ending a personal injury auto accident narrative report chiropractic patient

by Kyra Wuckert 8 min read


2 hours ago Sample Narrative Report Patient: Jane Doe DOI: 8/22/11, motor vehicle accident (MVA) Mechanism of Injury - The patient was the driver of a 2011 Honda Accord wearing her seat belt and shoulder harness, stopped due to traffic conditions. She leaned forward and looked to the right with both hands on the >> Go To The Portal

Where can I find a sample of an auto accident personal injury narrative?

See a demonstration sample of an Auto Accident Personal Injury Narrative by clicking the "Sample Narrative" button to the right. ReportMaster will generate professional, concise Chiropractic SOAP Notes in just seconds!

What is an accident narrative?

Equipment Accident Narrative Report An accident is often associated with something bad. Something unintended that happened and often causes damages or injuries to people affected. An event where someone got hurt without the intention of hurting themselves. Something that happens without any intention, often happening unexpectedly.

What is the best auto accident reporting software?

And if you work on Auto Accidents or Personal Injury cases, there is no other software in the industry that comes close to the Personal Injury Narratives produced by Report Master. It is almost totally point and click. Reports and Daily Notes can be as short or as detailed as you need.

What is an accident report?

An accidental report better known as an incident report is a type of document that you write to explain about an accident happening. Either by writing it or by explaining what happened. What other things should I add when I want to file a report?

Why is the brain more susceptible to reinjury than a typical person?

As a result of this accident, this patient's brain is significantly more susceptible to reinjury than a typical person because they have now suffered traumatic brain injury with lasting symptoms of memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and balance problems. Extensive research has shown that each subsequent traumatic brain injury is worse than those previously incurred, and that the effects of multiple traumatic brain injuries are cumulative and greater than the sum of the individual effects of separate such traumatic injuries.

How long does it take for a post-concussion headache to go away?

It is likely that these symptoms will continue at least 6 months to one year, but with the distinct possibility of occurring indefinitely based on the persistent presence of these symptoms.

How often do headaches occur after MVA?

Headaches were one time every 2 months occurring 3-6/10 sinus related with a stuffy nose prior to this MVA, then daily after this MVA 7-9/10 for 3 days, then 1x/week 5-7/10 from then and continuing at the present time correlated with neck pain and middle back pain.

What is a personal injury narrative report?

This seminar specifically focuses on the personal injury narrative report, by teaching and demonstrating the degree of competence necessary to prove a personal injury case to both claims adjusters and in court, avoid negligence, and being able to prove that no insurance fraud has occurred. This material is the game plan for correctly and competently handling personal injury cases. This material is the nuts and bolts of personal injury, presented clearly and concisely. It is a roadmap for showing the doctor the information needed to be obtained from the patient pertaining to the history, physical exam, radiology, management, and treatment of a personal injury case. This seminar is unlike most other personal injury courses and does not focus on the scientific research or justification for doing what is done in these situations. Instead, it is based on courtroom and other experience as a full time practicing personal injury attorney at law in rare combination of practice as a doctor of chiropractic. This seminar explains what needs to be done when handling personal injury cases and excludes what is not necessary.

Why do you need to list all diagnoses in a personal injury case?

In general, this is because it is assumed that something (a given fact) didn't happen when it is not expressly stated. Even when two given diagnoses are partially redundant, it is much better to state both as compared to just one of those diagnoses. Providing less information than the whole picture conveys the idea that a patient is not injured as badly as they actually are.

What is the meaning of "susceptibility to reinjury"?

Susceptibility to reinjury is a statement explaining why the patient is prone to being injured worse than their present condition if injured in a subsequent accident. This information needs to be provided for conditions that are generally out of the ordinary (although disc injuries could be considered to be somewhat more common than other conditions that occur less commonly).

What should a patient list in a personal injury case?

personal injury patient should be asked to list previous traumatic accidents with a short description of any injuries, and the resolution of those injuries (if any). Injuries include more than automobile accidents, such as traumatic sports injuries, workers' compensation injuries, and others. Automobile insurance companies communicate with each other, and are well aware of other injuries. Asking and clearly stating previous injuries shows that both the doctor and patient are honest and truthful, important qualities of any witness at trial.

What was usually taught in regards to taking a patient history?

Way back in chiropractic college, what was usually taught in regards to taking a patient history was to ask for a chief complaint and additionally other complaints. Although that is appropriate for most situations, it is inadequate for a personal injury patient.

What happened to the patient in the 2011 Honda accord?

The patient was the driver of a 2011 Honda Accord wearing her seat belt and shoulder harness, stopped due to traffic conditions. Just prior to impact, she was looking up at her central rear view mirror with extension, right rotation, and also possible right lateral flexion of her neck. Both hands were on the steering wheel and her right foot was on the brake pedal, when she was suddenly rear-ended with a moderate speed impact. She was aware of the impending impact, as she stated she felt horrified and in fear when viewing the fast approaching vehicle that struck her car in her rear view mirror.

Why is it important to get chart notes from other health care providers?

It is extremely important to obtain chart notes from other health care providers that a patient has seen for a personal injury accident. The doctor needs to be aware of any potential problems in additional to other possible issues. These chart notes from other providers may shed light on other aspects of care and the narrative report, such as diagnoses. This is also further proof of a doctor performing their duties in a competent manner.

How you can fill out the Chiropractic accident report form on the internet

To start the blank, use the Fill & Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the form.

Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Chiropractic Personal Injury Report Template Form

Find a suitable template on the Internet. Read all the field labels carefully. Start filling out the blanks according to the instructions:

Instructions and help about Chiropractic Personal Injury Report Template

you must report any accident occurring in New York State that costs a fatality personal injury or property damage for any person involved totaling more than one thousand dollars failure to do so within 10 days is a misdemeanor your license and/or registration may be suspended if you don't report the accident on time and according to the mv-104 form at the Law Offices of William Mattar we can walk you through the form and answer your questions the mv-104 form has two sections a and B to get started you will need a black ink pen your driver's license and vehicle registration it is also helpful if you have a copy of the police report while completing the form if any of the questions do not apply to your accident you should put a dash mark on the line if you don't know the correct answer you should put an X on the line the first step to completing the mv-104 form is reading the instructions provided on page 2 starting with section a labeled vehicle involvement then at the top of the form o.


Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Do I have to fill out a accident report request that was sent to me? There wasn't damage to either of our cars

This depends on which state you live in and also who sent you the report request. It is highly unusual for a citizen to send a crash report to another citizen. If I were you I would not fill it out unless it came from a police agency. Even then I would be suspicious and follow Kathryn's answer below.

What tax forms do I need to fill out for reporting bitcoin gains and loses?

IRS1040 and 1099 forms.“For instance, there is no long-term capital gains tax to pay if you are in the lower two tax brackets (less than $36,900 single income or less than $73,800 married income).

Do military members have to pay any fee for leave or fiancee forms?

NOOOOOOO. You are talking to a military romance scammer.

What is the first type of pre-existing condition?

The first type of pre-existing condition is termed “inactive” or “dormant.”. Most state laws define an inactive pre-existing condition as ...

Is a motor vehicle injury a black and white case?

Unfortunately, all motor vehicle injuries are not black and white cases of no apportionment. If the patient does indeed indicate that, prior to the recent trauma, they were experiencing some level of pain or disability, then your job as a chiropractor is to assess the degree of change between the old condition and the new injury.

Can a chiropractor treat a motor vehicle injury?

When treating a motor vehicle injury, the “pre-existing condition” often creates enough of a mess to spark fear in the hands of inexperienced chiropractor or worse, to cause mistakes in the area of injury apportionment which can compromise the claim and/or produce a flurry of billing, coding and documentation errors that will lead to payment problems for the chiropractor (and the patient) down the line.

What is an accident narrative report?

This is a written and verbal document explaining what had happened. Depending on where the event happened. Any accidents that happen are reported as soon as possible.

Why is it important to report accidents?

The reason why it is important to report accidents is to provide a very good reminder of the possible risks. When you report these types of accidents, you are monitoring the problems before they reoccur. In addition to that, the documentation of these reports would be useful as solid evidence.

What is an accident?

An accident is often associated with something bad. Something unintended that happened and often causes damages or injuries to people affected. An event where someone got hurt without the intention of hurting themselves. Something that happens without any intention, often happening unexpectedly.

How to write a report on a crime?

Get your facts correctly- Try and remember everything you have seen in the incident. Write only the facts and keep them as clear and concise as possible. Write them down – Write everything you know and remember. Getting the facts straight helps with filling out the report.

What is a narrative?

A narrative is a written or a spoken account of the events that took place. A story to be told. A process of telling someone through carefully thought out ideas. To explain how something had happened, like an accident, a wedding, a funeral.

What is a report?

Through observation, investigation, hearsay, or observation. An outline of a particular matter, in the form of a document. Usually given after a thorough examination and consideration about the events that took place. As well as answering WH questions. Any given information about an event that may or may not have happened.

How to avoid changing your statement?

Try to remember as much detail as you can. Once you have made the draft and you are sure about it, fill it out in the form as a finished product. Avoid inappropriate words – Avoid adding cuss words when you fill out the report.

What time was the accident in the panel truck?

The time was approximately 9:55AM. Mr. Sample stated that he was the driver in a panel truck which was forced to stop quickly when the car in front of him stopped suddenly. According to the patient, the other vehicle involved was traveling at approximately 30-35 m.p.h. He stated that the other vehicle struck his vehicle in the rear end, hitting his liftgate and knocking it completely off of his truck.

Is spinal degeneration a long term prognosis?

Given the patient's lack of previous injuries, but also given his age and that some mild spinal degeneration was already present, the short-term prognosis is fair-good for symptomatic relief. Long-term prognosis is fair given patient's age and occupation as a trucker. There will probably be some residual neck and back problems given the requirements of his work which necessitates long periods of sitting and driving, and lifting.

Is Mr Sample in pain?

Though he is not in pain currently it is likely that Mr. Sample may have some residual effects from this incident that may require some occasional additional care, especially in the cervicothoraco junction (C5-T2), the lower lumbars (L3-L5), and the left sacroiliac joint. These areas will likely be prone to reinjury and onset of traumatic osteoarthritic type conditions. Overall, Mr. Sample appears to have done remarkably well in healing his injuries. He was religious at keeping his appointments and following his instructions for his care. I could not have asked for a more compliant patient. Currently, he is doing well and he is released from my care at this time.

Long or Short Version of Initial exam report

Check here if you want the long version Indicate the patient's position in the vehicle:

Additional history comments

You may continue to type off of the end of the page and it will word wrap for you. At the end of a paragraph you must put a

Chief Complaints

neck pain select the areas of radiation, if any... hold down the control key to make multiple selections

Additional symptoms

Remember... to start a new paragraph you must put a P inside brackets like this If you want to just start a new line without skipping a line you must put a br inside of brackets like this use of any HTML formatting is permitted.

Orthopedic Examination

You may complete the sentence by typing in the radiation text box... ie. The Cervical Compression Test was positive on the left... you may want to enter in the radiation box...

Additional Ortho

Complete this sentence only if you want it printed! A loss of vibratory sense was noted ...

Neurological Evaluation

The cervical dermatomes checked were within normal limits. No abnormalities were noted in the L1 through the S1 dermatomes.