25 hours ago Dr. Maroney is affiliated with CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi - Memorial and practicing for 21 years Dr. Maroney Reviews Reviews for Dr. Kimberly S Maroney, MD are not present. Be the first to review this doctor! Affiliated Hospitals Dr. Ana L Leech, MD works in Rockport, Texas is a specialist in Family Practice. >> Go To The Portal
Dr. Maroney graduated from the The University of Texas School of Medicine At San Antonio in 1999. Dr. Maroney works in Rockport, TX and 1 other location and specializes in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine. Dr. Maroney is affiliated with Care Regional Medical Center.
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Dr. Kimberly Maroney, a family doctor in Rockport, TX, offers primary care for any member of the family – from seniors to children.
Yes, Dr. Kimberly S. Maroney is accepting new patients at this office.
NOTE: Please contact the doctor’s office to confirm your coverage before making an appointment.
Dr. Maroney is generally the initial point of contact for patients seeking general or primary medical treatment & will refer patients to a specialist if needed. As a family doctor in Texas, Dr. Kimberly Maroney delivers general health care for individuals & households.
I stopped going to Maroney after she screwed up on my prescriptions twice. But my husband has remained a patient. Just heard through the grapevine that she is closing but hasn't bothered to tell her patients. Moving to a group 40 miles away. Very unprofessional in so many ways.
If you can't take the truth; don't go to her - she is awesome and tells it like it is!!!
Dr. Maroney was very rude and questioned the diagnosis from my endocrinologist. I was a cash pay customer because I had no health insurance. Even though I paid an outlandish office visit charge, she repeatedly tried to refer me to an indigent clinicfor fir a monthly injection that my doctor in San Antonio had prescribed for my condition.
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