12 hours ago Dr. Steven L Ross, DO specializes in family practice in Weatherford, TX and has over 33 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from University Of North Texas Health Science Center At Fort Worth with his medical degree in 1988. >> Go To The Portal
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We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Ross in 6 key categories based on 21 reviews. See ratings .
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Dr. Ross' office is located at 975 Hilltop Dr Ste 200, Weatherford, TX....
Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families....
Dr. Ross graduated from the Univ of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Med in 1988. He works in Weatherford, TX and specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine. Dr. Ross is affiliated with Weatherford Regional Medical Center.
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An emergency physician is a doctor who is an expert in handling conditions of an urgent and extremely dangerous nature. These specialists work in the emergency room (ER) departments of hospitals where they oversee cases involving cardiac distress, trauma, fractures, lacerations and other acute conditions.Emergency physicians are specially trained to make urgent life-saving decisions to treat patients during an emergency medical crisis. These doctors diagnose and stabilize patients before they are either well enough to be discharged, or transferred to the appropriate department for long-term care.
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As a family doctor in Weatherford, TX, Dr. Steven Ross treats a broad range of illnesses & conditions in patients of all ages.
Dr. Steven Ross graduated from Other in 1988.
Family physicians may detect, address, & manage a broad spectrum of conditions, illnesses, & diseases. Being a family physician, Dr. Ross commonly acts as the first contact for patients in search of general or primary medical treatment & can direct patients to a specialist if needed.
Dr. Steven L Ross has primarily specialised in Family Medicine for over 34 years.
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