."

What is JasperReports Library?

JasperReports Library is a Java Library that offers an interface to the JasperReports Library reporting engine. This library is the engine at the core of the iReport Designer, Jaspersoft Studio, and JasperReports Server. In addition, it is embedded in thousands of applications around the world.

Where is JasperReports Library configuration?

Most of the JasperReports Library configuration is done within the JasperReports Library.properties file (for global settings) or at the report level by setting the appropriate settings within the JRXML.
