hamstring patient report outcome

by Ms. Lilliana Jakubowski MD 4 min read

Patient-reported outcomes after surgical and non-surgical treatment …

18 hours ago  · Conclusion: This study on middle-aged patients with proximal hamstring avulsions was unable to identify any difference in patient-reported outcome measures between surgically and non-surgically treated patients. The vast majority of patients treated surgically had complete proximal hamstring avulsions with ≥ … >> Go To The Portal

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) or clinical outcome measures (COMs) for proximal hamstring injuries, such as patient satisfaction surveys and isokinetic hamstring strength testing, are frequently used to evaluate outcomes after operative management of these injuries.

The mean number of patients with proximal hamstring repairs per study was 40. The most frequently reported outcome measures were return to sport (14/27; 51.9%), custom survey/questionnaire (13/27; 48.1%), and isokinetic hamstring strength testing (13/27; 48.1%).May 7, 2021

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What are Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for proximal hamstring injuries?

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) or clinical outcome measures (COMs) for proximal hamstring injuries, such as patient satisfaction surveys and isokinetic hamstring strength testing, are frequently used to evaluate outcomes after operative management of these injuries.

What happens if you don’t use your hamstrings after surgery?

In severe cases, crutches or splinting may be necessary. In rare cases, where there is a complete rupture where the hamstrings join the pelvic bones at the top, surgery is necessary. Lack of use, particularly if splinting, results in muscle shrinkage and the formation of scar tissue where the tear is healing.

What is the most important factor in a hamstring injury?

Hamstring strength is probably the most important factor in hamstring injury. There is disagreement in the research as to whether it is an imbalance between the strength of the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thigh compared to the hamstrings that matters most or just the strength of the hamstrings themselves.

How long does it take to recover from a hamstring injury?

In severe cases where the muscle is torn, you may need surgery. The surgeon will repair the muscle and reattach it. Recovering from a hamstring injury may take from days to months, depending on how severe the strain or tear is.


Can you recover from being hamstrung?

Recovering from a hamstring injury may take days, weeks or months, depending on how severe it is. A completely torn hamstring may take several months to heal and you'll be unable to resume training or play sport during this time.

What are the effects of pulling a hamstring?

A hamstring injury typically causes a sudden, sharp pain in the back of your thigh. You might also feel a "popping" or tearing sensation. Swelling and tenderness usually develop within a few hours.

How many weeks does it take to recover from a hamstring injury?

Recovery from a hamstring tear or strain Mild to moderate (grade 1 or 2) tears or strains can heal within three to eight weeks with diligent home therapy. For a grade 3 hamstring tear or strain, recovery may be as long as three months.

What is the functional assessment scale for acute hamstring injuries?

To guide further respective research, the FASH (Functional Assessment Scale for Acute Hamstring Injuries) questionnaire has recently been developed as a disease-specific and self-administered questionnaire to grade the severity of symptoms (pain and function) in patients with hamstring injuries (Table 1) [4].

How do you assess a hamstring injury?

Lift your bottom up off the floor until your hips and knees form a straight line. If you feel any pain, or weakness, it is likely you have at least a grade 1, but more likely a grade 2 tear or higher. If you can complete this test without pain, proceed onto the next test.

Is a hamstring injury career ending?

Yes, generally speaking, hamstring injuries are not a major cause for concern when it comes to a player's career in the long-term and they are usually able to resume playing within a matter of weeks.

What causes hamstring pain?

A hamstring strain generally occurs as a result of muscle overload, such as when you are running and your leg is fully stretched out just before your foot strikes the ground. When your foot strikes the ground and all your weight is on it, the muscles can get stretched too far and they may start to tear.

How do you rehab a hamstring?

Hamstring set (heel dig)Sit with your affected leg bent. Your good leg should be straight and supported on the floor.Tighten the muscles on the back of your bent leg (hamstring) by pressing your heel into the floor.Hold for about 6 seconds, and then rest for up to 10 seconds.Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Why does hamstring take so long to heal?

Injuries to the hamstring near the buttocks usually take longer to heal due to the tendon tissue not having a lot of blood flow. Some studies indicate that it can take 18 months for a hamstring injury to heal and the average time is 3-4 months.

Is walking good for hamstring recovery?

Slowly increase your physical activity, such as walking. Follow the exercises your provider gave you. As your hamstring heals and gets stronger, you can add more stretches and exercises. Take care not to push yourself too hard or too fast.

Do hamstring tears require surgery?

Surgery is performed for hamstring injuries when the tendon has been pulled completely away from the bone. It is more common for the tendon to tear away from the pelvis than it is from the shinbone. Surgery is RARELY required. When the tendon is torn off the bone, it is referred to as a “tendon avulsion injury”.

Do you lose speed after hamstring injury?

Conclusion: Soccer players who reported hamstring strain injury during the previous 2 years showed significant higher drop in speed during the repeated sprint test compared to players with no hamstring strain injury.

Why are hamstring injuries so problematic?

The longer your hamstring problems go on, the more damaged the tendon gets. In other words, the tendon, which transmits the force from muscle to bone to propel and provide locomotion and strength, is not doing its job because it is hurt.

When can I return to sport after hamstring injury?

The average time to hamstring reinjury is 60 days. The time to reinjury following return to sports was only 4 weeks. Reinjury can occur up to 2 years after the original hamstring injury.

How to prevent hamstring injury?

This is true both for preventing a first injury or a recurrence. A regular period of warming up your muscles before the intended athletic activity will reduce the risk.

What is a hamstring injury?

A hamstring injury is a strain (tear) to one or more of the three large muscles at the back of the thigh (or their tendons at the back of the knee or in the pelvis). Hamstring Injuries. In this article. What are the hamstrings?

What makes a hamstring injury more likely?

There are many factors that are thought to make a hamstring injury more likely. Some are factors that you can do something about, such as: Muscle strength - mainly weak hamstrings (see below). Warming up - muscles work best and are less likely to be injured when they are warm.

Why is hamstring strength important?

Hamstring strength is probably the most important factor in hamstring injury. There is disagreement in the research as to whether it is an imbalance between the strength of the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thigh compared to the hamstrings that matters most or just the strength of the hamstrings themselves. Either way, it is essential to spend time working on your hamstring strength in order to avoid injury. A highly trained sportsperson will tend to do this as part of their training but recreational footballers or runners, for example, may not realise that they need to as well.

What is Nordic hamstring?

Nordic hamstring exercises are exercises that have been specifically designed to target the hamstring muscle at the point where is is most likely to be injured. They have been shown to reduce the risk of a first hamstring injury by 65% and the risk of a recurrent injury by as much as 85%.

How long does it take to recover from a hamstring injury?

Recovering from a hamstring injury. Recovering from a hamstring injury may take from days to months, depending on how severe the strain or tear is. A grade III injury can take several months to heal; you'll be unable to resume your usual training or play sport during this time.

What does R stand for in hamstrings?

R stands for Rehabilitation which is a really important part of the treatment for a hamstring injury - to get you back to normal and reduce the chances of you having another hamstring injury. You may need to see a physiotherapist or sports therapist for advice about the exercises to do but there is an outline below.

How many studies have been published on proximal hamstring avulsion?

In the published literature on proximal hamstring avulsions, only two studies (with a total 28 subjects) report the outcomes of non-surgically treated patients.1 2 This is in contrast to the 767 surgically treated subjects included in the meta-analysis done by Boden-dorfer et al.3 As there are few studies with

What is the objective of proximal hamstring avulsion?

Our objective was to compare subjective recovery after surgical and non-surgical treatment of proximal hamstring avulsions in a middle-aged cohort.

What is a single-centre retrospective cohort study?

single-centre retrospective cohort study on patients treated from 2007 to 2013 at an academic university tertriary care centre. It is one of the five major emergency hospi-tals in the Stockholm area, with a catchment area of approximately 500 000 inhabitants. The guidelines of the STRrengthening the
