29 hours ago · The causes of coma may be reversible when detected early. It therefore seems pertinent that once we confirmed an unobstructed airway, that the patient is breathing, and that there is normal circulatory function, a structured and focused examination must be undertaken . The examiner should determine where is the lesion responsible for coma, the nature and what … >> Go To The Portal
Because people in a coma can't express themselves, doctors must rely on physical clues and information provided by families and friends. Be prepared to provide information about the affected person, including: Events leading up to the coma, such as vomiting or headaches.
1 During a coma, a person does not react to external stimuli and they will not show normal reflex responses. 2 Comatose patients do not have sleep-wake cycles. 3 Reasons for a coma include intoxication, nervous system disease, metabolic disease, infections, or a stroke. More items...
This can also show brain tumors, infections, and other conditions that might have caused the coma. If the doctor suspects an infection such as meningitis, he may perform a spinal tap to make the diagnosis. To perform this test, a doctor inserts a needle into the patient's spine and removes a sample of cerebrospinal fluid for testing.
A coma is an emergency medical condition. If you are with a person who develops signs and symptoms of a coma, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately.
Blood samples will be taken to check for:Complete blood count.Electrolytes, glucose, thyroid, kidney and liver function.Carbon monoxide poisoning.Drug or alcohol overdose.
A doctor's observation that a person is completely unresponsive and cannot be aroused confirms a coma. To determine the cause of the coma and to rule out other conditions, the doctor will perform a physical exam to check pulse, breathing, body temperature and blood pressure.
So one of the things that defines coma is that your eyes are closed. At some point, usually within a week, two weeks, if they remain in that state, they will start to open their eyes. They will start to be slightly more reactive and responsive.
They cannot speak and their eyes are closed. They look as if they are asleep. However, the brain of a coma patient may continue to work. It might “hear” the sounds in the environment, like the footsteps of someone approaching or the voice of a person speaking.
Symptoms. During a coma, a person cannot communicate, so diagnosis is through the outward signs. These include: closed eyes. limbs that do not respond or voluntarily move, except for reflex movements. lack of response to painful stimuli, except for reflex movements.
Without treatment, their ability to think clearly will gradually decrease. Finally, they will lose consciousness.
Levels of consciousness and responsiveness will depend on how much of the brain is functioning. A coma often lasts for a few days or weeks. Rarely, it can last for several years. If a person enters a coma, this is a medical emergency. Rapid action may be needed to preserve life and brain function.
Coma is different from sleep because the person is unable to wake up. It is not the same as brain death. The person is alive, but they cannot respond in the normal way to their environment.
Share on Pinterest. A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness. A person who is experiencing a coma cannot be awakened, and they do not react to the surrounding environment. They do not respond to pain, light, or sound in the usual way, and they do not make voluntary actions. Although they do not wake up, their body follows normal sleep patterns. ...
These will be taken to determine: 1 blood count 2 signs of carbon monoxide poisoning 3 presence and levels of legal or illegal drugs or other substances 4 levels of electrolytes 5 glucose levels 6 liver function
If the cause of the coma can be successfully treated, the person may eventually awaken with no permanent damage. They are likely to be confused at first, but then they usually remember what happened before the coma, and be able to continue their life. Typically, some rehabilitation therapy is necessary.
Coma patients may also receive electrolytes -- salt and other substances that help regulate body processes. If a coma patient continues to be dependent on a ventilator to breathe, they may receive a special tube that goes directly into their windpipe through the front of the throat (a tracheotomy ).
If excess pressure in the brain caused the coma, doctors can relieve it by surgically placing a tube inside the skull and draining the fluid.
Advertisement. Doctors may use imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans, to look inside the brain and identify a tumor, pressure, and any signs of damage to the brain tissue.
There is no one treatment that can cause someone to come out of a coma. Treatments can prevent further physical and neurological damage, however. First, doctors ensure that the patient isn't in immediate danger of dying. This may require placing a tube in the patient's windpipe through the mouth, and hooking up the patient to a breathing machine, ...
Watching a spouse or family member in a coma or vegetative state is difficult enough, but when the condition persists for a long time, the family may have to make some very difficult decisions . In cases where people do not recover quickly, the families must decide whether to keep their loved one on a ventilator and feeding tube indefinitely, or to remove these aids and allow the person to die.
Coma in Kids (KidsHealth) Resource page on coma (Mayo Clinic) Coma Guide for Caregivers (Delaware Health and Social Services) Call the Brain Injury Association of America HOTLINE 1-800-444-6443.
A patient in coma may not exhibit signs of brain function and cannot interact meaningfully with their surroundings, family or friends despite stimulating them. Coma is a medical emergency and requires prompt evaluation and treatment for preservation of life and brain function.
Rehabilitation of patients who show early signs of brain recovery in a brain injury specialist unit may be necessary. Some patients may continue to regain function as time passes while some may not recover to meaningful interactions. Repeated clinical evaluations by clinical experts can help find signs of recovery.