dr.tara moon patient portal

by Lionel Carter 8 min read

Dr. Tara Moon, MD | Huntersville, NC | Pediatrician | US …

15 hours ago NEW PATIENT If you would like to become a new patient of TaraMD, please email hello@taramd.com or call us at (212) 988-0562 between 8AM - 5PM Monday - Friday to request an appointment. RETURNING PATIENT If you are an established patient of TaraMD, at this time, please email hello@taramd.com or call us (212) 988-0562 b >> Go To The Portal

Can I make an appointment online with Dr. Moon ?

Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Moon online today. It's simple, secure, and free.

Does Dr. Moon offer telehealth?

Call Dr. Moon for more information on telehealth services.

What do patients say about Dr. Moon ?

We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Moon in 6 key categories based on 34 reviews. See ratings .

Dr. Moon accepts insurance

Check Dr. Moon's profile to see which insurance they accept.

Where is Dr. Moon's office located?

Dr. Moon's office is located at 320 Seagle St, Huntersville, NC....

What are Dr. Moon's areas of care?

Pediatricians treat children, infants, and adolescents. They are trained to meet the unique needs of children, through all of their developmental s...

Is Dr. Tara Moon, MD accepting new patients?

Dr. Tara Moon, MD generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades. You can see Dr. Moon's profile to make an appointment.

Does Dr. Tara Moon, MD accept my insurance?

Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if Dr. Moon accepts your insurance.

What are Dr. Tara Moon, MD's top areas of care?

Dr. Moon frequently treats Abdominal Pain, Acne, and Acute Laryngitis. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Moon treats.

Where is Dr. Tara Moon, MD's office located?

Dr. Moon's office is located at 320 Seagle St Ste 10, Huntersville, NC 28078. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

Does Dr. Tara Moon, MD offer telehealth services?

Dr. Moon has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Tara Moon, MD?

Find contact information here to make an appointment.


If you would like to become a new patient of TaraMD, please email hello@taramd.com or call us at (212) 988-0562 between 8AM - 5PM Monday - Friday to request an appointment.


If you are an established patient of TaraMD, at this time, please email hello@taramd.com or call us (212) 988-0562 between 8AM - 5PM Monday - Friday to schedule a return appointment.


Dr. Tara Moon, MD is a pediatrics specialist in Huntersville, NC. She currently practices at Callisto Pediatrics. She accepts multiple insurance plans. Dr. Moon is board certified in Pediatrics.

Patient Satisfaction

We have been going to Dr. Moon for almost 6 years now for my three kids. I cannot imagine going anywhere else and I’m so thankful she sees kids until they are 21! Her bedside manner is superb and you can tell that she genuinely cares for her patients AND their parents.

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Dr. Tara Moon MD (she/her) is a highly-rated pediatrician in Huntersville, NC. She is rated 5 out of 5 by patients on CareDash and has received an overall patient experience rating of 4.7 out of 5.

Book an Appointment with Dr. Moon

Dr. Moon has not provided a way to schedule online. However, you can chat with our Virtual Assistant to get help finding a doctor.

Conditions Treated

As a pediatrician, Dr. Moon may see patients with the following 60 conditions. Please always check with Dr. Moon directly about what conditions she treats, since she may treat additional conditions not listed here.


A pediatrician manages the physical, behavioral, and mental health of children. Board-certified pediatricians have extensive training and have passed rigorous exams on the diagnosis and treatment of childhood illnesses, ranging from minor to serious.

About Tara Moon MD

Tara Moon, MD is a health care provider primarily located in Huntersville, NC. Her specialties include Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Pediatrics.

Rating Overview

The overall average patient rating of Tara Moon is Excellent. Tara Moon has been rated by 4 patients.From those 4 patients 1 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Tara Moon is 5.0 of 5.0 stars.

Five Stars

Wonderful Dr. Cares about her patients and their parents. You speak to one of the drs when you call for help. Staff are kind.

Tara Moon Accepts the Following Insurance

We are sorry, it looks like we don't have insurance information. Please call Tara Moon's office for more information.

More about Tara Moon

Dr. Tara Moon was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. She received her undergraduate degree from Howard University where she graduated magna cum laude. After graduation, she chose to continue at the Howard University College of Medicine where she obtained her medical degree.

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