16 hours ago Why choose Din for women's imaging? Feb 15, 2022 · Welcome Delaware Imaging Network (DIN) is a comprehensive diagnostic imaging network, formed in 2018 by two of Delaware’s premier imaging providers – Papastavros’ Associates Medical Imaging (PAMI) and Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA). What's new in Hologic breast imaging? Patient Portal. >> Go To The Portal
Have your radiology exam before deductibles reset! Delaware Imaging Network (DIN) is a comprehensive diagnostic imaging network, formed in 2018 by two of Delaware’s premier imaging providers – Papastavros’ Associates Medical Imaging (PAMI) and Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA).
The patients get SAME-DAY DIAGNOSTIC results from specialty trained Breast radiologists in some of the most rural areas of the region. Diagnostic Imaging Associate's neuroradiology specialists are trained in the diagnoses of disorders of the brain, spine, head/neck, spinal cord, and central nervous system.
If you’ve received a text from us, don’t despair! The text message is from Diagnostic Imaging Associates (DIA) regarding an action needed on your account. For example, a balance might be remaining for the physician services provided during your recent visit. How do I stop receiving text messages and receive a paper bill instead?
Access your reports and images online! Schedule your appointment online. View reports sent from the radiologist to your referring provider. View your exam images captured during your visit. Download your medical information.
We're excited to offer Tomosynthesis also known as 3D mammography - extraordinary technology that lets your doctor see breast tissue in a revolutionary way. Our new breast imaging system from Hologic - a world leader in digital mammography - is the most exciting advancement in breast cancer detection in over 30 years.
With exceptional precision and accuracy, the Discovery QDR series DEXA systems help you identify patients at risk for osteoporosis and fractures. High Resolution Digital Detector Array improves fracture detection and visualization of abdominal aortic calcifications.
Extraordinary images every day. The LOGIQ E9 with XDclear features advanced technology that gives you the ability to capture extraordinary images on routine to difficult exams. Innovative system architecture provides the foundation for its extraordinary capabilities.
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy of thyroid nodules is minimally invasive and safe and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Real-time ultrasound permits visualization of the needle within the lesion, thereby facilitating accurate biopsy of small non-palpable nodules.
Quite simply, it means that your thyroid biopsy will involve a fine needle (25) guage, minimal discomfort, and minimal inconvenience. You can go about the rest of your day normally. We use local anaesthesia in three stages to numb you so that you do not have any pain and experience minimal discomfort.
Commonly asked questions about imaging studies, insurance coverage and our centers.
Information for referring physicians about our services, radiologists and exclusive web portals.
Our goal is to deliver a specialized read on every case that our company reads. To accomplish this, we have developed an efficient manpower model that ensures our radiologists focus on their area of expertise.
We offer multimodality imaging of the breast including, but not limited to, Digital screening mammography (2D and 3D tomosynthesis), Diagnostic mammography, Breast Ultrasound (including whole breast US), Breast MRI, and Contrast-enhanced Mammography.
We pride ourselves on quality services and our Joint Commission Accreditation has made an enormous impact on our ongoing quality and patient safety efforts.
Visit our online billing portal to make a payment, update insurance, or obtain a copy of your statement.
We use Chartswap.com to help patients and attorneys retrieve medical records safely. Chartswap enables HIPAA-compliant medical record request of information (ROI) and medical records retrieval between registered requestors and medical record providers.
Diagnostic Imaging Associates welcomes your comments and questions. We are always looking to improve and want to have an open line of communication with Patients, Hospital Administration, and consulting Physicians.