how is a psychological patient report set up

by Audreanne Medhurst V 9 min read

How to Compose a Report in Clinical Psychology - Exploring your mind

8 hours ago  · State your major findings, which should include a mention of the statistics used the observed and critical values and whether or not your results were found to be significant, including the level of significance. Briefly summarise what your study shows, the conclusion of your findings and any implications it may have. >> Go To The Portal

The assessment report of the psychologist is written on the basis of a strict psychodiagnostic examination of the client, compiled and conducted according to particular rules. It is impossible to write the assessment on the basis of the psychologist’s subjective view of the client after psychological counseling.

Full Answer

How to write a psychological report?

In a psychological report, the basic demographic data of the patient or client will be taken into account first, who requests the report and / or its objective, a brief description of what happens to him and that it has come to us, the data of the center and professional who is attending or making the report. 5.

How to write a report in the clinical setting?

Writing a report in the clinical setting may seem easy, but it must be taken into account that it must reflect the entire element, person or situation to be analyzed in a way that is understandable. Below are a series of steps to take into account to do it correctly. Focusing on the psychological report and especially the clinician . 1.

What does a psychologist record in a case report?

Here, the psychologist will record the investigations of other professionals that they deem worthy of reference and that may be relevant to the patient’s current situation. 5. Treatment Here, the professional must specify what areas of the patient’s life and behavior they intend to treat, as well as the specific treatments they’ll use.

What is a psychological assessment report?

A psychological assessment report is a document that contains the psychological assessment of a person. Psychological assessment is the way of testing the behaviour, personality and abilities of a person using techniques where the psychologist can arrive with hypotheses. It can also be called psychological testing.


How do you format a psychological report?

Psychological Report WritingInclude a one sentence summary, giving the topic to be studied. ... Describe the participants, number used and how they were selected.Describe the method and design used and any questionnaires etc.More items...•

What does a psychological report include?

The psychological report generally contains the following elements: The date of the assessment, and the client's name, sex and date of birth. The origin and description of the question (the assignment). Progress of the research.

What are the steps involved in a psychological assessment?

Assessments are separated into 4 phases: Interviews and information gathering. Testing. Analysis, formulation, and report writing. Feedback session to ensure accurate understanding and distribution of information.

How do you organize a psychological evaluation?

To start the process of getting a psychological evaluation, reach out to a medical professional, such as a family doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. You may be referred to another professional for the assessment if it is outside their specialty area.

How is a report written?

Reports typically stick only to the facts, although they may include some of the author's interpretation of these facts, most likely in the conclusion. Moreover, reports are heavily organized, commonly with tables of contents and copious headings and subheadings.

What makes a good psychological report?

The consensus from studies across four decades of research is that effective psychological reports connect to the client's context; have clear links between the referral questions and the answers to these questions; have integrated interpretations; address client strengths and problem areas; have specific, concrete, ...

What is the first step in a psychological assessment?

What is the process for psychological assessment? Psychological assessment begins with a formal clinical interview with the individual client. The interview includes questions regarding the client's developmental history, recent life experiences, occupational/academic functioning, and family background.

What questions do they ask in a psychological assessment?

7 Group questionsHow do you feel about the story you just heard? ... What were your thoughts regarding the signs and symptoms of this mental health issue? ... How would you react if you noticed these in someone you care about?How might taking action benefit you and the person you care about?More items...•

What are the four different types of psychological tests?

Psychological AssessmentsTypes of Psychological Testing. ... Psychological testing is divided into four primary types: ... The Clinical Interview. ... Assessment of Intellectual Functioning (IQ) ... Verbal Comprehension Scale. ... Personality Assessment. ... Objective Tests. ... Projective Tests.More items...

What should be included in a mental health assessment?

During your assessment, you will be asked questions about: Your mental health and your general health. This includes how your mental health problem is making you feel, how you are coping with the symptoms and whether these make it difficult for you to look after yourself properly.

Why Should We Have To Undergo a Psychological Assessment?

There are various reasons why we have to undergo a psychological assessment. Sometimes we have difficulties and we have to take the psychological t...

How Can I Find a Psychologist That Can Give Me a Psychological Assessment?

In searching a psychologist, know the expertise of the particular test that you need. Then there are many ways on how you can find the psychologist...

How Much Does a Psychological Assessment Cost?

There are government services that can provide psychological assessment to you free of charge. Examples of these are schools and health centers. Bu...

How Can I Make My Psychological Report Writing Better?

Verify the solid data that you have. Be sure that you are going to include accurate information only. To have some great skills, use any psychologi...

What is psychological report?

In a psychological report, the basic demographic data of the patient or client will be taken into account first, who requests the report and / or its objective, a brief description of what happens to him and that it has come to us, the data of the center and professional who is attending or making the report. 5.

What is contrasted data in psychology?

In a psychological report must appear contrasted data , that another person could replicate through the same procedures carried out. Thus, it should be based on what was reflected by the client and the tests carried out and not transcribe personal opinions or inferences.

When should a psychological report be reflected?

After the evaluation of the case, it must be reflected if any type of action or intervention has been carried out. If we are facing a psychological report, it is necessary to reflect the objectives that are proposed to reach with a possible intervention, negotiated with the patient or client.

How to make a report correctly?

1. Be clear about the type of report you do, for what and about what / who you are doing. Although it may seem obvious, the first step to make a report correctly is to know what we are carrying out, the type of report and the data that we will reflect on it. This will allow to structure the information in a certain way or another and ...

Why is it important to take into account the fact that it is done?

At the time of writing a report, it is essential to take into account that it is done so that other people or the same professional at different times can understand what happened and carried out throughout the process that is being reflected.

Why is it important to record changes?

You should also record possible changes that have had to be carried out. It is very important to reflect the evolution of the subject or situation, as well as the tests and psychological assessment methods that may have been carried out to assess it in the case of applying.

Is it the same to make a report full of technicalities that only another professional in the sector can understand?

The public to whom it is addressed should be taken into account: it is not the same to make a report full of technicalities that only another professional in the sector can understand that prepare it, for example, deliver it or make a return to the patient / client of what happened.

3.Physical and Behavioral Observation

The interviews were conducted twice a week since the 12 of December until the 10th of January; there was one personal meeting with the patient and one with his mother being present weekly. James behaved acceptably, he was never late to the interview, even to those that he attended just by himself.

4.Family Background

James’ parents are divorced for four years; they stay in a friendly relationship. The boy lives with his mother but has weekly meetings with the father, he spends at least one week of the summer vacations with him. Mr. Robert Blake, James’ father, is going to get married for the second time; his fiancée, Ms. Mary Brown, is fourth months pregnant.


James is most likely to be concerned about his relationship with the father after his new marriage, especially considering the fact that Mr. Robert is going to have a second child. The boy is afraid of being unwanted in the new family and ‘replaced’ by the newborn baby.


The parents of the boy have to explain the situation and the future development of it to James, he needs to be ensured of being needed and loved by his father in order to feel safe and to overcome the diagnosed issues. In addition, it would be helpful for the boy to spend some time, a week or two, with Mr.

About Jane Copland

Jane Copland is a passionate PR manager at – the community of freelance academic writers. She’s into writing, technology and psychology.

What is a Psychological Assessment Report?

A psychological assessment report is a document that contains the psychological assessment of a person. Psychological assessment is the way of testing the behaviour, personality and abilities of a person using techniques where the psychologist can arrive with hypotheses. It can also be called psychological testing.

Diagnosis in a Psychological Assessment Report

After examining the behaviour of a person, the psychologist can come up with different diagnoses. Here are the diagnoses that can be found in a person who takes psychological assessment:

How to Write a Psychological Assessment Report

Writing a psychological report is crucial as it would contain the delicate issue about the mental health of a person. If you are new in psychological assessment report writing, you might want to try these steps in writing:

Why Should We Have To Undergo a Psychological Assessment?

There are various reasons why we have to undergo a psychological assessment. Sometimes we have difficulties and we have to take the psychological testing to assess the problem that we are having. We can know if we are struggling with a mental problem. We can provide the right solutions for it. We can make solutions before it is too late.

How Can I Find a Psychologist That Can Give Me a Psychological Assessment?

In searching a psychologist, know the expertise of the particular test that you need. Then there are many ways on how you can find the psychologist that can conduct the assessment for you. You can ask a medical practitioner that you know. They can refer you to a psychologist that can give you this work.

How Much Does a Psychological Assessment Cost?

There are government services that can provide psychological assessment to you free of charge. Examples of these are schools and health centers. But sometimes you have to meet eligibility requirements.

How Can I Make My Psychological Report Writing Better?

Verify the solid data that you have. Be sure that you are going to include accurate information only. To have some great skills, use any psychological assessment example as a reference. You can have better ideas on how to write a psychological report.

What is the assessment report of a psychologist?

The assessment report of the psychologist is written on the basis of a strict psychodiagnostic examination of the client, compiled and conducted according to particular rules. It is impossible to write the assessment on the basis of the psychologist’s subjective view of the client after psychological counseling.

What is the first thing that interests a psychologist?

The first thing that interests a psychologist is how well the psychodiagnostic result obtained corresponds to reality. Simply put, you need to check whether the psychologist himself or herself was not mistaken, and whether the client did not lie or did not err in completing the tests.

What is psychological diagnostics?

The psychologist will conduct psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics) on the basis of the data obtained, write an assessment, and using the results of this assessment, conduct further procedures: counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy, psychological training, etc. The advantage of this approach is that psychological diagnostics give ...

What are the basic mental processes?

You should then write about the basic mental processes and properties: sensations and perception, attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, speech, and will . This is something that a psychologist can theoretically correct, but in practice it is very difficult to correct.

Why do we shift focus to the nervous system?

Then we shift focus to the nervous system, because the human psyche is a superstructure above his or her nervous system. The balance of excitation and inhibition, temperament, and cycloidity (the degree of cyclicality of the nervous processes) are subjects to cover.

What are the different types of people?

There are many different kinds of people in the world: the mentally ill, those under stress or pathological affect, people with borderline conditions (between norm and pathology), people with accentuation or psychopathy, and just inadequate people. The question of norm and pathology is not idle.

Is a psychologist helpful?

In general, cases are different; there are many cases, and for most of these people, the assessment of a psychologist is helpful. For further psycho-correction and psychotherapy of the client who applied to the psychologist. The information told by the client is also sometimes insufficient.

Why do psychologists conduct assessments?

Psychological assessments serve the same purpose, they are conducted to diagnose issues of psychologist pain, discomfort or illness to create a guide towards better mental health for clients.

Why do people need psychological assessments?

Similarly, adults may also undergo a psychological assessment for a multiple of reasons including: To diagnose mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders, which may be due to ongoing issues in their family, social, relationship or work/school life. For behavioural management.

What is psychometric assessment?

What are psychometric assessments and psychological reports? Psychological assessments and reports are a speciality in the field of psychology. They incorporate multi-faceted methods of data collection to observe a client’s behaviour, personality, cognitive thinking and capabilities to diagnose an issue that a client may be suffering from.

Why is psychological assessment important?

Another benefit of undergoing a psychological assessment is that it can be extremely helpful for adults who may be struggling in areas of their lives, including relationship problems, career and work stress, family problems and much more.

What are the methods used to assess intelligence?

The most common methods include: Norm-referenced psychological tests – which are standardised tests to assess areas of intelligence, reading, arithmetic, visual-motor skills and behavioural skills. Informal tests and surveys. Interviews. Analysis of school or medical records.

Who is most often assessed for psychological issues?

The two groups of individuals who most often undergo psychological assessments are children and students, however, adults also benefit from psychological assessments. Children may undergo a psychological assessment for many reasons. The main reasons include:


Informed Consent

Gather and Structure The Information

  • A report does not start from scratch: it is necessary in the first place collect the data of the subject or situation to analyze or describe, paying attention to as many details as possible. The information that we will write down will help us later to write the report. Also, we must be clear about the structure that the report will follow, which w...
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First The Basic Data

  • To write a report we will need, as we have said, a large amount of data, so that in a way that is comprehensible we will have structures in different areas. In a psychological report, the basic demographic data of the patient or client will be taken into account first, who requests the report and / or its objective, a brief description of what happens to himand that it has come to us, the data of the center and professional who is attending or making th…
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The Case Evaluation Process: Tests and Results

  • After the most basic data, it is necessary to go into detail by first showing the information extracted from the initial evaluation. Each of the tests and interventions carried out must be included, and may be added a justification of why those in question have been chosen. Next, the results obtained from this evaluation will be reflected (including the diagnosis if there is one), showing the concrete data obtained. This information can be d…
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Reflects The Objectives and The Intervention Proposal

  • After the evaluation of the case, it must be reflected if any type of action or intervention has been carried out. If we are facing a psychological report, it is necessary to reflect the objectives that are proposed to reach with a possible intervention, negotiated with the patient or client. In another section The intervention plan that was followed during the case will be detailed.
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7Results and Monitoring of The Intervention

  • The report must include the different practices and actions carried out by the person who issues it, as well as the results of said intervention. You should also record possible changes that have had to be carried out. It is very important to reflect the evolution of the subject or situation, as well as the tests and psychological assessment methods that may have been carried outto assess it in the case of applying. It will be evaluated if the treatment …
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It Must Be Understandable and Useful For The Reader

  • At the time of writing a report, it is essential to take into account that it is done so that other people or the same professional at different times can understand what happened and carried out throughout the process that is being reflected. The public to whom it is addressed should be taken into account: it is not the same to make a report full of technicalities that only another professional in the sector can understand that prepare it, for exampl…
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Be Objective

  • In a psychological report must appear contrasted data, that another person could replicate through the same procedures carried out. Thus, it should be based on what was reflected by the client and the tests carried out and not transcribe personal opinions or inferences. The results of the report should be replicable by other professionals to use the same methods. In the same way, the inclusion of value judgments (both negative and p…
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Reflects The Essential

  • When writing a report we must bear in mind that it is about a text in which we will summarize the data that we obtain: it is not a complete transcription of each interaction carried out. We must focus on the most relevant aspects, not reflecting unnecessary information but only the elements that are necessary to evaluate the case and its evolution.
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Prepares The Return of The Report

  • Although the writing of the report may have ended, it is very important to take into account not only the data but how they will be reflected or expressed. It is possible that the client or patient does not get to request the report in writing, but you should always make at least one oral return of it. And this return is of great importance, since it can have a direct effect on the patient or client. The how it is explained can be as or more important than the exp…
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Identifying Information

  • Name: James Blake Age: 11 years 5 months Date of birth: 11.08.05 Sex: Male Educational level:Fifth grade (complete) Source of referral:Ms. Adriana Blake, the mother Examiner:Judy Hallway, school psychologist Reason for referral/referral question:James’ mother is concerned about James’ problem behavior at home and at school as reported to her by his...
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Tests Administered

  • Draw-A-Person Test (date of conducting 15.12.16) Vineland Social Maturity Scale (date of conducting 28.12.16) Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (date of conducting 05.01.17)
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Physical and Behavioral Observation

  • The interviews were conducted twice a week since the 12 of December until the 10th of January; there was one personal meeting with the patient and one with his mother being present weekly. James behaved acceptably, he was never late to the interview, even to those that he attended just by himself. Still, he was unwilling to talk openly, especially at the beginning of the work; he was more likely to speak at the personal interviews than at ones with …
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Family Background

  • James’ parents are divorced for four years; they stay in a friendly relationship. The boy lives with his mother but has weekly meetings with the father, he spends at least one week of the summer vacations with him. Mr. Robert Blake, James’ father, is going to get married for the second time; his fiancée, Ms. Mary Brown, is fourth months pregnant.
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  • James is most likely to be concerned about his relationship with the father after his new marriage, especially considering the fact that Mr. Robert is going to have a second child. The boy is afraid of being unwanted in the new family and ‘replaced’ by the newborn baby.
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  • The parents of the boy have to explain the situation and the future development of it to James, he needs to be ensured of being needed and loved by his father in order to feel safe and to overcome the diagnosed issues. In addition, it would be helpful for the boy to spend some time, a week or two, with Mr. Robert and his fiancée as this will demonstrate him that he is a part of his father’s new family.
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