22 hours ago Excel Psychiatric Care. Psychiatric disorder treatment in Tucson. Opening at 8:00 AM tomorrow. Make Appointment. Call (520) 885-4679 Get directions WhatsApp (520) 885-4679 Message (520) 885-4679 Contact Us Get Quote Find Table Place Order View Menu. >> Go To The Portal
Excel Psychiatric Care. Psychiatric disorder treatment in Tucson. Opening at 8:00 AM tomorrow. Make Appointment. Call (520) 885-4679 Get directions WhatsApp (520) 885-4679 Message (520) 885-4679 Contact Us Get Quote Find Table Place Order View Menu.
Welcome to Excel Labs Online Patient Portal. An Easier way to a healthy life! View or Manage your records & results. as fast as your clinician does. Online test booking. No more lab queues, sample collection with ease. Patient Portal Sign In. Enter your username and password. Forgot Password ? ...
View and manage your medical records. Exchange secure messages with our staff
An affiliate of Millwood Hospital, the Excel Center of Fort Worth offers a less restrictive treatment environment than an inpatient facility. We offer complimentary assessments conducted by licensed clinicians on site Monday through Friday. Call us at (817) 335-6429 to schedule your appointment today.
Living Connections Support Group is held at The Excel Center of Fort Worth.
The Excel Center of Fort Worth offers a one-day Diversionary Referral Program that meets the requirements of most juvenile courts for adolescents who are first offenders for truancy, tobacco violations, curfew violations and anger management issues.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient. Partial hospitalization includes: Charter school, accredited by the Texas Education Agency. Family Therapy.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient. Intensive outpatient includes: Charter school, accredited by the Texas Education Agency.
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
Our new program can provide meaningful care for the young LGBTQ+ community through our Excel Center in Lewisville. We offer an accepting and inclusive therapeutic environment that is focused on the wholeness and well-being of our participants.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient. Partial hospitalization includes: Charter school, accredited by the Texas Education Agency. Family Therapy.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient. Intensive outpatient includes: Charter school, accredited by the Texas Education Agency.
Treatment is held five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Treatment team meetings are held weekly with clinicians involved in the treatment of the patient.
Each patient has a set of sixteen rows. The first (purple) row for each patient will represent Initial Assessment information and has “Current Episode Initial Assessment” as the contact number in Column G. The fifteen rows underneath the first row represent separate follow-up contacts with the patient. Column G will automatically track the number of contacts for a patient, beginning with “Initial Assessment” and then counting numerically from 1 in the following rows. When the episode number changes in Column F, the corresponding cell in Column G will restart with “Initial Assessment.”
Column P is an all-inclusive notes section. It should include notes about referral to specialty services, appointment reminder calls, and anything else from a contact that was not covered in the other columns. If you use this column to indicate that an appointment reminder call was made (so that you are not counting it as an actual follow-up contact), it is useful to change the color of the text to make it stand out and also use “Alt+Enter” to separate lines of text if there are other notes entered in the same cell (see Getting started in Excel®). To change the color of the text, double-click on the cell, then use the cursor to highlight the text you would like to change. In the Home tab of the toolbar, use the dropdown arrow on the icon to select a color.
In the first (Initial Assessment) row for each patient, there is a white cell in Column C. If you select this cell, you will see a drop-down menu arrow appear that allows you to select “Active,” “Relapse Prevention,” or “Inactive.”
A positive value means that the PHQ-9 score has increased by the amount shown.
A value with a negative sign (e.g. -47%) means that the GAD-7 score has decreased by 47%. A positive value means that the GAD-7 score has increased by the amount shown.
If the date is more than 30 days old, a yellow exclamation mark will appear next to the date as a warning that the score is not current.
If patients need to be transferred from one care manager’s spreadsheet to another, the information can be copied and pasted per the instructions under Transferring a patient to another care manager’s spreadsheet.