3 hours ago Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Paiva online today. It's simple, secure, and free. Does Dr. Paiva offer telehealth? Call Dr. Paiva for more information on telehealth services. What do patients say about Dr. Paiva ? We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Paiva in 6 key categories based on 69 reviews. See ratings . >> Go To The Portal
Below is a list of plans accepted by this doctor. While we strive to keep this list up to date, it's always a good idea to check with your health plan to determine the specific details of your coverage, and to contact the doctor's office to verify acceptance of your particular plan.
Dr. Tobias Paiva is board certified in internal medicine. He practices in Auburn, California and is a member of Sutter Medical Group. Learn more at www.suttermedicalfoundation.org
Dr. Rose E. Paiva is a family medicine doctor in Reno, Nevada and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Carson Valley Medical Center and St. Mary's Regional Medical Center-Reno. She received her medical degree from University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families.
Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.
Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.
Southcoast accepts most major insurance plans. Call the Southcoast patient registration department at 844-297-2952 or your health plan with any questions regarding coverage.
At Southcoast Health, we strive to deliver exceptional patient care along with an exceptional patient experience. We appreciate all of your feedback and share your comments to recognize the wonderful care our teams provide to you as well as identify areas for improvement.
Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.
Dr. Tobias Paiva, DO is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Auburn, CA. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital and... Read more
Dr. Paiva is affiliated with the following hospitals. Select a hospital below to learn more.
Aren's area of interest is in spine surgery. He has a passion for patient care and assists Dr. Santman’s practice.
Excellent care was provided, and he listened and explained everything. I am very pleased with the staff at BS&W