dhat patient portal

by Ashley Towne 3 min read

Patient Portal | Digestive Health Associates of Texas - …

27 hours ago Patient Portal | Digestive Health Associates of Texas Make an Appointment Pay My Bill Menu Our Patients' Access NEVER use the patient portal for emergency purposes. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or your doctor’s office. Portal for Existing Patients A Resource For Patients Sign In New to the Patient Portal? How To Create Your Account >> Go To The Portal

How do I join a Dhat Televisit?

Patient Portal | Digestive Health Associates of Texas Make an Appointment Pay My Bill Menu Our Patients' Access NEVER use the patient portal for emergency purposes. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or your doctor’s office. Portal for Existing Patients A Resource For Patients Sign In New to the Patient Portal? How To Create Your Account

How do I sign in to the patient portal?

Digestive Health Associates of Texas. We provide northern Texas high quality, cost-effective patient care. Our medical team specializes in state-of-the-art techniques and therapies to diagnose and treat diseases of the digestive system.

Why choose Dhat - digestive health associates of Texas?

Enroll in NextMD, your medical home on the Web. With NextMD, you can connect with your doctor through a convenient, safe, and secure environment. Call or ask now to start the enrollment process. Already have an account? Click Here >> Patient Portal << to sign in. Need an account? Click Here>> Patient Portal Sign up << to create an account.


Televisit How-To

Ensure you have an active DHAT Patient Portal account, with username and password.

Preparing for your TeleVisit

From your smartphone, tablet or computer, click on the text or email link you received from your doctor’s office. No login required. Or you can start the visit by logging into the healow app or Patient Portal.
