5 hours ago 1. If you receive another call before accurately completing the patient care report from the previous call: pertinent details about the previous call may be omitted inadvertently. If you … >> Go To The Portal
If you receive another call before completing the patient care report accurately for the previous call: A) you should submit what you have completed to the receiving facility. B) pertinent details about the previous call may be omitted inadvertently. C) your patient care report must be completed within 36 hours after the call.
D) advise the receiving provider that he or she will return to the emergency department with the completed patient care report within 24 hours. 35. Additions or notations added to a completed patient care report by someone other than the original author:
The accuracy of your patient care report depends on all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A) including all pertinent event times. B) the severity of the patient's condition. C) the thoroughness of the narrative section. D) documenting any extenuating circumstances.
The patient care report: A) provides for a continuum of patient care upon arrival at the hospital. B) is a legal document and should provide a brief description of the patient. C) should include the paramedic's subjective findings or personal thoughts.
The primary purpose of the Patient Care Report (PCR) is to document all care and pertinent patient information as well as serving as a data collection tool.
Emt E. When providing patient care, it is MOST important that you maintain effective communication with: your partner.
A pertinent negative might be a patient's denial of pain after an automobile crash or a lack of difficulty in breathing in a case of chest pain. By noting the absence of pertinent signs and symptoms, you will provide the medical team that takes over care of the patient a fuller picture of his condition.
Which of the following scenarios reflects a violation of EMTALA? A hospital transfers an unstable patient to another facility. If a mentally competent adult refuses emergency medical treatment, your FIRST action should be to: try to determine why he or she is refusing treatment.
Skillful communication enables healthcare providers to establish rapport with their patients, solicit crucial health information, and work effectively with all members of a care team and the public.
When arriving at a patient's residence, all of the following signs would indicate that the patient is visually impaired, except: a small dog penned up in the backyard.
When receiving orders from medical direction, you should do all of the following EXCEPT: give the patient's name over the radio. When communicating with an elderly patient: remember that many elderly patients are well-oriented and physically able.
At what point in the patient assessment process do you investigate the chief complaint? You investigate the chief complaint during history taking, as well as taking a SAMPLE history.
When evaluating a patient with multiple complaints, the EMT's responsibility is to: A. direct his or her attention to the most obvious signs and symptoms.
Which of the following is an example of a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)? A patient with low blood pressure and tachycardia is transferred to another hospital without intravenous access or supplemental oxygen.
When responding to an emergency scene, it is MOST important to: proceed in a manner that is timely and safe. A paramedic is considered a health care professional, and as such should: meet societal expectations whether he or she is on or off duty.
WebMD and Georgia Health News found that the most common EMTALA violations were for failing to conduct thorough medical screening exams, accounting for more than 1,300 of the violations.