dr. jim hussey patient portal

by Yazmin Yost 8 min read

Dr. Jim Hussey Family Medicine. Richardson TX - WebMD

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Who is Dr Jim Hussey do?

Dr. Jim Hussey, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Richardson, TX. He is affiliated with Methodist Richardson Medical Center. He has indicated that... Read more Does Dr. Jim Hussey, DO offer telehealth services?

Does Hussey accept telehealth appointments?

Dr. Jim Hussey, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Richardson, TX. He is affiliated with Methodist Richardson Medical Center. He has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments.

Where did Dr Hussey go to college?

Dr. Hussey graduated from the Univ of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Med in 1978. He works in Richardson, TX and 1 other location and specializes in Family Medicine. How was your visit with Dr. Hussey? Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.


Does Dr. Jim Hussey, DO offer telehealth services?

Dr. Hussey has indicated that they offer telehealth. Contact the office to check for eligibility for your needs.

Does Dr. Jim Hussey, DO accept my insurance?

Use the Healthgrades insurance check to verify if Dr. Hussey accepts your insurance.

What are Dr. Jim Hussey, DO's top areas of care?

Dr. Hussey frequently treats Acute Sinusitis, Sinusitis, and Muscle Spasm. See all procedures and conditions Dr. Hussey treats.

Where is Dr. Jim Hussey, DO's office located?

Dr. Hussey's office is located at 399 W Campbell Rd Ste 204, Richardson, TX 75080. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Jim Hussey, DO?

Find contact information here to make an appointment.

Can I make an appointment online with Dr. Hussey ?

Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Hussey online today. It's simple, secure, and free.

Does Dr. Hussey offer telehealth?

Call Dr. Hussey for more information on telehealth services.

What do patients say about Dr. Hussey ?

We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Hussey in 6 key categories based on 42 reviews. See ratings .

Dr. Hussey accepts insurance

Check Dr. Hussey's profile to see which insurance they accept.

Where is Dr. Hussey's office located?

Dr. Hussey's office is located at 399 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX....

What are Dr. Hussey's areas of care?

Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families....

About Me

Dr. Jim Hussey, DO is a Family Medicine Specialist in Richardson, TX. He is affiliated with Methodist Richardson Medical Center. He has indicated that... Read more

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.


Dr. Hussey is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.
