improving communication with patient portal 2015

by Alene Bashirian 5 min read

Patient Portal for Improved Communication |

22 hours ago Abstract. Aspects of patients' emotional or mental states--such as anger or unspoken assumptions about health and illness--can complicate management of their physical illness. Proper communication techniques can help the physician break through those barriers to medical care and strengthen the therapeutic relationship. >> Go To The Portal

How can the portal experience be improved for patients?

Abstract. Aspects of patients' emotional or mental states--such as anger or unspoken assumptions about health and illness--can complicate management of their physical illness. Proper communication techniques can help the physician break through those barriers to medical care and strengthen the therapeutic relationship.

How patient portal mobile app development can improve user engagement?

Feb 07, 2018 · Getting Patients Registered: Patient portal registration is a two-step process. Patients provide their e-mail address to BVCHC staff during an in-person clinic visit and are issued a system-generated enrollment token. (Patients without an e-mail address are walked through the process of creating one with national carriers.)

What is the patient portal messaging function?

physician records through a portal can also improve patient-physician communication, and result in improved access and adherence. One large study giving patients the ability to view doctors’ notes via a portal found that patients accessed care notes frequently, improved understanding of their care, and increased their medication adherence . 10

How do you encourage providers to use the Portal approach?

In order to enhance hospital-patient relationships in a holistic manner, we hypothesize that an integrated environment (e.g. patient portal) supporting shared decision making and communication in a patient´s care situation and in the same time providing communication processes for patient research engagement will optimize the patient-hospital relationship and …


How does patient portal improve communication?

The care team is now able to keep in contact with patients more reliably and ask them direct questions when needed. Using the portal has enabled the organization to be more transparent and interactive with patients, and to proactively send patients the information they need.

How do you improve patient portals?

Here are some ways to encourage patient enrollment:
  1. Include information about the patient portal on your organization's website.
  2. Provide patients with an enrollment link before the initial visit to create a new account.
  3. Encourage team members to mention the patient portal when patients call to schedule appointments.
Jun 25, 2020

How do patient portals improve patient outcomes?

Most of the portal interventions used tailored alerts or educational resources tailored to the patient's condition. Patient portal interventions lead to improvements in a wide range of psychobehavioral outcomes, such as health knowledge, self-efficacy, decision making, medication adherence, and preventive service use.Dec 19, 2019

How do patient portals help patients?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits. Discharge summaries.Sep 29, 2017

How do you optimize patient portals for patient engagement and meet meaningful use requirements?

Meet Meaningful Use Requirements

The portal must be engaging and user- friendly, and must support patient-centered outcomes. The portal also must be integrated into clinical encounters so the care team uses it to convey information, communicate with patients, and support self-care and decision-making as indicated.

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?
  • Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.
  • Con: Healthcare data security concerns.
  • Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.
  • Con: Difficult patient buy-in.
  • Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.
Feb 17, 2016

What should be in a patient portal?

A robust patient portal should include the following features:
  • Clinical summaries.
  • Secure (HIPAA-compliant) messaging.
  • Online bill pay.
  • New patient registration.
  • Ability to update demographic information.
  • Prescription renewals and contact lens ordering.
  • Appointment requests.
  • Appointment reminders.

Why do some patients fail to participate in the use of the patient portal?

The reason why most patients do not want to use their patient portal is because they see no value in it, they are just not interested. The portals do not properly incentivize the patient either intellectually (providing enough data to prove useful) or financially.

What is a patient portal quizlet?

Terms in this set (25)

Patient Portal. Web-based service that provides patients online access to their health information and allows them to communicate with their healthcare provider, schedule appointments, view billing statements, and accomplish more health-related tasks.

How do patient portals improve nursing practice?

Engaging patients in the delivery of health care has the potential to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction. Patient portals may enhance patient engagement by enabling patients to access their electronic medical records (EMRs) and facilitating secure patient-provider communication.

Are patient portals effective?

Patient portal interventions were overall effective in improving a few psychological outcomes, medication adherence, and preventive service use. There was insufficient evidence to support the use of patient portals to improve clinical outcomes.

What is the role of an HIM professional with regards to patient portals?

The HIM professional's role will be to help manage that access portal and to help patients manage the information held within it.

Why do medical assistants use patient portals?

Medical assistants promoted the patient portal as a way for patients to establish a direct line of communication with their provider. Patients registered with the portal can avoid using the BVCHC call center, which receives a large volume of calls.

What is BVCHC portal?

BVCHC found it helpful to designate point persons for portal enrollment, such as medical assistants, to engage patients one on one. Consequently, providers are not burdened with the enrollment process, but they can encourage patients to use the portal. Moreover, assigning a dedicated triage nurse to serve as the gatekeeper for messages coming through the portal has eased provider concerns about email volume and time required for patient communication.

What is BVCHC in Pawtucket?

BVCHC is a federally-qualified, Joint Commission-accredited health center located in Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island. Established in 1990, BVCHC provides a range of services, including pediatric, internal medicine, family medicine, midwifery and obstetrics/gynecology, dental, and behavioral health.

What is N#EHR?

Patient-Specific Education Resources.#N#EHR has an integrated patient education tool that allows clinical staff to search and select from more than 600 summaries on diagnoses and symptoms and more than 1,000 medications. Materials, which are available and English and Spanish, can be printed out and reviewed with patients at the time of the visit.

What is BVCHC kiosk?

BVCHC is purchasing computer terminal kiosks for use in the waiting rooms to help patients complete the registration process while still on-site so that they continue to be engaged after the patient portal is explained to them and subsequently begin using the secured messaging feature.

What is BVCHC in Rhode Island?

BVCHC serves as the home and support center for a network of health centers committed to advancing health IT in Rhode Island. Since the health center converted to electronic health records in 2007, BVCHC has supported several implementations by other practices and collaborates with the Rhode Island REC.

What is the role of communication in healthcare?

When engaging and caring for patients, effective communication is an essential duty of a provider and paramount for shared decision-making and patient-centered care. Communication throughout a patient’s interaction with the health care system, including during diagnosis, treatment, and transitions to other settings ...

Is oral communication still important?

Other research assessing the impact of computer-mediated handovers has also concluded that oral communication is still an essential component of effective and accurate communication across providers and that it should not be overlooked as the use of HIT continues to increase.

How to improve patient portal?

In addition, patients’ presence on patient portals unlocks for them the opportunities to: 1 schedule appointments hassle-free 2 improve their health awareness with a wide range of educational resources 3 communicate with healthcare professionals directly 4 get valuable insights in their health history with a variety of data.

Why are patient portals important?

One of the top benefits of patient portal usage is dramatic increase of patient engagement due to opening various possibilities of involvement for patients in their healthcare upon patient portal activation and utilization.

Why is patient engagement important in healthcare?

According to the World Health Organization Report, patient engagement became an integral component of healthcare as patients once involved in the process are more capable of taking informed decisions in favor of healthcare awareness.

Why are portals beneficial?

Portals are beneficial in terms of managing the process of patient registration with ease. Patient portals enable easy-to-perform sign in to get access to the records or complete patient forms for having a test, getting insights with health history data, tapping in immunization records, or lists of prescribed medication lists.

What is online appointment scheduling?

Online Appointment Scheduling is one of the most important features on patient portal as it enables patients, regardless of their actual location, to make an appointment on a certain date or on those time slots that suit patients best.

What is the ultimate requirement for compliance with HIPAA regulations?

It should be noted that the ultimate requirement for compliance with HIPAA regulations demands that all patient portal vendors ensure the restricted access to protected health information by enabling the usage of a secure username and the strong password for each individual user.



Communication with Patients

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Communication Across Providers

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