3 hours ago Medical marijuana dispensaries, Mass. Executive Office of Health and Human Services. Provides the location and hours of all registered medical marijuana dispensaries in Massachusetts. Open letter to all Federal firearms licensees, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, September 21, 2011. "any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her State has ... >> Go To The Portal
While some clinicians may choose to advertise their services, the Commission is prohibited from sharing the identity of any provider who is registered with us. Patients and Caregivers may conduct their own research to find a Certifying Healthcare Provider who may issue Medical Use of Marijuana Program certifications in Massachusetts.
Note: Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers began reporting sales information in the Commission’s seed-to-sale tracking system in 2019. Previous year reports are unavailable. Row count unavailable. Row count unavailable. Row count unavailable. meetings and other events to keep you informed. Cannabis Control Commission.
The process to register as a certifying health care provider with the Medical Use of Marijuana Program is done on the MMJ online system. Before continuing to the website, please click the links below for more information about the process, such as required documents, fees and more.
Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers offer tested products with detailed packaging and labeling information about product contents and statewide access for patients. Under Massachusetts law, the sale of medical-use marijuana is not subject to tax.
Guidance on home cultivation. To grow marijuana in your home: You must be at least 21 years old.
Recreational marijuana law: best practices for landlords, Law Office of Renee Lazar. Provides guidance on smoking and cultivating in residential tenancies. What you can do about second-hand smoke, Nolo. Provides possible tactics for dealing with a neighbor who is sharing secondhand marijuana smoke.
The plants can't be visible from a public place without the use of binoculars, aircraft or other optical aids. You can't manufacture at home marijuana or hemp by means of any liquid or gas, other than alcohol, that has a flashpoint below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Guidance for consumption of marijuana for adult use.
Can my financial aid be affected by marijuana use? and other marijuana-related concerns for college students, MassLive, April 2019.#N#Even though recreational use is legal in Massachusetts, use by college students can cause "a major legal headache and the potential loss of financial aid if a student does not follow the law."
Guidance for consumption of marijuana for adult use. "Like alcohol, you cannot have an open container of adult-use marijuana or marijuana products in the passenger area of your car while on the road or at a place where the public has access.
If you know you have a substance use problem, it’s time to talk to your doctor, even if the drug (s) you’re using are illegal. The point of talking to your doctor is to seek and obtain the kind of treatment that will help you stop abusing drugs and end your addiction. Your doctor can help you find the right treatment.
The biggest fear people face when just thinking about admitting substance use to their doctor is consequences. Discomfort grows when a person is using an illegal substance. The biggest fear is being reported to the authorities. Thanks to doctor-patient confidentiality, this fear is often only as big as you make it.
The oath serves as a sort of moral guide , and medical practitioners must abide by a code of ethics. While doctor’s view patient-physician confidentiality as a fundamental tenet of their code of ethics, they are bound to abide by it within the constraints of the law. Harm Must be Reported: By law and ethics, a doctor must report severe bodily injury.
Those records can then be submitted to your insurance agency, and they can then use those records to increase premiums, deny payment, or deny coverage for certain conditions and/or procedures. It is possible that admitting to drug use could affect future coverage when most needed.
Harm Must be Reported: By law and ethics, a doctor must report severe bodily injury. For example, if a doctor were to fail to report a bullet or gunshot wound, a powder burn, or other injury resulting from the discharge of a gun or firearm, they risk a Class A misdemeanor.
A doctor cannot discuss the information you share in confidence, and if they do, you can take legal recourse, even when admitting something like heroin or cocaine use. If you choose to talk to your doctor about illegal substance use, you can, in most cases, rest assured that your conversation will remain confidential.