dicks house patient portal

by Mr. Jabari Lemke 6 min read

Health Service Student Portal | Dick's House: Dartmouth …

24 hours ago These requirements are completed through a series of on-line forms available within the Health Service Student Portal which may be accessed through a link on the student information system ... Dicks.House.Patient.Accounts@Dartmouth.edu ... Dick's.House.Primary.Care@dartmouth.edu (603) 646-9400 Counseling Center Counseling@dartmouth.edu >> Go To The Portal

How do I contact Dicks Health Service?

Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 Come find us! Phone: 603-646-9400 Fax: (603) 646-9410 HB: HB 6143 Email: Dicks.House.Health.Service@Dartmouth.edu More Contact Information Connect with Us Facebook Instagram Close Make An Appointment Share Your Feedback Contact Us My Dartmouth Students Faculty Staff Alumni Families Find it Fast A-Z Index

What can I do on the Health Service portal?

· Portal Home: Messages and important Health Service information · Profile: Verify your personal information and enter your cell phone data to receive appointment reminders. · Appointments: Schedule Health Service medical appointments.

Why Dick’s homecare?

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations gives accreditation to Dick’s Homecare to work with doctors, hospitals, and caregivers to ensure the right equipment or product is obtained, provide on-going service to keep supplies stocked, and monitor that everything works as it should.

Can I Share my Health Service student portal password with others?

PLEASE BE AWARE, the health service student portal contains your confidential personal information. Sharing your password will allow those you share it with access to this information. Unable to log into the portal?


Primary Medical Care at Dick's House

The Dartmouth College Health Service provides medical services for all enrolled students.

Vision & Dental Care

The Dartmouth College Health Service also provides referrals to community dental and eye care providers .

Reproductive & Sexual Health

Information on the confidential care available for reproductive and sexual health concerns.

Gender Services

Information on the services available to transgender or gender-questioning students.

Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy

Dick's House provides sports medicine services for non-varsity athletes. Learn how to make an appointment.

Nutrition & Eating Well at Dartmouth

Learn about scheduling a nutrition appointment or read information about eating well at Dartmouth.

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Information on available services and resources for handling alcohol and other drug issues.

Scheduling Counseling Appointments

NEW - WINTER TERM 2022! The Counseling Center has piloted a program that allows students to schedule first-time Triage counseling appointments online through the Health Service Portal .

Crisis Mental Health Services

The Counseling Center offers 24-hour crisis (emergency) mental health services for enrolled students or for those who are concerned about an enrolled student. While most counseling services are scheduled on an appointment basis, there may be crisis situations that require immediate or same-day intervention.

What is Dick's Homecare?

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations gives accreditation to Dick’s Homecare to work with doctors, hospitals, and caregivers to ensure the right equipment or product is obtained, provide on-going service to keep supplies stocked, and monitor that everything works as it should.

How many locations does Dick's Homecare have?

With eight locations to serve you, in Altoona, Philipsburg, State College, Lewistown, Huntingdon, McConnellsburg, Chambersburg, and Gettysburg, Dick’s Homecare is the region’s primary provider when it comes to keeping many people safe and mobile right in the comfort of their own home. Call Dick’s Homecare for more details. 814-949-6764.
