iu health online patient portal

by Hildegard Keebler 5 min read

Pay a Bill | IU Health

26 hours ago Welcome to the My IU Health Patient Portal Help Guide. This guide is designed to provide information for our patients who use My IU Health to securely message with providers, self-schedule appointments with select providers, manage prescription refills, pay a bill, view lab results and so much more. >> Go To The Portal

What is the my IU Health patient portal help guide?

Welcome to the My IU Health Patient Portal Help Guide. This guide is designed to provide information for our patients who use My IU Health to securely message with providers, self-schedule appointments with select providers, manage prescription refills, pay a bill, view lab results and so much more.

How do I get in contact with IU Health?

Complete the following form to begin using My IU Health. By clicking SUBMIT below I agree and represent that I have read and agree to comply with the Terms & Conditions of this site. And I hereby affirm and represent that I am the patient, or have permission to access on behalf of the patient (via a signed Access for Parent or Guardian of Patient with Diminished Capacity form …

Does IUIU health provide access to online medical information for teens?

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What is MyMy IU Health?

Customer Support317.963.1661. We value your questions and feedback. Please use this form to provide a summary of your comments/questions. Do not send personal health or billing information via this form. Before submitting your comment or question, please be aware that contents of this form are sent to the My IU Health Support Team.


Patient Portal

UI Health launched MyChart on Saturday, Sept. 12, replacing this Patient Portal. You will need to sign up for a new MyChart account. Visit MyChart.UIHealth.Care for more information.

MyChart is live!

UI Health launched MyChart on Saturday, Sept. 12, replacing this Patient Portal. You will need to sign up for a new MyChart account. Visit MyChart.UIHealth.Care for more information.

Select how you would prefer to schedule your appointment below

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or find the nearest emergency care.

Schedule Online

New and existing IU Health patients may view available times and schedule in person and virtual visits with select providers.

Find Providers

Search by condition, location or name to schedule directly with a new provider or one you have visited before in our online directory.

My IU Health

Log in to My IU Health to schedule with an existing provider. You must be an existing patient to schedule with My IU Health.

Request Appointment

Let us help you find the right provider for you. Fill out a quick form, and we will contact you. You can also call 1.888.IUHEALTH (1.888.484.3258).

In Case of Emergency

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or find the nearest emergency care.

Need Same-Day Care?

IU Health offers same-day options for you, including virtual care, urgent care and same-day appointments with our primary care providers. Book online now.
