how to write observations in a patient case report

by Gavin Auer 5 min read

How to write a patient case report - OUP Academic

31 hours ago Purpose: Guidelines for writing patient case reports, with a focus on medication-related reports, are provided. Summary: The format of a patient case report encompasses the following five sections: an abstract, an … >> Go To The Portal

Start with factual information like the date, time, and place of the observation. Proceed to write down all observations that you made. Keep these observations straightforward and clear.

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How do you write a case report for a patient?

Develop a descriptive and succinct working title that describes the phenomenon of greatest interest (symptom, diagnostic test, diagnosis, intervention, outcome). WHAT happened. Gather the clinical information associated with patient visits in this this case report to create a timeline as a figure or table.

What information should be included in an observation report?

Include as much information as you can during the time of observation. If you are observing a child in a classroom setting, don’t just focus on the child’s behavior; take note of the classroom, the environment, and the type of activity that they were doing that day. Any incidents that occur during the observation should be noted as well.

How do you write a narrative report on a patient?

□ Describe the case in a narrative form. □ Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation). □ Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials). □ Describe the patient’s complaint. □ List the patient’s present illness. □ List the patient’s medical history. □ List the patient’s family history.

How do you present a patient case in an essay?

Patient case presentation □ Describe the case in a narrative form. □ Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation). □ Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials). □ Describe the patient’s complaint.


How do you write a patient case report Example?

III. Patient case presentationDescribe the case in a narrative form.Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation).Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials).Describe the patient's complaint.List the patient's present illness.List the patient's medical history.More items...•

How do you write a patient case summary?

Summary: The format of a patient case report encompasses the following five sections: an abstract, an introduction and objective that contain a literature review, a description of the case report, a discussion that includes a detailed explanation of the literature review, a summary of the case, and a conclusion.

How do I write a medical case report?

Provide details of the clinical presentation and examinations, including those from imaging and laboratory studies. Describe the treatments, follow-up, and final diagnosis adequately. Summarize the essential features and compare the case report with the literature. Explain the rationale for reporting the case.

How do you write a case study diagnosis?

When thinking of writing your own case study, consider these eight steps to help get you started:Gather information to create a profile for a subject. ... Choose a case study method. ... Collect information regarding the subject's background. ... Describe the subject's symptoms or problems. ... Analyze the data and establish a diagnosis.More items...•

How do you present a case report?

Case Presentation. The case report should be chronological and detail the history, physical findings, and investigations followed by the patient's course. At this point, you may wish to include more details than you might have time to present, prioritizing the content later.

How do you write a conclusion for a case report?

What to put in your case study conclusions. A case study ending is your opportunity to bring some closure to the story that you are writing. So, you can use it to mention the status of the project (e.g., is it ongoing or has it ended?) and then to demonstrate the impact that your work has had.

How do you write a case report PDF?

The sections of the case report are the title, abstract with keywords, introduction, case description, discussion with conclusions and references. The case report should be clear, concise, coherent, and must convey a crisp message. Common pitfalls and mistakes will be discussed.

What is a patient case presentation?

A patient case presentation is a demonstration of a learner's knowledge and skills related to the management of disease states and drug therapies through application to an actual patient case. Typical Information Included in a Patient Case Presentation. 1.

How do you analyze a case study example?

The case study analysis can be broken down into the following steps:Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.Identify the key issue or issues.Specify alternative courses of action.Evaluate each course of action.Recommend the best course of action.

How do you answer a case study example?


What should be included in a case study?

A case study exampleStart with a clear headline. This should be like a newspaper headline that gives the most important information. ... Provide a snapshot. ... Introduce the client. ... State the problem, consequences, & hesitations. ... Describe the solution. ... Share the results & benefits. ... Conclude with words of advice and a CTA.

What should I do after writing a case report?

Once you have written a draft of the case report, you should seek feedback on your writing, from experts in the field if possible, or from those who have written case reports before .

Why is it important to write a case report?

the reason you would go to the trouble of writing one, is that the case is sufficiently unique, rare or interesting such that other medical professionals will learn something from it.

What is required to submit a case report?

Journals often have specific requirements for publishing case reports, which could include a requirement for informed consent, a letter or statement from the IRB and other things.

Is it free to publish a case report?

Be aware that it may not be free to publish your case report. Many journals charge publication fees. Of note, many open access journals charge author fees of thousands of dollars. Other journals have smaller page charges (i.e. $60 per page), and still others will publish for free, with an "open access option".

Do you need informed consent for a case report?

Although not technically required, especially if the case report does not include any identifying information, some journals require informed consent for all case reports. The CARE guidelines recommend obtaining informed consent AND the patient's perspective on the treatment/outcome (if possible).

Do journals have informed consent?

Journals may have their own informed consent form that they would like you to use, so please look for this when selecting a journal. Once you've identified the case, selected an appropriate journal (s), and considered informed consent, you can collect the required information to write the case report.

Does HIPAA apply to case reports?

First, you will be collecting protected health information, thus HIPAA applies to case reports. Spectrum Health has created a very helpful guidance document for case reports, which you can see here: Case Report Guidance - Spectrum Health. While this guidance document was created by Spectrum Health, the rules and regulations outlined could apply ...

What to ask for in a case report?

It is often best to ask for informed consent and the patient’s perspective before you begin writing your case report. Appendices (If indicated). Submission to a scientific journal. Follow author guidelines and journal submission requirements when writing and submitting your case report to a scientific journal.

Do you need informed consent for a journal?

The patient should provide informed consent (including a patient perspective) and the author should provide this information if requested. Some journals have consent forms which must be used regardless of informed consents you have obtained. Rarely, additional approval (e.g., IRB or ethics commission) may be needed.

What is a case report?

Case report definition states that in medical practice, it is a paper documenting the diagnosis, symptoms, applied treatment and case follow up of a patient. Case reports serve as the first-line piece of evidence in medical literature. The purpose of a case report is to communicate evidence-based information on clinical trials.

Why are case reports important?

Case reports have become a rapid dissemination of knowledge for a medical audience. From diagnosis of a medical condition to scientific observations and the optimal course of treatment, a case report presents clinical insights, aiming to expand medical knowledge.

What is the conclusion of a case report?

Conclusion: The conclusion is a summary of the findings and learning points for the medical professionals, including clinical impacts of the case report. The conclusion also lists if the report deals with a specific clinical specialty or it will have a clinical impact on a broader spectrum.

What is the first page of a case report?

You can take assistance from the given format generally adopted for writing the case report: 1. Title Page. The first page must be a title page, including a short, comprehensive description of your manuscript, full names of author and participants, institutional and email addresses.

Is a case report a formal report?

Overall, reports adhere to a formal case report format but if you have a passion to share your medical experience and insights with people, it can become a lifelong hobby. Thus , the above-mentioned guidelines will definitely help you write a coherent, clear and impactful case report for publication to benefit the scientific community.

Can you add reflection to a case report?

You can add patient’s reflection about his disease, his experiences while seeking medical advice and treatments, and description of symptoms. However, to avoid making it subjective or patient-centered, you should add only relevant details in the report.

Is a case report mandatory in JMCR?

It is a compulsory section in both JMCR and BMC guidelines. You need to seek the patient’s consent for publishing his case report in the medical journal. You have to submit a statement in writing to the BMC along with your manuscript.

What is the role of case reports in medical imaging?

Two main roles are recognized for case reports published in medical imaging and radiology journals: as sources of new knowledge and as important means for education and learning.

What should be the introduction of a case report?

The introduction should be concise and immediately attract the attention and interest of the reader. The introduction should provide background information on why the case is worth reading and publishing, and provides an explanation of the focus of the case report, for example: “We present/report a case of ….”.

What is case report?

Abstract. A case report is a description of important scientific observations that are missed or undetectable in clinical trials. This includes a rare or unusual clinical condition, a previously unreported or unrecognized disease, unusual side effects to therapy or response to treatment, and unique use of imaging modalities or diagnostic tests ...

Why are case reports important?

Although case reports are regarded by some as the lowest (some even do not list the case reports at all) in the hierarchy of evidence in the medical literature, publishing case reports allow for anecdotal sharing of individual experiences , providing essential sources of information for the optimum care of patients.

Should the author's interpretation or inferences be avoided in the body of a case report?

The author's own interpretation or inferences should be avoided in the body of a case report. Tables/figures should be used to reveal chronological findings or to compare observations using different methods.

Is a case report a literature review?

The discussion section of a case report is not designed to provide a comprehensive literature review and citation of all references; therefore, all the references cited should be critically evaluated. Any limitations of the case should be stated and the significance of each limitation described.

What is a case report?

Case Report: A Beginner’s Guide with Examples. A case report is a descriptive study that documents an unusual clinical phenomenon in a single patient. It describes in details the patient’s history, signs, symptoms, test results, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

Why do we need case reports?

Case reports offer, in general a fast, easy and cheap way to report an unusual observation or a rare event in a clinical setting, as these have very small probability of being detected in an experimental study because of limitations on the number of patients that can be included.

What is an example of recovery from the passage of an iron bar through the head?

This is an interesting case of a construction foreman named Phineas Gage. [ Source] In 1848, due to an explosion at work, an iron bar passed through his head destroying a large portion of his brain’s frontal lobe.

Is a case report causal?

Observing a relationship between an exposure and a disease in a case report does not mean that it is causal in nature. The absence of a control group that provides a benchmark or a point of reference against which we compare our results. A control group is important to eliminate the role of external factors which can interfere with ...

Is a case report representative of the entire population?

So, results from a case report cannot be representative of the entire population.

What is an observation report?

An observation report is a piece of document that contains comprehensive information about a child. This document can be used as the basis to assess a child’s overall development.

What should be noted during an observation?

Any incidents that occur during the observation should be noted as well. It is highly likely that the behaviors exhibited by the child will be influenced by the events and environment on the day of the observation.

Why are observation notes important?

Observation notes provide a wealth of information about a child. Observation notes can be used to assess a child’s behavior and development , which is why it’s important to create a report that is comprehensive and easy to understand .

What information to include when observing a child?

What Information to Include. Include as much information as you can during the time of observation. If you are observing a child in a classroom setting, don’t just focus on the child’s behavior; take note of the classroom, the environment, and the type of activity that they were doing that day. Any incidents that occur during ...

How to observe a child's socialization?

If you want to observe a child’s socialization skills, schedule the observation while the child is at a playdate with friends. If you want to observe a child in the school setting, schedule the observation on a weekday when the child is in class. Be mindful of the time and date of your observation. If a child is particularly slow ...

1. Talk to Colleagues

If you encounter a striking or unique patient case in your clinical practice that seems worthy of a case report, talk to your colleagues and senior clinicians to determine if the patient case is of interest for further research and documentation in the form of a case report.

2. Conduct Research

Once you have determined the viability of a patient case for a case report, conduct research to ensure this case will present new and/or unique findings to the wound care community. Use online medical databases to research peer-reviewed journal articles to review similar cases and/or the condition (s) presenting in your patient.

3. Seek Permission

Gain the permission of the patient (s), or in the case of a deceased patient, the next-of-kin. You may also need to seek permission from the patient's primary case manager depending on your position and facility protocol.

4. Compile the Patient Background and History

Create the presentation of the patient case and wound care treatment. Include the clinical background of the case. It is in this section that you will describe the case and start with the basics:

5. Document Wound Assessment

Once you have set the stage, follow up with the wound assessment. Describe the location, etiology, wound history, size, and appearance of tissue, exudate and periwound skin.

6. Describe Treatment Protocol

The next section should address and explain the treatment protocol that was implemented. Describe your wound management approach here. List what treatment intervention and/or product (s) were used, how much, frequency of dressing change and any other pertinent information.

7. Document Results

Describe and detail what wound changes you observed and at what time intervals during the treatment process. Discuss how many days transpired until closure was observed.
