great plai oat patient portal

by Mandy Toy 6 min read

Organic Acids Test — Great Plains Laboratory

13 hours ago Self-enter personal information (such as emergency contacts, healthcare providers and health insurance information). Build secure personal health record by self-entering your over-the-counter medications, allergies and medical events. Record and track personal health measures, such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, body ... >> Go To The Portal


Due to recurrent problems with postal services in different countries The Great Plains Laboratory, LLC will only send test results via e-mail in a PDF format (Adobe Reader required, click here to download) to physicians and patients outside the United States.


All faxes are submitted electronically. The laboratory uses this Internet Document Delivery Service to improve the handling and control of inbound and outbound documents. These faxes are protected by security techniques used such as firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection and site monitoring.


The Great Plains Laboratory encrypts all tests results sent via email to patients within the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) and Canada. If the physician has not restricted the results, patients will receive test results in a secure email when results are completed.


We do not routinely send out hard copies of results to physicians who receive results electronically. The physician can choose to have all results sent via federal post in lieu of secure email. Special request for hard copies can be made by calling customer service or by submitting a request.

What is the southeast iowa regional medical center patient portal?

The Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center patient portal is a secure website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to their personal health information. Using a secure username and password, patients also can communicate with their health care providers.

Medical emergencies and urgent health matters

The patient portal is for routine management of your health care. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or your health care provider's office immediately.

Sign up for the patient portal

If you provided your email address to Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center or Great River Health during patient registration, you may self-enroll for our patient portal by visiting .

Why isn't all my health information on the portal?

Detailed medical records are too large for the portal. To get specific information from your medical records, as your provider or our Health Information Management team. Mental health records aren't available through the portal.

Why can't I see all of my child's health information on the portal?

To be compliant with Iowa law, proxy access to minors between the ages of 12 and 18 is limited to allergies, immunizations, appointments and scheduling. All other patient information can be obtained through our Health Information Department.


We realize that you may feel overwhelmed about your visit. Be reassured that our doctors, nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals at Great Plains Regional Medical Center will do everything they can to care for you and your family.

Home Health Care

Should you require a home healthcare agency, a list will be provided for you and the Case Manager can arrange for any care that you need. Your Case Manager or Home Health Representative can help answer the basic three questions asked by patients about Home Healthcare

swing bed

The Swing Bed Unit is designed for patients who no longer need acute care in a hospital, but still require additional short-term care before discharge. Rehabilitation and specialized nursing care are emphasized.

going home

When your doctor decides you are ready to leave the hospital, a discharge order will be written. You may want to make arrangements with a family member or friend to help you when it’s time to go home. When you are ready to leave, a member of the hospital staff will escort you to the front entrance and help you into the car.


We protect our patients from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections. For your protection, the hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly. The hospital is a fire-resistant building and the staff is trained in fire protection.


Your room assignment at Great Plains Regional is based upon your admitting diagnosis and the bed availability on the day of your admission.

food services

Nourishing and well-balanced meals are an important part of your treatment and recovery. Great Plains Regional Medical Center makes every effort to provide nutritious meals that are prepared according to your doctor’s orders.



Organic acids are chemical compounds excreted in the urine of mammals that are products of metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of chemical reactions in living beings by which the body builds new molecules and breaks down molecules to eliminate waste products and produce energy. Organic acids are organic compou…
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  • The names of most organic acids contain the suffix ic, followed by the word acid such as lactic acid. Every organic acid has one or more conjugate bases named with the suffix ate. Thus, the conjugate base of lactic acid is lactate. Many times, the name of the organic acid and its conjugate base(s) are used interchangeably when discussing physiology and biochemistry, suc…
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  • Almost all organic acids used for human testing are measured by a combination of gas or liquid chromatography linked with mass spectrometry. Organic acids are most commonly analyzed in urine because they are not extensively reabsorbed in the kidney tubules after glomerular filtration. Thus, organic acids in urine are often present at 100 times their concentration in the blood seru…
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  • Many genetic disorders are caused by the production of an inefficient enzyme that reacts at a slower than usual rate, resulting in an accumulation of a metabolic intermediate. More than 50 phenotypically different organic acidemias are now known since the oldest known disease, isovaleric aci­demia, was described in 1966. An organic acid is any compound that generates pro…
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Signs and symptoms

  • Clinical presentations of organic acidemias vary widely and may include failure to thrive, mental and/or developmen­tal retardation, hypo- or hyperglycemia, encephalopathy, lethargy, hyperactivity, seizures, dermatitis, dysmorphic facial features, microcephaly, macrocephaly, anemia and/or immune deficiency with frequent infections, ketosis and/or lactic acidosis, hearing, speech, or vi…
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Clinical significance

  • A number of organic acids directly or indirectly indicate deficiencies of critical vitamins such as vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and others. One of the most important uses of the organic acids test is as an indicator of dysbiosis, an abnormal overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in the intestinal tract. Some of these bacterial byproducts from the intestine enter the blood stream an…
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  • والعضوية الأحماض اختبار (شعر بالتعب) يقدم صورة التمثيل الغذائي شاملة من الصحة العامة للمريض مع أكثر من 70 علامات. ويقدم تقييما دقيقا من الخميرة المعوية والبكتيريا. ارتفاع غير طبيعي لهذه الكائنات الدقيقة يمكن أن تسبب أو تفاقم اضطرابات السلوك وفرط النشاط اضطرابات الحركة والتعب والوظيفة المناعية. كثير من الناس يعانون من أمراض مزمنة والاضطرابات العصبية وغالبا ما تفرز عدة الأحماض العضوية غير طبيعية في البول. سبب هذه المستويات العالية يمكن أن تشمل استخدام عن طريق الفم المضادات الحيوية والوجبات الغذائية عالية السكر ونقص المناعة والعدوى المكتسبة فضلا …
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  • والميكروبية العضوية الأحماض اختبار (MOAT) مثالية للمتابعة وشعر بالتعب وغالبا ما أوصت به الممارسين تبحث عن خلل معين لرصد بعض الاختلالات الميكروبية أو لتقييم فعالية العلاج.
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