12 hours ago · As the premier Adult and Pediatric Gastroenterology Practice & Colonoscopy Clinic in South Florida, Palm Beach Digestive Associates offers the knowledge and experience valued … >> Go To The Portal
The patient portal can be accessed on any browser and any device with internet. The patient portal is also available as an app, or you can access your medical records through your iPhone’s Health app.
Sari M. Kay, MD is a board-certified Pediatric Gastroenterologist. She has a specialties and expertise in treating patients with inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, constipation, infant reflux, and functional GI disorders. Laura E. Irastorza, MD is a board-eligible Pediatric Gastroenterologist.
Some results will be delivered into the patient portal as soon as they are resulted and entered into your electronic health record. Please see below for specific timeframes. Results post to the portal even if they were done as an outpatient or Emergency Department visit.
Most common lab test results will be viewable in the patient portal, such as Labs, Radiology and Pathology results. Some sensitive results are not currently available. Results that are not included in the patient portal are:
Soon after, you will receive an email invite that will provide a link to establish your own login and password information. If you don't receive an email, please check your spam / junk folder. You can also enroll after your registration process. Register by clicking on one of the links above using your personal information.
All patients can sign up for patient portal access. Signing up for the patient portal is quick, easy, and only takes a few minutes. Self-registration for all patients is being developed.
Enrolling in the patient portal only takes a few minutes. You simply need to provide a valid email address and an acceptable form of ID, which can include:
Yes, if you can access your email via computer, smart phone or other mobile device and also connect to the internet. If you don't have internet access during your hospital stay, please ask for the Patient Portal representative, who can easily assist you with logging in.
My Health Rec allows you to view, download and transmit your up-to-date health information. Specifically, you can:
With My Health Rec, you can: 1 Privately view some pathology, radiology and lab results online. 2 Access health records such as immunizations, medications and allergies 3 View hospital records such as discharge summaries and notes about procedures, progress and consultations (including wound care, PT/OT/SLP, dietary, etc.) 4 Download health records (history and physical) to easily share with doctors 5 Save time by paying health bills online