heart and vascular center of arizona patient portal

by Jaleel Carroll 4 min read

Heart and Vascular Center of Arizona - Just another …

13 hours ago Welcome to the Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona! Communication is the key to outstanding medical care. We strive to offer our patients convenient, high-quality care. One of the ways we do this is by offering our patients secure online health services through our website. Once you are fully registered you can: >> Go To The Portal

Who is the founder of Heart&Vascular Center of Arizona?

Welcome to the Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona! Communication is the key to outstanding medical care. We strive to offer our patients convenient, high-quality care. One of the ways we do this is by offering our patients secure online health services through our website. Once you are fully registered you can:

Can the Heart&Vascular Center of Arizona treat aortic aneurysm?

Start today by creating an account online.Use your email address as your login to begin.

Who is the medical director of the vascular lab?

If so, we will send you a statement indicating the balance due. You may pay the balance via the Patient Portal or via mail. If you have questions about your bill or, if you would like to develop a …


How long does it take to get results from heart and vascular center of Arizona?

If you do not hear from the office by phone or by mail within 14-21 days following your testing, please contact the office regarding your results.

What time do you call the hospital for medical questions?

If you have a medical question, please feel free to call the office with non-emergency calls between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. when your records are readily available. Our nurses and staff are specially trained to answer your questions and pass information between you and your physician. We will make every attempt to return your call by the end of the day.

Does Heart and Vascular Center of Arizona accept insurance?

Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona is contracted with most insurance plans. For proper claims processing, we will require a current copy of your insurance card at the time of the visit, and your insurance benefits will be verified by our office staff. Please note that once we have billed your insurance, a diagnosis cannot be changed.


Our practice uses an electronic medical record system. As a patient of this practice you, and your designees may access the electronic medical record through the Patient Portal. You can use the portal to interact electronically with the practice for messages, scheduling, bill payment and other functions.


If you have provided your insurance information at the time of your visit, we will collect any co-payment from you and bill your insurance company for your treatment. Once your insurance company has provided their share of the payment, you may owe a balance. If so, we will send you a statement indicating the balance due.

What is Arizona Heart and Vascular Clinic?

Arizona Heart & Vascular Clinic provides comprehensive cardiac and vascular disease management. Through research, innovation and education, the practice stays at the forefront of cardiology, vascular medicine, and preventative/integrative therapies aimed at cardiovascular risk reduction.

How to protect your heart in the heat?

To protect your heart in summer heat, stay cool and well hydrated, exercise indoors or when temperatures are cooler, and eat light and healthy foods. Stay on top of your heart health by having regular heart check ups and seeing your cardiologist when you experience new symptoms. Mission.

Can heart problems go undetected?

Your heart needs your attention. Do not let heart conditions go undetected or undiagnosed, especially if you are experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations. From preventative care to specialized interventions, our team is here to put you, and your heart, first. With two convenient locations, in-office diagnostic ...

Does heat affect heart disease?

For Summer Heat. Summer heat impacts people with heart disease more than others. When body temperatures rise in summer, your heart has to work harder. And if you have heart disease, you are at a higher risk for heat stroke.


Are You A New Patient?

  • For your convenience, we offer our registration forms online, as well as information about what to bring to your first visit. Whether you are a new patient or one currently under care, please refer to the following information about our practice.
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Practicing as A Group

  • This is a group practice and the providers share coverage with each other on an alternating basis after-hours, during the week, and on weekends. This assures you continuity of care, since one of the providers is always available for you 24 hours a day, to meet your medical needs.
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  • Patients are seen by appointment Monday through Friday, and we request that you call in advance to schedule so that we can reserve time for you. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please call and let us know as soon as possible. A 24 hour notice is appreciated. We will make every effort to honor your appointment time, however emerge...
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Office Visit Reminders

  1. Bring all of your medicines (in the original containers)
  2. Bring your insurance cards
  3. Bring your copay or deductible at the time of the visit
  4. Bring current medical records including any recent diagnostic testing
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Telephone Advice Or Questions

  • If you have a medical question, please feel free to call the office with non-emergency calls between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. when your records are readily available. Our nurses and staff are specially trained to answer your questions and pass information between you and your physician. We will make every attempt to return your call by the end of the day.
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  • In the case of a non-life threatening emergency, please contact the office, 24 hours a day. Our professional answering service will connect you with the physician on-call for after-hours emergencies. For any life-threatening emergency, call 911.
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  • If you need a refill on your medication, please call your pharmacy and they will check with your physician regarding refill requirements. If you call the office for a refill, please have the phone number of your pharmacy ready so that we can expedite your request. Routine prescriptions are filled within 24-48 hours of request by either the patient or pharmacy. Medications will not be ref…
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Insurance & Business Office

  • Heart & Vascular Center of Arizona is contracted with most insurance plans. For proper claims processing, we will require a current copy of your insurance card at the time of the visit, and your insurance benefits will be verified by our office staff. Please note that once we have billed your insurance, a diagnosis cannot be changed. It is the patient’s responsibility to be familiar with poli…
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Laboratory, Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine

  • Your insurance carrier has contracted with a specific laboratory for the processing of laboratory testing, as well as a specific center for Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine testing. The processing lab and/or testing center will bill your insurance carrier directly for the services provided. It is the patient’s responsibility to verify benefits and coverage of these services. Heart & Vascular Cente…
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Medical Records – Release of Information

  • To request a copy of your medical records, please complete our medical release form, listed below. To request records from your primary care doctor or another specialist, please download and complete the form below.
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