18 hours ago InteliChart PatientPORTAL Welcome back! Already have an account? Sign into your account. Need an account? Access your health information and connect with your care team. It's fast, secure and confidential. Let's get started >> Go To The Portal
InteliChart PatientPORTAL Welcome back! Already have an account? Sign into your account. Need an account? Access your health information and connect with your care team. It's fast, secure and confidential. Let's get started
Intelichart Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone The PatientPORTAL App connects you, the patient, with your healthcare provider. The App enables you to view upcoming appointments and lab results, as well as send and receive secure messages for yourself and any dependents that you may have for easy communication with your provider.
InteliChart PatientPORTAL. Choose Your Language. English. Español. Hi LOGAN, It's nice to meet you. To get your account ready, we just need to verify a few things. This shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes. Must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 number.
Patient’s Healthcare Hub Everything your patients need in one convenient location. Patients can manage the entire family’s healthcare needs and have access to all their upcoming appointments, healthcare finances, provider care-teams, telehealth, intake/registration forms, and all their medical records. Access via mobile app or favorite web browser.
Successful engagement acknowledges that people are unique and have preferred methods for engaging in their healthcare. Our unified engagement platform enables you to deploy multiple engagement methods that work in concert with one another to maximize effectiveness.
Consumers don’t go online, they live online. Three of four patients search a provider’s ratings prior to making an appointment. Manage your reputation seamlessly within our consumer-engagement platform while guiding consumers in their evolution to engaged patients.
Read our answers to frequently asked questions about the InteliChart PatientPortal. Having trouble with the portal? Call our InteliChart Help Desk: 503-935-8444. We are excited to launch our new online patient portal, InteliChart PatientPortal.
It’s easy to register for an account: 1 Talk to our staff at the front desk at your next visit or call your clinic. They will text or email you a secure link. 2 Click on the link and follow a couple quick steps. 3 Get started!
View & update all patient details including contact information, insurance details, medical history, allergies, immunizations, and family & social history. Review & maintain their medication information including view all current prescriptions, request prescription refills, and make generic medication requests.
Your patients will love using the InteliChart Patient Portal. It will help enhance your quality of care and improve patient engagement, making patients feel comfortable and valued by sharing their health information through all the features of the portal.
Medication Refill Requests - Your patients can now request refills 24/7, without making a single phone call.
Using the Patient Portal, the patient has the ability to send/receive messages to his/her provider. When sent to the physician/provider, these messages are displayed in the Physician Work Center. See Physician Center for details.
In Quick Registration, the patient's email address is entered. This field is required is the facility is licensed with the patient portal functionality. When saved, the patient information and patient data is updated into the patient portal. In addition, if the Register PHR Access box is checked, the registration process is initiated when you click Save on the Quick Registration page. See Quick Registration for additional details.
For patient's to have access to their record, they must complete the registration/enrollment process. This process usually starts at the clinic (or hospital) while the patient is there, e.g. at the time of discharge or the check out process in the clinic.
Intellihealth's clinical decision engine automatically generates an individualized combination of Intensive Behavior Therapy (diet, fitness & psychology) and medication, if appropriate, for each patient based on their unique data points to help achieve and sustain long-term weight loss.
The Evolve platform offers seamless cross-discipline coordination among care team and remote monitoring that provides up-to-the-minute data and insights on patients who access their treatment through an intuitive mobile application.
the root causes of obesity with the best in. medical science, behavioral tools and psychology. Because obesity is not a lifestyle issue. It’s not a lack. of willpower or some personal failure. It’s a medical. disease. And that’s how we treat it. Patient.
Because obesity is not a lifestyle issue. It’s not a lack of willpower or some personal failure. It’s a medical disease.