9 hours ago Tejas P. Deliwala, MD is a neurology physician who practices in Toms River, NJ. He is also an affiliate of Community Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus. Schedule an appointment today! >> Go To The Portal
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Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Deliwala online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
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We’ve published patient experience ratings for Dr. Deliwala in 6 key categories based on 15 reviews. See ratings .
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Dr. Deliwala's office is located at 20 Hospital Dr Ste 1, Toms River, NJ....
Neurologists diagnose and treat disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles, and the involuntary nervous system that controls t...
Dr. Tejas Deliwala, MD generally accepts new patients on Healthgrades. You can see Dr. Deliwala's profile to make an appointment.
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Dr. Deliwala frequently treats Epilepsy and Headache. See all practice areas where Dr. Deliwala specializes.
Dr. Deliwala's office is located at 20 Hospital Dr Ste 1, Toms River, NJ 08755. Find other locations and directions on Healthgrades.
Dr. Deliwala has not yet indicated whether they offer telehealth services. Please contact the office to check for availability/eligibility.
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Deliwala treats more often than their peers. If you are unsure whether Dr. Deliwala treats other conditions, please contact the office at (732) 240-9222.
Dr. Tejas Deliwala, MD is a Neurology Specialist in Toms River, NJ and has over 29 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Deliwala has more experience with Epilepsy and Headache than other specialists in his area. He graduated from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences medical school in 1992. He is affiliated with medical facilities Community Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center- Southern Campus. He is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Deliwala to book an appointment.
Dr. Deliwala graduated from the Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College in 1992. He works in Toms River, NJ and 1 other location and specializes in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology. Dr. Deliwala is affiliated with Community Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.
Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor’s office as it may change frequently.
Dr. Tejas Deliwala, MD is a neurology specialist in Toms River, NJ. Dr. Deliwala completed a residency at Umdnj-University Hospital. He currently practices at Dr. Tejas P. Deliwala Neurological Care Center, PA and is affiliated with Community Medical Center. He accepts multiple insurance plans.
Absolutely great treatment for Our MOM at Kimball medical center lkwd by Dr Daliwala. Thank you doctor for explaining my MOM's situation clearly and in a way our family can understand. I Highly recommend Dr. Daliwali to anyone...
Resident physicians are doctors who have finished medical school and have been awarded an M.D. or D.O. degree, but are now in the process of training in a specific field of medicine under the supervision of another senior physician.
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Yes, you can book an appointment with Dr. Deliwala online today. It's simple, secure, and free.
Dr. Deliwala's office is located at One Hurley Plaza, Flint, MI. View the map.
Resident physicians are doctors who have finished medical school and have been awarded an M.D. or D.O. degree, but are now in the process of training in a specific field of medicine under the supervision of another senior physician. See all conditions on Dr. Deliwala's profile.