10 hours ago Contact us at 301-540-8146 or visit us at 12800 Middlebrook Road, Suite 204, Germantown, MD 20874: Vinu Ganti, MD. 301-540-8146 Request Appointment Pay Your Bill Here. Home; About Practice. About Us; Providers; Services. Additional Services; Physical Exams; ... Dr. Ganti helps patients interpret and understand their lab results and uses them to ... >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Vinu Ganti works with Vinu Ganti MD, P.C.. Where is Dr. Vinu Ganti's office located? Dr. Vinu Ganti's office is located at 12800 Middlebrook Rd, Germantown, MD 20874. Which board certifications does Dr. Vinu Ganti have?
Book your evaluation or consultation with Vinu Ganti, MD, by phone or online today. Vinu Ganti, MD, is a primary care medical practice in Germantown, Maryland. Dr.
Dr. Vinu Ganti frequently sees patients for Allergy Consultation, Annual Physical, Arthritis, Illness, and Sleep Problems. You can see other visit reasons for Dr. Vinu Ganti on their profile.
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Dr. Vinu Ganti's office is located at 12800 Middlebrook Rd, Germantown, MD 20874.
Dr. Vinu Ganti frequently sees patients for Allergy Consultation, Annual Physical, Arthritis, Illness, and Sleep Problems. You can see other visit reasons for Dr. Vinu Ganti on their profile.
9 patients have reviewed Dr. Vinu Ganti. The overall rating for this doctor is 4.56/5. They have a 5.00/5 rating for bedside manner and a 4.14/5 rating for wait time. You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.
Vinu Ganti is an internal medicine provider established in Germantown, Maryland and his medical specialization is internal medicine with more than 40 years of experience. The NPI number of Vinu Ganti is 1760499826 and was assigned on August 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207R00000X with license number D411G2 (MD).
The following Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes were publicly reported as the top services rendered by this provider under the Medicare program for the year 2017. The reported codes are based on the top 5 codes for each available Medicare specialty, excluding evaluation and management codes.
The following quality measures meets Medicare's statistical reporting standards for the year 2018. Not all providers report the same information, because not all providers give the same services to patients. The quality information is just a snapshot of some the care providers give to their patients.
Medicare hospital affiliation is identified through self-reporting data, inpatient, outpatient, physician and ancillary service claims linked by the Medicare claims NPI number and place of service code.
The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988 applies to facilities or sites that test human specimens for health assessment or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. The CLIA Program sets standards for clinical laboratory testing and issues certificates. The NPI / CLIA crosswalk information for the NPI number 1760499826 is:
Additional identifier (s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider. The codes may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.
What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.