35 hours ago IEC’s online patient registration service saves time by providing all of the forms that both new and established patients need in one convenient and secure portal. Before your appointment, register by filling in the form completely and transmitting it to IEC. Once registered, you can fill out New Patient forms to submit electronically. >> Go To The Portal
IEC’s online patient registration service saves time by providing all of the forms that both new and established patients need in one convenient and secure portal. Before your appointment, register by filling in the form completely and transmitting it to IEC. Once registered, you can fill out New Patient forms to submit electronically.
IEC. Login to access your account. CC No. Password. Enter the Captcha code. Login. Forgot password? Developed & Maintained By.
Welcome! Welcome to IEC online training. This site is your portal to first-class training.
A patient portal can serve as an educational hub to promote a healthy lifestyle, help patients understand their condition and treatment better, and alert them to potential health risks. Feedback aggregation Survey forms can be integrated with the portal …
Welcome to IEC online training.#N#This site is your portal to first-class training.
Welcome to IEC online training.#N#This site is your portal to first-class training.
Welcome to myHFS - the secure Web site for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. This Web site allows authorized users online access to departmental information on the following HFS programs:
Resources are available to assist you with establishing and troubleshooting your MEDI access:
Providers can register to receive E-mail notification, when new provider information has been posted to the Web site, by completing the form for Provider Releases and Bulletins E-mail Notification Request.
Ethics committee approval is mandatory for applications to all journals, grants, stipends, etc. (the ICMR-STS for example). The committee ensures your project is upto code and meets all ethical standards. All institutions have an Ethics committee and students of KMC can apply to the Institutional Ethics Committee of KMC and KH.
Do not write 2 months as your study period. The IEC approval will normally take a little more than a month but may take longer if the you are asked to correct some mistakes and re-submit. So if you write ‘2 months’, your ethical clearance would be over before you start your study.