findlay ohio annual detox patient admission report

by Dr. Sammy Abernathy III 9 min read

Annual Reports | City of Findlay, OH

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Why Professional Supervision Matters During a Drug Detox

One of the first things you need to do on the road to recovering from a drug addiction is detox your body of the harmful toxins that come with taking drugs. With our professional medical supervision, you’ll be able to detox in a safe and protective environment where your needs are put first.

Is a Drug Detox Right for You?

When deciding the best way forward for yourself, it’s important that you take into account your situation. You first need to accept that you have a problem because there’s not much that can be done if you’re not even willing to admit that much. From there, you can choose a way forward that you think will work best for you.

Rely on Findlay Recovery Center in Ohio

If you want to make sure that this recovery process is one that yields the long-term and lasting results that you’re looking for, you simply need to rely on us here at Findlay Recovery Center in Ohio. We have a team of dedicated professionals who can guide you through the process, as well as the facilities in which you’ll thrive and be cared for.

What are the symptoms of detox?

Withdrawal symptoms come in all shapes and sizes, from shaking, anxiety, nausea to more severe symptoms. Having the right medical support at hand is the only safe way of working through them. The detox symptoms people experience vary widely.

What is the medical supervision for drug rehab in Ohio?

At our drug rehab in Ohio, you can expect full medical supervision throughout the detox process. Throughout detox, medical staff will continually monitor vitals (including blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing) to ensure your ongoing safety and reduce the chances of an acute medical emergency.

Why do people fail to detox?

The main reason why most people fail when trying to detox alone is that they can’t deal with the withdrawal symptoms and end up taking the easy option and going back to drug use instead.

What happens when you detox from alcohol?

When those levels get too low, cravings occur as the body demands more. During detox, the body is not getting what it demands, no matter how intense the cravings may be.

What are the symptoms of withdrawal?

These include changes in appetite, altered mood or behavior, fatigue, restlessness and irritability, aches and pains, changes in sleeping patterns, and respiratory issues such as congestion or runny nose. Other common symptoms include sweating, shakiness, nausea, and vomiting.

Where is Findlay Recovery Center?

Findlay Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol treatment center in Findlay, Ohio. The program that we have designed is to provide quality care to all, at a rate that is affordable, and we welcome patients from a variety of areas across the US. With a dedicated team of addiction professionals, who have a plethora of experience in this area, you know you will be getting the best treatment for addiction, whether it is for you or a loved one. Our dedicated team of experts cares about their patients and truly care about their recovery.

Is there a one size fits all treatment for addiction?

There are a range of addictions and side effects, which is why we know that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment for our patients. With us, you can expect a personalized treatment plan that is tailor-made just for you, to treat your personal issues and needs.
