dr struminger patient portal

by Marian Hill 10 min read

Carol Struminger, D.O.: Urgent Care | Lancaster - Patient …

33 hours ago MEDICAL DIRECTOR. Dr. Carol Struminger joined Patient First as a staff physician in July of 2017 and is currently the Medical Director of Lancaster. Dr. Struminger received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and he received an osteopathic medical degree from the University of New England ... >> Go To The Portal


Dr. Struminger graduated from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1996. He works in Lancaster, PA and 2 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Struminger is affiliated with Lancaster General Hospital and Lancaster Regional Medical Center.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.


Dr. Struminger graduated from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995. She works in Wyomissing, PA and 4 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Struminger is affiliated with Women & Babies Hospital.


Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.

About Me

Dr. Kathleen Struminger, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Lancaster, PA and has over 27 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from... Read more

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

About Me

Dr. Carol Struminger, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Lancaster, PA. He is affiliated with medical facilities Lancaster General Hospital and Wellspan... Read more

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Struminger is affiliated with the following hospitals. Select a hospital below to learn more.


Dr. Carol S. Struminger is a family medicine doctor in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with UPMC Lititz. He received his medical degree from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.

About Carol Silviu Struminger DO

Carol Silviu Struminger, DO is a health care provider primarily located in Lancaster, PA, with other offices in Lancaster, PA and Lancaster, PA. He has 26 years of experience. His specialties include Family Medicine.

Rating Overview

The overall average patient rating of Carol Silviu Struminger is Excellent. Carol Silviu Struminger has been rated by 16 patients.From those 16 patients 1 of those left a comment along with their rating.The overall rating for Carol Silviu Struminger is 4.9 of 5.0 stars.

Wonderful Doctor

Dr. Carol Struminger actually cares about his patients. Providing not only accurate diagnosis but offering assistance to his patients to help them get back on track and following up to see how they are doing. I have been seeing Dr. Struminger for years. Will never change.

More about Dr. Carol Silviu Struminger

Dr. Struminger graduated from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1996. He works in Lancaster, PA and 2 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Struminger is affiliated with Lancaster General Hospital and Lancaster Regional Medical Center.

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