forgot password on medconnect health patient portal

by Asha Gulgowski 4 min read

Change Password - MediConnect

34 hours ago Enter the email address you used when creating your Patient Portal account, then click Send. Select the communication method to reset your password. Select the communication method to reset your password. >> Go To The Portal

On the logon page, click Forgot password. In Email or Username, type your username or verified email address. Note: If you have not provided your email address during enrollment and have not verified your NextGen Enterprise Patient Portal account, you must remember your valid username and security questions.

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Is medconnect Health’s EHR solution right for your medical practice?

Without this solution, organizing a medical practice would be extremely labor-intensive and subject to significant human error. One of the major advantages to MedConnect Health’s EHR solution is that it is cloud-based. But is that really an advantage? The answer is a resounding “yes”!

Does medconnect health offer rxinform from drfirst?

To help solve this problem, MedConnect Health is proud to announce that we are offering RxInform from DrFirst functionality to our software users. Let us know a little about you and we will reach out to schedule a time to discuss your options with our affordable platform.

How do I Change my Password on my account?

To change your password, enter your current password and your new password twice in the spaces provided on the Change Password form.

How often does a password expire?

For security purposes, your password is set to expire every 60 days. A new password can also be created on demand. The sixty day expiration period is reset every time the password is changed. If the password is allowed to expire then the password change screen will automatically appear after a log in attempt is made.

How to access other sections of the site?

You can access other sections of the Site (Home Page, My Profile) by clicking on the navigation menu bar. You can also navigate to various products by selecting the PRODUCTS tab on the main menu bar at the top of the page. A drop menu will appear listing the system functions available to your access.