dr tyroch patient portal

by Prof. Boyd Effertz IV 10 min read

Dr. Roxanne Tyroch, MD - Healthgrades

16 hours ago Surgery at Alberta. 4801 Alberta Ave. El Paso, TX 79905. Phone (915) 215-5300. Directions. >> Go To The Portal

Full Answer

Is Dr Alan Tyroch accepting new patients?

Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD is a Critical Care Surgery Specialist in El Paso, TX and has over 31 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University... Read more Is Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD accepting new patients? Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades.

Where does Dr Tyroch work?

Dr. Tyroch works in El Paso, TX and 1 other location and specializes in General Surgery and Traumatic Surgery. Dr. Tyroch is affiliated with Hospitals Of Providence Sierra Campus and Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus. Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.

Does Roxanne Tyroch accept telehealth appointments?

Dr. Roxanne Tyroch, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in El Paso, TX. She is affiliated with medical facilities such as Las Palmas Medical Center and Sierra Medical Center. She is accepting new patients and has indicated that she accepts telehealth appointments.

Who is Roxanne Tyroch?

Dr. Roxanne Tyroch, MD is an internal medicine specialist in El Paso, TX and has been practicing for 25 years. She graduated from University Of Arizona in 1991 and specializes in internal medicine.


What other Critical Care Surgery Specialists practice nearby?

Click here to compare with other Critical Care Surgery Specialists.

What are Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD's top areas of care?

Dr. Tyroch frequently treats Pelvic Abscess, Wound Repair, and Traumatic Brain Injury. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Tyroch treats.

Where is Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD's office located?

Dr. Tyroch's office is located at 4815 Alameda Ave, El Paso, TX 79905. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

Does Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD offer telehealth services?

Dr. Tyroch has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD?

Find contact information here to make an appointment.


Dr. Tyroch works in El Paso, TX and 1 other location and specializes in General Surgery and Traumatic Surgery. Dr. Tyroch is affiliated with Hospitals Of Providence Sierra Campus and Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.

About Me

Dr. Alan Tyroch, MD is a Critical Care Surgery Specialist in El Paso, TX and has over 32 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University... Read more

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Tyroch is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.


Dr. Alan H. Tyroch is a general surgeon in El Paso, Texas and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including University Medical Center of El Paso and Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus-Tenet Healthcare. He received his medical degree from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Surgeons operate repair or removed damaged or diseased tissue. General surgeons focus on the organs within the abdomen, including the stomach and colon.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.

Where is Dr. Tyroch?

Tyroch is an internist in El Paso, Texas and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus and Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus. She received her medical degree from University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

What is an internist?

General internal medicine physicians, or internists, are primary-care doctors who perform physical exams and treat a wide spectrum of common illnesses in adult men and women. One of every four physicians in the U.S. is an internist, many of whom are certified in one of 19 subspecialties, including cardiology, ...

What is South Branch Family Practice?

South Branch Family Practice is the family care practice of Julie Ann Juliano, M.D. and Ruby Halper-Erkkila, M.D., both experienced family health practitioners . The focus of our practice is to provide your family with complete healthcare services. We offer routine and preventative care services including: physical exams and immunizations, illness and injury treatment, chronic disease management and specialist referrals.

Is South Branch Family Practice covered by insurance?

Emergency Note: There is Always a doctor on call for South Branch Family Practice. Please call the office first, BEFORE you go to any urgent care center. These centers are not covered by most insurances and you will have to pay out of pocket.
