discuss two ways the patient portal can improve the quality of health care and patient safety.

by Prof. Darius White PhD 9 min read

Patient Portal Implementation Improves Quality of …

32 hours ago Feb 07, 2018 · Dover Family Physicians adopted an electronic health record (EHR) system in 2008 with a goal of improving the quality of patient care and especially strengthening preventive care services. The practice has focused on ways to use the EHR to engage patients and their family members in their health and healthcare through a patient portal ... >> Go To The Portal

While the evidence is currently immature, patient portals have demonstrated benefit by enabling the discovery of medical errors, improving adherence to medications, and providing patient-provider communication, etc. High-quality studies are needed to fully understand, improve, and evaluate their impact.

How does patient portal implementation improve quality of patient care?

Feb 07, 2018 · Dover Family Physicians adopted an electronic health record (EHR) system in 2008 with a goal of improving the quality of patient care and especially strengthening preventive care services. The practice has focused on ways to use the EHR to engage patients and their family members in their health and healthcare through a patient portal ...

What is a portal and why do you need one?

Jul 21, 2020 · Research shows that patient portals have a huge impact on the way a patient interacts with their provider as well as their overall care experience. Implementing a quality portal within your organization can help your patients stay connected, improve communication with their providers, and help them gain insight into their overall health.

What is a patient portal?

May 13, 2016 · As noted above, patient portals have several benefits, mainly pertaining to patient access to health data. Research shows that when patients are able to see their own health data, they gain ownership of their own wellness and are better prepared to interact with their providers about their care.

Why do providers Love Patient portals so much?

Dec 16, 2018 · Discuss two ways the patient portal can improve the quality of health care and patient safety. One way the patient portal can improve the quality of health care and patient safety, is to have the patients self-register on the portal and fill out all necessary paperwork before coming into the office.


What is the advantage of a patient portal for the patient?

Portals can increase patient loyalty. The ongoing relationship and communication that occurs outside of appointments encourages patients to feel cared for and to remain loyal to your practice. Increase your value. Patients value the easy access to information and direct communication that comes with portal use.

How do patient portals contribute to patient centered care?

Further, portals help providers educate their patients and prepare them for future care encounters. When patients have access to their health data, they are better informed, and have the potential to generate deep and meaningful conversations regarding patient wellness during doctor's appointments.May 13, 2016

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.Con: Healthcare data security concerns.Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.Con: Difficult patient buy-in.Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.Feb 17, 2016

How can we improve the quality of patient care?

5 Ways to Improve the Quality of HealthcareCollect Data and Analyze Patient Outcomes. If you can't measure it, then you can't manage it. ... Set Goals and Commit to Ongoing Evaluation. ... Improve Access to Care. ... Focus on Patient Engagement. ... Connect and Collaborate With Other Organizations.Sep 9, 2019

How do you improve patient portals?

Here are some ways to encourage patient enrollment:Include information about the patient portal on your organization's website.Provide patients with an enrollment link before the initial visit to create a new account.Encourage team members to mention the patient portal when patients call to schedule appointments.More items...•Jun 25, 2020

Do patient portals improve healthcare?

Background. Engaging patients in the delivery of health care has the potential to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction. Patient portals may enhance patient engagement by enabling patients to access their electronic medical records (EMRs) and facilitating secure patient-provider communication.

What are the challenges of patient portals?

Other disadvantages of patient portals include alienation and health disparities. Alienation between patient and provider occurs for those who don't access these tools. Sometimes, this is due to health disparities if a person doesn't have a method for using them.Nov 11, 2021

What are the cons of patient portals?

One con to keep in mind with patient portals is that some patients may not have much experience with computers, preventing them from getting the most out of it. Another drawback is the potential for data breaches, so you'll need to work with a vendor that provides robust, secure EHR software.May 23, 2017

Which of the following is a benefit of patient portals quizlet?

The patient portal supports two-way communication, which allows the patient to work with physicians between patient visits, request appointments, and receive reminders. These reminders can be for appointments, need for follow-up, and more.

What are 5 ways to improve your health?

Path to improved healthEat healthy. What you eat is closely linked to your health. ... Get regular exercise. ... Lose weight if you're overweight. ... Protect your skin. ... Practice safe sex. ... Don't smoke or use tobacco. ... Limit how much alcohol you drink. ... Questions to ask your doctor.Aug 3, 2020

What nurses can do to improve patient care?

5 Ways RNs Can Improve Patient CareDeliver Individualized Patient Care. If you walk down the hall of any nursing unit, you will likely hear nurses refer to the “CHF patient in Room 12” rather than simply calling the patient by their name. ... Empower Towards Self-Care. ... Show Compassion. ... Advance Your Education. ... Offer Empathy.Sep 5, 2019

Why is patient portal important?

Not only is the patient portal a convenient place for patients and providers to communicate, but it is also the place patients go to understand their personal health. Here, patients can review their care plan so that they can adhere to it more easily and gain instant access to test results in real-time. They can then review them with their providers and know exactly where they are in their progress. Increasing access to information is essential to achieving better patient outcomes.

How does a patient portal help?

Research shows that patient portals have a huge impact on the way a patient interacts with their provider as well as their overall care experience. Implementing a quality portal within your organization can help your patients stay connected, improve communication with their providers, and help them gain insight into their overall health.

What is a patient portal?

The patient portal is best known for its connection and communication capabilities. A quality solution should come with an easy-to-use messaging center where patients and providers can stay connected more than ever. Here, patients can ask important questions, bring up developments in their care, and form a connection with their provider. Without this tool, patients are put in a position where they have to address everything on their mind in a single visit with their provider, losing information between interactions and forgetting to address key details in their care. The patient portal makes it simple for the patient to stay completely connected with their provider, preventing important developments from slipping through the cracks.

Why is it important to get your patients involved in their care?

Getting your patients actively engaged in their care is essential to achieving a better health outcome. Unless a patient is independently involved in their medical care, it can be difficult to get them to adhere to their treatment plan and achieve quality results.

Why are patient portals important?

Research shows that when patients are able to see their own health data, they gain ownership of their own wellness and are better prepared to interact with their providers about their care.

Why do providers use patient portals?

This is mainly because providers are trying to build a relationship with their patients, not just bolster patient loyalty. For many providers, patient portal use is about building trust and enhancing care.

Why do patients have access to doctors notes?

One study conducted at Geisinger Health showed that patients with access to doctors’ notes actually had higher rates of medication adherence because they were more engaged in and informed of their treatment plans.

What are the features of a portal?

Most portals include features such as direct secure messaging, online appointment scheduling, online bill payments, prescription refill requests, and sometimes even data update capabilities. Just as was discussed above, not all portals will enable all features. While most portals include secure messaging features, ...

Is patient portal adoption increasing?

While patient portal benefits may sound enticing, they aren’t entirely effective if patients do not adopt them. As noted above, patient portal adoption is increasing, but there is still room for it to grow. Several industry experts claim that the burden of bolstering patient portal buy-in lay mostly on the provider.

When did PHMG start patient portal?

PHMG launched the patient portal in early 2010. As a first step, the physician champion piloted the portal for about 6 months before it was implemented in one clinic at a time. According to the physician champion, implementation was “easier than expected because everyone was already comfortable with eClinicalWorks, ...

Why is it persuasive to use a portal?

They found that it is particularly persuasive when providers encourage patients to use the portal because patients trust providers and value their opinions. One provider says he reinforces a patient’s use of the portal by closing all messages with “Thanks for using the portal.”.

What is the PHMG strategy?

PHMG had a strategy of ensuring that patients hear about the portal from multiple sources during each clinical visit. To execute this strategy, PHMG used several methods of communication, including:

What are the challenges of the portal?

One major challenge with the portal is the multiple step registration process . Patients provide their e‐mail address at the front desk and are given a password to register from home. Some patients fail to complete the registration process after leaving the clinic. Remembering and managing passwords and managing family accounts are also challenging for patients. For example, a parent may log in for one child and then ask questions about a second child. For providers and staff, a challenge is that there is no way to know whether a Web‐enabled patient actually uses the portal and there are no read receipts to confirm that patients have read a message.

Where is PHMG based?

PHMG is currently working with Healthwise® — a nonprofit organization based in Boise, Idaho, that develops health content and patient education solutions—to beta test the integration of Healthwise patient education materials into the eClinicalWorks EHR system.

Why is Qualis important?

Qualis has also been an important resource for information about the meaningful use rules. "We felt strongly that from a quality standpoint we could not succeed without going to electronic health records. I felt very strongly we had to invest in it because it would positively affect every patient that we encounter.".

When did PHMG implement EHR?

In 2007 PHMG implemented an EHR system, eClinicalWorks, as part of a strategy to improve quality of care and facilitate coordination of care across its multiple clinic locations. In preparing for implementation, PHMG proceeded with:

How does information technology improve patient safety?

We conclude that health information technology improves patient’s safety by reducing medication errors, reducing adverse drug reactions, and improving compliance to practice guidelines. There should be no doubt that health information technology is an important tool for improving healthcare quality and safety.

What is clinical decision support?

Clinical decision support. Clinical decision support provides the health care professional with information and patient-specific information. This information is intended to enhance the decision of the healthcare provider and is rationally filtered and presented to the healthcare professional at appropriate times.

How does electronic medical record help?

There is substantial evidence that implementing an electronic medical record reduces medical errors and improves patient’s safety. Computerized physician order entry and CDS are probably one of the most beneficial health information technologies for improving patient safety.

What is a computerized physician order entry system?

Computerized physician order entry systems are usually integrated with a clinical decision support system (CDS), which acts as an error prevention tool through guiding the prescriber on the preferred drug doses, route, and frequency of administration.

How can improving healthcare quality be viewed?

Improving healthcare quality can be viewed on both a macro and a micro level, as something that will require sweeping, systemic change of the entire healthcare system and as something that individual physicians can practice for their patients. For instance, the healthcare industry could dramatically improve healthcare quality by instituting greater ...

How can the healthcare industry improve healthcare quality?

For instance, the healthcare industry could dramatically improve healthcare quality by instituting greater transparency and requiring practitioners to use patient-centered EHRs that are readily accessible to all care providers and the patients themselves.

Why is access to care important?

Improve Access to Care. Having access to care is the single most important factor for improving quality healthcare and patient outcomes. Patients must have access to the right care at the right time in order to get the right results. Unfortunately, close to 15 percent of the population is still uninsured, which dramatically reduces these patients’ ...

What does "improve access to care" mean?

Of course, improving access to care doesn’t only refer to efforts to get patients to visit their primary care physician regularly or use preventive services such as early detection screenings. It can also mean improving how and where patients are able to access care.

What are some organizations that publish evidence-based guidelines?

If you need some help, there are several health organizations with established quality and consistency measures that could guide your goal-setting process. The Quality Payment Program, the National Quality Forum, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality all publish evidence-based guidelines and measures.

Why do organizations share their work?

Most organizations are happy to share to improve the lives of all patients. In addition to implementing changes at your own practice, you may find healthcare organizations you can partner with to improve patient outcomes.

What percentage of the population is uninsured?

Unfortunately, close to 15 percent of the population is still uninsured, which dramatically reduces these patients’ access to timely care, makes them go without preventive or primary care, and forces them to rely on higher cost (and, therefore, lower value) services.

Why are portals important?

Portals acted as buffers between a patient’s desire for 24-hour access and physicians’ desires for a work-life balance. And while ED visits and hospitalizations are one measure of wellness, it is not clear whether portals improve patient health; to the extent that the foster improved communication, they provide a benefit. ...

How many Medicare beneficiaries use portals?

Portals are not free of problems. Only about 30% of Medicare beneficiaries use them despite nearly 90% of their physicians providing them. As with many healthcare disparities, age, income, and in this instance broadband access, limit portal use.

What is meaningful use?

Meaningful use refers to not just having electronic health records (EHR), but using them in a useful way for patients. And while getting the various EHRs to talk to one another seems not to have been considered meaningful, EHRs have implemented patient portals – a means for patients to e-communicate with their physicians ...

How to provide a satisfactory experience to patients?

The first step in offering patients a satisfactory experience is having the proper understanding of what that entails, and how experience and satisfaction relate to each other. Factors such as personal perception and expectations influence how a patient views their experience, which ultimately affects their emotions, attitudes, and behavior. But as Tom Workman (Partnership for Patients- CMS) and Martha Hayward (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) explained in their presentation on ‘Patient Engagement for Quality and Safety’, the goal of patient engagement is not satisfaction. Satisfaction is an outcome; it’s the ability to improve health, healthcare, and health equity that delivers what patients want.

Why is trust important in healthcare?

Trust is a vital component in any relationship, even more so for clinicians and their patients. Building active partnerships and having respectful, empathetic interactions with patients, families, and professionals builds trust and eases the stress that is common in healthcare settings .

Who is Maureen Williams?

As MEDITECH’s Solutions Manager for Consumer and Physician Experience, Maureen Williams helps give health care organizations and providers a competitive advantage in the new era of consumer-driven health care. She is passionate about bringing innovative technologies to the market that improve physician quality of life and successfully involve patients in improving and maintaining their health. Working in health care IT for her entire career, Maureen has also mentored physicians to lead EHR adoption projects, developed new marketing programs to support sales efforts, and strengthened customer relationships as a senior sales consultant.
