is michigan required by law to report harmful patient incidents to the health department?

by Mr. Freddy Pfannerstill 10 min read


4 hours ago Mental Health & Substance Abuse Reporting Requirements. In order to monitor service provision, expenditures and consumer outcomes, the Department requires Community Mental Health Services Providers (CMHSPs), and Pre-Paid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs) to provide information and data on topics such as costs, services, consumer demographics, and ... >> Go To The Portal

The applicable state protective service entity, and appropriate law enforcement agency, must be alerted in cases of patient abuse or neglect if required by law. The clinical record of the patient must contain a summary of any incidents involving a patient.Jan 11, 2021

Is Michigan a mandatory reporting state?

Michigan Child Protection Law requires certain professionals to report their suspicions of child abuse or neglect to Centralized Intake (CI) at the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). These people are mandated reporters and have established relationships with children based on their profession.

Who is a mandatory reporter in Michigan?

Law Enforcement Officers. County medical examiner and employees of the county medical examiner. Adult Day Care Providers. Michigan Bank and Credit Union Staff.

How do you report unsafe activities in healthcare?

If your employer doesn't address the situation, call the Occupational Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-866-415-8690.

Can patient safety reports be submitted anonymously?

Some systems, such as the ICU Safety Reporting System, are entirely anonymous–neither the patient nor the reporter can be identified. Studies of electronic hospital event reporting systems generally show that medication errors and patient falls are among the most frequently reported events.

Who is not a mandated reporter in Michigan?

Michigan recognizes only two exceptions to mandatory reporting for the following legally recognized privileged communications: privileged communications between an attorney and client or made to a clergy member in his or her professional character in a confession or similarly confidential communication.

What do therapists have to report in Michigan?

The therapist has legal mandated reporting obligations, as a mandated reporter, to report this child abuse incident to CPS. CPS then forwards the information to the local CAC (Child Advocacy Center), the local police department, and the local prosecutor's office (which is not required).

What is true regarding reporting errors in patient care?

What is true regarding reporting errors in patient care? Errors in patient care need to be immediately reported to the provider. An incident report must be completed. Some states have medical error reporting systems in place.

What is considered reportable behavior in the healthcare workplace?

If a health care worker threatens or attempts to hit a patient or coworker, he or she could be charged with: Assault. (T/F) As a reportable condition, health care workers must file a confidential report if they suspect or are aware of the physical, verbal, or sexual abuse of a patient.

Can a nurse refuse unsafe work?

From a regulatory perspective: Nurses have the right to refuse work where unsafe conditions exist and they cannot be adequately protected through infection control measures i.e. provision of a N95 respirator when providing care to a TB patient.

What is the incident reporting process in healthcare?

Incident reporting in healthcare refers to collecting healthcare incident data with the goal to improve patient safety and care quality. Done well, it identifies safety hazards and guides the development of interventions to mitigate risks, thereby reducing harm.

What are the 4 elements you should try to get when reporting an adverse event to patient safety?

The minimum dataset required to consider information as a reportable AE is indeed minimal, namely (1) an identifiable patient, (2) an identifiable reporter, (3) product exposure, and (4) an event.

Which types of events should be reported in a safety report?

All team members are required to participate in the detection and reporting of any error, medication error, near miss, hazardous/unsafe condition, process failure, injuries involving patients, visitors and staff or a sentinel event.