dr jeff draves patient portal

by Dr. Jessy Haley 6 min read

Jeffrey Draves Family Medicine. Festus MO - WebMD

16 hours ago  · Jeffrey Draves, MD, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician who is accepting new patients.. Dr. Draves received his medical degree from St. Louis University School of Medicine and performed his residency at St. John?s Mercy Medical Center. He has been in practice since 1987 at Draves Family Medicine. Dr. >> Go To The Portal

Can I make an appointment online with Dr. Draves ?

Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Draves online today. It's simple, secure, and free.

Does Dr. Draves offer telehealth?

Call Dr. Draves for more information on telehealth services.

What do patients say about Dr. Draves ?

We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Draves in 6 key categories based on 20 reviews. See ratings .

Dr. Draves accepts insurance

Check Dr. Draves' profile to see which insurance they accept.

Where is Dr. Draves' office located?

Dr. Draves' office is located at 1471 Us Hwy 61, Festus, MO....

What are Dr. Draves' areas of care?

Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families....


Dr. Jeffrey L. Draves is a family medicine doctor in Festus, Missouri. He received his medical degree from St Louis University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Family medicine doctors are primary-care physicians trained to meet the diverse health needs of children and families.

Patient Experience

Provides clear information and answers questions in a way patients understand.

Insurances Accepted

Please verify your coverage with the provider's office directly when scheduling an appointment.

Who is Gene Draves?

E. Gene Draves, MD, is a board-certified Family Medicine physician who is accepting new patients. Dr. Draves received his medical degree from Southern Illinois University in 1993 and performed his residency at University of Missouri - Columbia. He h...

Where did Amie Nash get her nursing degree?

Amie Nash, RN, FNP-BC, received her nursing degree from Barnes College at the University of Missouri- St. Louis in 1996. While there she worked as a staff nurse in the intensive care unit and earned valuable experience. She then completed her graduat...

Who is Christopher Gray?

Christopher Gray, DO, is a board-certified family medicine physician with nearly a decade of experience in his field. Dr. Gray received his medical degree from A.T. Still University of Health Sciences and completed his internship and residency at Des...

Insurance Check

Accepted insurance can change. Please double-check when making an appointment.

About Me

I chose Family Medicine because of the wide range of medical conditions we are able to treat. We have had the privilege of providing care to patients for many years and they become like family to us.”

Affiliated Hospitals

Dr. Draves is affiliated with the following hospital. Select the hospital below to learn more.

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Dr. Jeffrey L. Draves MD (he/him) is a highly-rated family physician who is licensed to provide online care in Missouri. He is rated 5 out of 5 by patients on CareDash and has received an overall patient experience rating of 3.9 out of 5.

Book an Appointment with Dr. Draves

Dr. Draves and has provided online booking for telehealth visits. Please select below and follow the instructions to book an appointment with Dr. Draves.

Insurance Accepted

Our records indicate that Dr. Draves accepts the following insurance providers. Please verify this information directly with Dr. Draves, since it may change frequently and vary by office location. He may also accept additional insurance plans not listed here.

Conditions Treated

As a family physician, Dr. Draves may see patients with the following 31 conditions. Please always check with Dr. Draves directly about what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here.

Patient Reviews

To protect patient identity, negative reviews are posted anonymously with only the location of the reviewer (city, state).


Doctors of family medicine are primary care physicians who provide basic health care to families and individuals of all ages. Family medicine involves the care, treatment, and management of all organs and organ systems, as well as all diseases.
