how to file a report for patient neglect colorado

by Desmond Boyer Jr. 6 min read

Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline Reporting …

3 hours ago If you believe the abuse or neglect involves a Medicaid funded facility or provider, call the Colorado Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit at 720-508-6696 or file a complaint online. Sign Up For Fraud Alerts >> Go To The Portal

In the state of Colorado, if you suspect someone is suffering from self-neglect or abuse by another, you can make a good faith report by calling Adult Protective Services (APS) by county. An investigation will be initiated concerning the reported nature of abuse and the alleged perpetrators.

Full Answer

How do I report child abuse and neglect in Colorado?

About the hotline system The Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline, 844-CO-4-Kids, became operational on January 1, 2015. The hotline is designed to provide one, easy-to-remember toll-free phone number for individuals to use statewide to report suspected child abuse and neglect.

How to report adult mistreatment or self-neglect in Colorado?

Suspect adult mistreatment or self-neglect? Call your county intake number The Colorado Adult Protective Services (APS) program was established in statute in 1983, and rules detail how the APS program must be implemented.

How do I file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Health?

File a complaint with the DOI here. Call the DOI helpline: (800) 930-3745. The Chronic Care Collaborative (CCC) is the guiding voice, made up of 34 leading, voluntary health organizations within Colorado, whose main purpose is to advocate, inform, and educate regarding health policy issues that affect people living with a chronic disease.

What happens if you don’t report child abuse and neglect?

Yes, there are legal consequences for not reporting. You could be charged with a class 3 misdemeanor, receive a fine of $750 and/or imprisonment up to six months, and be liable for what the law terms “damages approximately caused” if you fail to report a suspicion of child abuse or neglect.


How do I file a complaint with the Colorado medical board?

To file a complaint you must first file an appeal with your health plan.File a complaint with the DOI here.Call the DOI helpline: (800) 930-3745.

How do I file a grievance in Colorado?

To file a complaint against an attorney, contact the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel by calling (303) 457-5800, or toll free (877) 888-1370 or by using the following online complaint form.

How do I report a nurse in Colorado?

FILING A COMPLAINT: Any complaint against a licensed nurse must be filed with the Colorado Dept. of Regulatory Agencies DORA) here: The association does not accept or file complaints against licensed nurses in Colorado.

How do I file a complaint against DHS Colorado?

Online: Fill out this form. Phone: 303.866. 3275. Email:

How do I file a motion response in Colorado?

Simply fill out the response form, telling the court why you disagree with the other party's position. When you file the response, you will be asked to pay a filing fee. You do not need to “prove” your case in the response; you simply need to tell the court what you believe to be true.

How do I report an appraisal in Colorado?

Complaints must be submitted in writing. The Division does strongly encourage the use of the online complaint process. Written complaints may be mailed to the Colorado Division of Real Estate, 1560 Broadway Suite 925, Denver, Colorado 80202.

What is the most common reason nurses are disciplined by state boards of nursing?

The most frequent reason for discipline is practicing while impaired. SBNs set and enforce minimum criteria for nursing education programs. Schools of nursing must have state approval to operate.

What is unprofessional conduct in nursing?

According to the Medical Practice Act, unprofessional conduct includes "any departure from or failure to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice and shall also include, but not be limited to the prescribing or use of drugs, treatment or diagnostic procedures which are detrimental ...

What happens if a nurse violates the code of ethics?

As much as nurses try to avoid it, ethical violations do occur. Breaches in nursing ethics, depending on the incident, can have significant ramifications for nurses. They may face discipline from their state board of nursing, or from their employer. They can also face litigation.

Who oversees CPS Colorado?

Colorado's child welfare system is state supervised and administered by Colorado's 64 counties. CDHS's Division of Child Welfare oversees child welfare practice, provides policy direction and provides 80 percent of the funding for services.

How do I file a complaint with the city of Denver?

Call 311 for all other Denver matters and complaints. Commendations are forwarded to the relevant department to be handled according to their internal policies and procedures. All complaints that fall within the OIM's jurisdiction are forwarded to the Denver Police Department or Department of Safety.

Where can I complain about a company?

10 Effective Ways to Complain About a Company OnlineGo to the company website. ... Contact the Better Business Bureau. ... Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). ... Check out the Ripoff Report. ... Email ... Try Yelp. ... Post on Planet Feedback. ... Google your attorney general.More items...

How many reports of self-neglect are there in Colorado?

APS receives more than 25,000 reports of suspected mistreatment or self-neglect in Colorado each year. Mistreatment includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, caretaker neglect, exploitation, and other harmful acts committed by another person against an at-risk adult. Self-neglect occurs when the at-risk adult substantially endangers their health, safety, and welfare because they are not meeting their essential human needs.

What is self neglect in Colorado?

Mistreatment and self-neglect. APS receives more than 25,000 reports of suspected mistreatment or self-neglect in Colorado each year. Mistreatment includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, caretaker neglect, exploitation, and other harmful acts committed by another person against an at-risk adult. Self-neglect occurs when the at-risk adult ...

What is APS in Colorado?

The Colorado Adult Protective Services (APS) program was established in statute in 1983, and rules detail how the APS program must be implemented. APS investigates allegations of physical and sexual abuse, caretaker neglect, exploitation and harmful acts (collectively referred to as "mistreatment") and self-neglect of at-risk adults.

What is the Colorado Statute of Confidentiality?

Colorado statute requires that all reports to APS and all subsequent case information remain confidential unless a court orders a release of information for good cause, with a few exceptions outlined in statute.

What to do if you suspect an at-risk adult?

If you suspect an at-risk adult may be experiencing mistreatment or is self-neglecting his or her basic needs, call the county department where the at-risk adult lives to make a report. It’s OK to report even if you just suspect something is wrong as long as you make the report in good faith.

What happens if you make a false report?

If you knowingly make a false report it is a class 3 misdemeanor and if you are charged and convicted, you could receive a fine of up to $750, six months in jail, or both.

Is APS report confidential?

In Colorado, APS report and case information is confidential and, except in limited circumstances established in statute, cannot be shared without a court order for good cause. APS must also adhere to several ethical principles, including the at-risk adult’s right to self-determination, consent to services, and APS should provide protective services that are the least restrictive services that will meet the adult’s health and safety needs.

What is Medicaid fraud?

Fraudulent conduct by Medicaid providers and individuals involved with providing Medicaid services. The abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals in health care facilities that receive Medicaid funds or in board and care facilities.

Does the Attorney General's Office have the authority to investigate a case?

Please be prepared to provide your contact information, such as your name, address, phone number, and your email address. The Attorney General’s Office does not have authority to provide legal advice or legal representation to individuals and does not have the authority to investigate or prosecute your individual case.

What is the DOI number for Colorado?

Call the DOI helpline: (800) 930-3745. The Chronic Care Collaborative (CCC) is the guiding voice, made up of 34 leading, voluntary health organizations within Colorado, whose main purpose is to advocate, inform, and educate regarding health policy issues that affect people living with a chronic disease.

How long does it take to get a decision from a medical denial?

A physician not involved in the original denial of care must review your appeal of denial. You must receive a decision in writing or electronically within 30 days. A second review is required if your first appeal is denied – with a meeting scheduled within 60 days.

How long does it take to file an appeal against a health insurance decision?

If you disagree with your health plan’s decision, you have the right to file an appeal within 180 days.

How long does it take for a health plan to make an external appeal?

The health plan must make a decision on external appeals within 45 days of the request’s filing .

Where To Report Elder Neglect And Abuse In Colorado – Helplines, Hotlines, and Referral Sources

To report suspected elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation in Colorado:

Colorado State Government Agencies

The following agencies can help you file a complaint against a nursing or long-term care facility, as well as provide you with additional information and support regarding senior neglect and abuse:
