dim patient portal

by Prof. Conrad Pollich 8 min read

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29 hours ago To unlock your account call Grand River Medical Group Patient Portal Support Line at (563) 589-4080, Option 1, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday excluding Holidays. A staff member will assist you with unlocking your account. After talking with the staff member an email will be sent to you containing steps to reset your password. >> Go To The Portal

How secure is my medical information in the patient portal?

Your personal health information included in your portal account is a secure snapshot of your medical record. We have taken all reasonable efforts to maintain the security of your medical information. I think my patient portal account has been compromised (i.e. someone else has accessed my account).

What is the patient portal and how does it work?

The patient portal is a secure way for you to access your health information online. It is a great way for you to actively participate in your medical care. You can: Manage your and your child's health information online. Currently, ages 12-17 are not eligible for portal access. Send a message to your doctor.

How do I unlock my Patient Portal account?

To unlock your account call Grand River Medical Group Patient Portal Support Line at (563) 589-4080, Option 1, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday - Friday excluding Holidays. A staff member will assist you with unlocking your account. After talking with the staff member an email will be sent to you containing steps to reset your password.

How do I set up my Own Patient Portal account?

You can also set up your own patient portal account by using our self-enrollment tool. My Health Rec is available for all patients who have registered and had services provided to them from the facility. Already registered? Log in. For patient portal account help, please call 888-252-8149.


What is a patient portal?

The patient portal is a secure way for you to access your health information online. It is a great way for you to actively participate in your medical care. You can: Manage you and your child's health information online. Currently ages 12-17 are not eligible for portal access. Send a message to your doctor.

What is the phone number for the Patient Portal?

If you have any additional questions regarding your portal account call the Patient Portal Support Line at: (563) 589-4080.

How to contact Grand River Medical Group?

Call Grand River Medical Group Patient Portal Support Line immediately at (563) 589-4080 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday – Friday excluding Holidays. We will disable your portal account. If you would like to continue to use the portal, please stop in the office and ask one of our receptionists to assist you with reactivating your account. You will get a new user name and password.

Can a doctor send a message to another doctor?

To ensure your message is answered in a timely manner and by the appropriate department. If your doctor is out of the office messages are forwarded to someone other than your doctor including but not limited to; a nurse, receptionist, or another doctor.

How to access my health records?

With My Health Rec, you can: 1 Privately view some pathology, radiology and lab results online. 2 Access health records such as immunizations, medications and allergies 3 View hospital records such as discharge summaries and notes about procedures, progress and consultations (including wound care, PT/OT/SLP, dietary, etc.) 4 Download health records (history and physical) to easily share with doctors 5 Save time by paying health bills online

What is my health rec?

My Health Rec is a great way to view, download and transmit your up-to-date health information, all from the convenience and privacy of your own home, or anywhere Internet access is available — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We recently added opportunities for additional documents you can see online, such as pathology reports, discharge summaries and progress/procedure notes.

What is a patient portal?

My Portal (Patient Portal) is a website that allows you a convenient and secure way to view portions of your medical records and communicate with your provider’s health care team. Within your My Portal (Patient Portal) account, you will be able to do the following:

What is the phone number for the HIM clinic?

General clinic questions should be directed to our office. Technical assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 844.274.8497. Technical support staff can help locate the invitation, provide assistance enrolling, logging in and navigating within My Portal (Patient Portal); however support staff are not able to assist with clinical questions.

What is dignity health?

Dignity Health is committed to providing the tools you need to better manage your health. If you’re enrolled in our My Portal patient portal, you’ll soon have the ability to connect select health management apps to your personal health information. To learn more, click here .

How long does an enrollment link last?

The enrollment link expires 90 days from the day they are issued. If you are not able to find your invitation or it expired, you may request a new invitation from the staff at the facility that assist with your medical records. If you need technical help to locate the invitation, assistance enrolling, or navigating within My Portal (Patient Portal), you may contact our Technical Support center at (844) 274-8497; the staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How old do you have to be to have a Dignity Health account?

Children under 12 years of age and dependent adults who have a Dignity Health doctor may have a My Portal (Patient Portal) account with an adult as the proxy. Accounts are not available for adolescents 12 – 17 years of age. For a dependent adult, they will need to sign a release, or you will need to provide a copy of the Medical Durable Power of Attorney before an account can be created for the dependent adult.

What is a secure patient portal?

The Secure Patient Portal is a secure system designed to help you manage your individual or family health care online. Using these online systems, you can:

What is a TOL portal?

The TOL Patient Portal (also referred to as "TRICARE Online" or "TOL") is the current secure patient portal that gives registered users access to online health care information and services at military hospitals and clinics.

Can you see your health records in MHS?

As soon as your record is created, you’ll be able to see your health data in MHS GENESIS.

What is a dam health?

DAM Health is one of the leading providers in the UK for COVID-19 testing solutions.

Where is DAM Health located?

DAM Health, one of the leading new providers in the UK for Covid-19 testing, has opened its first clinic in Northern Ireland – with the promise of at least three more to follow.
