21 hours ago Does Dr Nichols offer telehealth services? Our team of more than 23 orthopaedic providers work together to provide surgical and non-surgical care for all your bone and joint care needs. Where is Dr Nichols'office located? James Nichols, PA-C. SPECIALTY. Orthopaedic Surgery. CONTACT. Ph: (910) 295 0230. Fx: (910) 295 7950. >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Nichols works in Payson, AZ and 1 other location and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Nichols is affiliated with Banner Payson Medical Center.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
TIER 1 HEALTH and WELLNESS offers a variety of effective therapies to restore health, energy, confidence and vitality. From bio-identical hormone therapy to SonicGains Therapy, the Priapus Shot® and PRP hair restoration, we can help you get back to optimal living.
Before I began bioidentical hormone-replacement therapy one year ago, I did not have any energy, I felt weak, and my husband and I did not enjoy any sex life. I was always aching, my legs felt weak, sex was painful. I had a total lack of energy and… read more