36 hours ago Portal Information; Telehealth Support; Collaborators. Overview; Academic Research; Patient Advocacy; BioPharma; ... Patients & Families ... Tests Why GeneDx Company Contact; Order a Test; Back. Overview Intro to Genetic Testing Discussing Testing With Your Physician What is … >> Go To The Portal
At GeneDx, we collaborate with people and organizations involved in academic research, patient advocacy, and biopharma to search for new answers and increase access to clinical genetic testing for patients and their families. Through open communication and a mutual drive, we work with those who share our goal of building a better tomorrow.
Opening an account allows you to access and manage important myGDX Patient Resource Center features. Find a physician near you to for help with testing through Genova Diagnostics. Access your laboratory results on the MY GDX Patient Resource Center. Sign-in required. Review and update important information regarding your billing account.
Opening an account allows you to access and manage important myGDX Patient Resource Center features. Find a physician near you to for help with testing through Genova Diagnostics. Access your laboratory results on the MY GDX Patient Resource Center.
If you are a first time user, click the link down below "New to GENETWORx? Register". New to Genetworx? Register.
MyGeneTeam, our preferred partner in genetic counseling services, helps you prepare for the genetic testing process and understand genetic results throughout every stage of the diagnostic journey.
For over 20 years, GeneDx has been at the forefront of genetic innovation, pioneering new technologies and gene discovery, enabling great diagnostic accuracy for patients and families.
At GeneDx, we collaborate with people and organizations involved in academic research, patient advocacy, and biopharma to search for new answers and increase access to clinical genetic testing for patients and their families. Through open communication and a mutual drive, we work with those who share our goal of building a better tomorrow.
New to the GeneDx Provider Portal? Need a refresher on how to place an order? Download our quick step-by-step guides.
NEW! As an enhancement to our Benefits Investigation (BI) process in the GeneDx Provider Portal, you now have the option of allowing GeneDx to securely email or text your patient/legal guardian a link to view their Patient Letter directly.
Buccal swabs are accepted for over 97% of GeneDx’s genetic testing menu for easy at-home sample collection. See the individual test pages for the specimen types accepted for each test. We can send a printed Informed Consent form to your patient along with the buccal kit.
Adapting to changing times does not have to impact your ability to provide necessary genetic testing for your patients. You may order GeneDx buccal kits to be shipped directly to your patients.
If you used to receive notifications from CareEvolve.genedx.com and recently registered for the GeneDx portal, please contact customer service at (888) 729-1206 or genedx@genedx.com to have this resolved. My test status says “Cancelled” but I did not cancel the test.
It's possible that "Cancelled" means a generic test code was changed to the specific test code for the test you chose. If you believe the status of the test to be in error, please contact customer service at (888) 729-1206 or genedx@genedx.com.
First, indicate a sample has not been obtained. Second, choose the sample type the lab should expect. Third, press “Send Kit” and enter the patient’s information, or choose “Same as Patient info” to prepopulate the patient’s address.
To indicate a reflex test, drag and drop the test you wish to reflex to underneath the “parent” test. Drag the reflex into the right so it is indented. A message will appear confirming the reflex test. To complete the order you must complete the required fields – indicated by red type and an asterisk.
The “Results Ready” notification status is only an alert that the order is completed. It does not include a copy of the results. You can select an individual to receive a copy of the results during order entry. In section 1, choose “Add additional reporting provider” and enter the person’s information.
GeneDx can perform a benefit investigation on all tests. In the portal, there are three types of tests for which we are unable to obtain an instant benefit investigation and must conduct a manual estimate: Tests that do not accept insurance as a payment type.
If you obtain an automatic BI from the portal, please share the information with your patient. GeneDx will still send the patient a letter, even if you do not complete a full order. If the automatic BI was not successful in the portal, your patient will receive a letter when the manual BI has been completed.