20 hours ago Microsoft® HealthVault® is a patient portal that allows you to receive your health information, including your diagnostic reports, directly from your imaging facility. >> Go To The Portal
Microsoft® HealthVault® is a patient portal that allows you to receive your health information, including your diagnostic reports, directly from your imaging facility.
Feb 12, 2013 · Consider a scenario in which a Healthcare Organization already has developed a Patient Portal app driven by HealthVault. In this case, is there a way the patient can log into the patient portal app and view the DIRECT message that he has received instead of having to go to HealthVault Message Center.
HealthVault Certified Patient Portal Optimized for Community Health Engage your patients, and help them to take better care of themselves. With AXEIUM you can automatically send your Patient's their updated health history directly to their HealthVault account after each visit.
To get the latest COVID-19 vaccine and Delta variant updates, and find out how to get your vaccine at VA, go to our vaccine information page. Vaccines from outside VA should be part of your VA health record. Learn how.
The announcement that U.S. forces would leave Afghanistan triggered a wave of emotions for many Veterans. We know that your mental, physical, and emotional wounds are deep. Learn what you can do to manage your feelings.
As Tropical Storm Henri heads towards the Southern New England Coast, you can prepare your family now to avoid potential dangers. Don't wait until it's too late to gather the items you need, including medical records.
You may be able to make appointments online to see a doctor outside of the VA health care system. VA is working with community providers to get you timely and appropriate care.
Hips are important parts of our daily actions. Watch a VA chiropractor show you how to use your ‘hip hinge’ and make everyday movements easier.
While many place the blame on healthcare IT vendors for this interoperability problem, and they do share some of the blame, the majority of the blame lies with healthcare providers who are loathed to share such patient data, which may end up in the hands of their potential competitors.
Never, trust any large company’s entry into the healthcare IT landscape with promises of being there for the long term. This market sector is littered with broken promises from such companies.