9 hours ago FSU | University Health Services. Webmail; Search FSU; Navigation ... Patient Portal. title-inside title-centered. 2 ... University Health Services Health and Wellness Center 960 Learning Way Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306. Phone: 850–644–6230 >> Go To The Portal
University Health Services uses the information contained at the University Registrar’s office as the source record for all demographics to include official name. This information is populated within the Health Services electronic medical record.
University Health Services offers routine appointments and same-day appointments. We offer Nursing Triage and a Priority Clinic on the first floor for urgent situations that need immediate attention. Of course, if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately!
This secure portal connects you to your UHS healthcare team and gives you access to important information from your electronic medical record, 24/7, free of charge from your computer or mobile device. At a time and in a way that’s convenient for you!
FSU Registrar’s Office: A3900 University Center 282 Champions Way Tallahassee, FL 32306-2480
University Health Services offers routine appointments and same-day appointments. We offer Nursing Triage and a Priority Clinic on the first floor for urgent situations that need immediate attention.
A portion of the health fee comes to the Health Center and enables the Health Center to offer many services free or at rates significantly lower than the student would encounter at an off campus facility. Non-enrolled Student - A one semester window is available for former students to access care at the Health Center.
Submit the Student Immunization Record toEmail healthcompliance@fsu.edu.Fax to 850-644-8958.Mail to University Health Services. ... Bring to Room 1005, Health and Wellness Center or place them in the Health Compliance box in the atrium.No photos are accepted as proof of immunizations.More items...
32306The main Florida State University campus is located in Tallahassee, Florida. The basic Zipcode for FSU is 32306.
The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness provides free and confidential rapid HIV testing through certified counselors. All it takes is a finger prick and about 20 minutes of your time to receive your results. Call us at 644-4567 to schedule an appointment.
While Medicaid and Medicare can be used to register for classes at FSU, these plans cannot be used to pay for services at the Wellness Center. ... The care must either be paid for at the time services are rendered or the charges can be deferred to the student account at Student Financial Services.
While our authority is limited by the State of Florida and the university cannot mandate vaccines, testing or mask wearing, we are promoting these mitigation efforts. Medical-grade face masks, such as N95 or KN95 masks, will be expected on campus.
Immunizations Required for Childcare and/or Family DaycareDiphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP)Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)Varicella (chickenpox)Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13)Hepatitis B (Hep B)Mar 8, 2021
Required ImmunizationsMeasles/Mumps/ Rubella (MMR): Students must either be vaccinated or show evidence of immunity by doing a blood test to check for antibodies for Measles, Mumps and Rubella. ... Hepatitis B: The 2-dose or 3-dose vaccine series is accepted. ... Meningococcal (Menctra/Menveo)
ContactI have a question about...ContactPhoneOrientationNew Student & Family Programs850-644-2785RegistrationOffice of the University Registrar850-644-1050Student accountsStudent Financial Services850-644-9452All other questionsFSU Service Center850-644-HELP2 more rows
Florida State UniversityFSUAcronymDefinitionFSUFlorida State UniversityFSUFerris State UniversityFSUFayetteville State University (North Carolina)FSUFormer Soviet Union40 more rows
While Florida State University is known as a party school, it has many things to offer to a very diverse student body. You do not have to take part in the party life to have fun at FSU. The majority of students at Florida State seem to be Greek.
We strongly encourage scheduling an appointment for COVID-19 Testing. Walk-ins are welcome.
Do you want more information regarding what is being offered at FSU or want to schedule an appointment?
University Health Services uses the information contained at the University Registrar’s office as the source record for all demographics to include official name. This information is populated within the Health Services electronic medical record. In the event that the student has a need to update and/or change their name they will need ...
University Health Services requires a written request be made to the Health Information Management Office with a copy of a photo ID and supporting documentation of the legal name change (i.e., marriage license, court order, driver's license, etc). Mail request to:
Pay your bill online here. You'll also find information on how to pay by phone or by mail.
We are here to help answer any questions you may have about MyChart at UHS.