ethnicity definition asked on patient portal

by Mr. Coby Cruickshank 5 min read

Representing Patient Race and Ethnicity | Interoperability …

10 hours ago The CDC Race and Ethnicity Code Set Version 1.0, which expands upon and can be rolled up to the OMB standards may help to further define race and ethnicity for this interoperability need as it allows for multiple races and ethnicities to be chosen for the same patient. The high-level race/ethnicity categories in the OMB Standard may be suitable for some statistical or … >> Go To The Portal

Should racial and ethnic data be used to monitor patient care?

The CDC Race and Ethnicity Code Set Version 1.0, which expands upon and can be rolled up to the OMB standards may help to further define race and ethnicity for this interoperability need as it allows for multiple races and ethnicities to be chosen for the same patient. The high-level race/ethnicity categories in the OMB Standard may be suitable for some statistical or …

What is ethnicity?

May 04, 2022 · In interviews with 220 white, black, Hispanic, Asian, multiracial, and other patients, Northwestern University's David W. Baker, M.D., and colleagues found that many are uncomfortable with being asked for racial information, even though 80 percent agreed that hospitals and clinics should document the racial and ethnic makeup of their patients.

Why do you ask for my race and ethnicity?

Nov 05, 2014 · Purpose: This document provides answers to questions that patients frequently ask hospital staff during the registration process. Hospitals may use this document to train admissions/registration staff on eliciting race, ethnicity, and language abilities and preferences from patients. Hospitals are encouraged to have this document available at ...

How can a hospital train admissions/registration staff on race and ethnicity?

Sep 09, 2020 · “Therefore, they should be asked about race and ethnicity either verbally or in the form of some kind of written document and the response options…can be offered.” There are also examples where these questions can be presented in the patient portal as part of a pre-visit questionnaire. There may be some challenges that come up, though.


What does ethnicity mean in healthcare?

The Institute of Medicine defines disparities as “racial or ethnic differences in the quality of health care that are not due to access-related factors or clinical needs, preferences, and appropriateness of intervention.” Racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive poorer quality care compared with nonminorities, even ...

Why do hospitals ask for ethnicity?

A: Information about your race and ethnicity helps us make sure we provide the highest quality of care for all patients. Studies show that our racial and ethnic backgrounds may place us at different risks for certain diseases.

How does ethnicity relate to health?

In spite of significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of most chronic diseases, there is evidence that racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive lower quality of care than nonminorities and that, patients of minority ethnicity experience greater morbidity and mortality from various chronic diseases than ...

What does patients race mean?

1 White: Patient's race is White or the patient has origins in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. 2 Black or African American: Patient's race is Black or African American. 3 American Indian or Alaska Native: Patient's race is American Indian/Alaska Native.

How do you determine your ethnicity?

Commonalities such as racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin may be used to describe someone's ethnicity. While someone may say their race is “Black,” their ethnicity might be Italian, or someone may say their race is "White," and their ethnicity is Irish.

What do I write for race and ethnicity?

When writing about race and ethnicity, use the following tips to guide you:Capitalize racial/ethnic groups, such as Black, Asian, and Native American. ... Do not hyphenate a phrase when used as a noun, but use a hyphen when two or more words are used together to form an adjective.More items...

What is ethnicity in nursing?

Ethnicity refers to a shared identity related to social and cultural heritage such as values, language, geographical space, and racial characteristics.

What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

Ethnicity is similar in concept to race. But while races have often been distinguished on the basis of physical characteristics, especially skin color, ethnic distinctions generally focus on such cultural characteristics as language, history, religion, and customs (Montague, 1942).

Why is it important to know your ethnicity?

Ethnic and racial identities are important for many young people, particularly those who are members of minority groups. These dimensions of the self may instill feelings of: Belonging to a particular group or groups. Identification with that group; shared commitment and values.

What do I put for ethnicity?

Definitions for Racial and Ethnic CategoriesAmerican Indian or Alaska Native. ... Asian. ... Black or African American. ... Hispanic or Latino. ... Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. ... White.

How do you answer ethnicity question on application?

OMB recommends that separate questions be used wherever feasible for collecting race and ethnicity data....Race (select all that apply):American Indian or Alaska Native.Asian.Black or African American.Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.White.

What is my ethnicity if I am white?

White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

Is there a right or wrong way to ask for racial information?

Baker, M.D., and colleagues found that many are uncomfortable with being asked for racial information, even though 80 percent agreed that hospitals and clinics should document the racial and ethnic makeup of their patients. Patients said they would feel more at ease, however, if they knew exactly why this information was being asked of them.

Do patients feel more comfortable disclosing information to a clerk?

The study also revealed that many patients who were initially uncomfortable with the idea of disclosing this information to a clerk said they would feel more comfortable providing it to a nurse or doctor instead.

Explore Health Equity

This web series features diverse speakers touching on the impact of existing structural issues and the COVID-19 pandemic on health equity.

Train staff

Start by asking, “Who is going to be involved in collecting the data?” There may be a few possibilities: medical assistants, nurses, people involved in registration of patients in a clinic or physician office, or another option.

Create scripts and procedures

When determining how to ask patients questions about ethnicity and race, there are different routes to take. However, Nerenz recommends saying, “We want to make sure that all our patients get the best care possible.

Provide information to patients

Patients should also be informed about data collection. To reach patients, share important information about race and ethnicity data collection through posters, threefold fliers and other educational materials. For example, in a folded handout include actual questions that patients can respond to and turn in to the office staff.

Ask patients to self-report

Before the current process was put in place, “in our organizations and many others, there was a place in the registration system to record race or ethnicity, and it was very often done simply by a visual inspection of the patient,” said Nerenz. The question was not asked of the patient directly.

What was the goal of the Ethnicity 2004 awards?

(57) A central goal of this literature has been to render whiteness visible, to recognize it as a racial construct, to have "it speak its name.". (58) Most importantly, critical studies ...

Who wrote the Bicentennial and Ethnicity?

Even before the proposal was unveiled, Geno Baroni wrote of "the Bicentennial and Ethnicity," calling attention to the country's ethnic diversity and warning that America "must deal positively and constructively with this fundamental reality" as it prepared to recognize the milestone.

What is affiliation in linguistics?

affiliation due to shared linguistic, racial, or cultural background; intrinsic elements of one's heritage acquired from one's socially defined forebears that are based on perceptions of cultural differences among groups living in close proximity.

Who said early adolescents simply may not be interested in ethnicityand may have given it little thought?

Phinney (1990) purported that early adolescents simply may not be interested in ethnicityand may have given it little thought.

What is the Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations?

Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations, an updated and expanded companion to Minahan's 1996 work, is a helpful and indispensable tool for the study of nationalism and ethnicity. It includes reference to 350 distinct groups.

What is the Common Formats portal?

The Common Formats portal provides detailed information on the Data Elements required for Patient Safety Event reporting.

What is the EHR format for children?

The Children's EHR Format (the Format) is a set of child-specific requirements (and other requirements of special importance for children) that an EHR should meet to perform optimally for the particular health care needs of children. The Format is provided by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

What is HITSP Portal?

The HITSP Portal contains data for health interoperability specifications and related constructs, such as C32, C80, C83, and C154. These specifications have been registered and structured to support research, analysis and comparison.

What is ethnicity based on?

Unlike race, which is based largely on physical attributes, your ethnicity is based on traditions, language, nationality or cultural heritage. When you think of your ethnicity, you look beyond your physical characteristics to traits ...

Why do people have ethnicity?

For example, you might have a German ethnicity because your great grandmother or grandfather came from Germany, you speak the language, and you follow German cultural traditions.

Why is the line between race and ethnicity blurry?

This is largely due to the fact that race and ethnicity are social constructs rather than based on any science. According to White House research, there is no genetic basis in race.

Why is ethnicity muddy?

The waters of ethnicity can get muddy because there are several subcategories and cross-cultural influences. While you might be of German ethnicity, you can also be of Afro-German ethnicity or Sorbs. Some major examples of ethnicity include: Arabs - Populate such countries as Algeria, Sudan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, mostly Muslim.

What is an indigenous group?

Indigenous peoples are a large subgroup that might consider themselves first peoples, aboriginal or natives of the area. This group can be broken down into several subgroups and tribes all over the globe. These groups are each classified by their own languages and unique tribal traditions and religions.

What is racial identity?

Race or racial identity simply describes the physical features that a group of persons might have in common. This can include but aren't limited to:

What are the characteristics of a person?

Race or racial identity simply describes the physical features that a group of persons might have in common. This can include but aren't limited to: 1 Skin color 2 Facial structure 3 Eye color 4 Hair color 5 Other physical characteristics
