dentrix report that shows how patient paid

by Lauretta Pollich 10 min read

Generating the Patient Report (by Filters) | Dentrix

10 hours ago Highlight Patient Report (by filters) and click Edit to open the Patient Report View. Select the filters you want to use to narrow the report data. (For information about each filter, consult the Dentrix G4 User’s Guide or the Dentrix G4 Reports Reference.) Click the Data Fields tab and check the data you want to include on the report. >> Go To The Portal

For example, if a patient comes in for a prophy with the hygienist, which costs $100, and an exam with the doctor that costs $50, and the entire $150 payment is posted to the doctor, reports in Dentrix will reflect that the hygienist has a balance, or is owed $100, while the doctor has a credit of $100.

Full Answer

What is a Dentrix report?

Dentrix reports give you the visibility into your practice that you need as a business owner. With that in mind, let me share with you five critical Dentrix reports that every doctor should be using regularly.

What happens if you look at the day sheet in Dentrix?

If the doctor in the above story had looked at the Day Sheet in Dentrix, she would have noticed that the root canal was incorrectly billed out, and it never would have been sent to the insurance company. The clinical team can also use the Day Sheet to see if something was missed, such as X-rays, pulp caps, or build-ups.

What is the Dentrix collections manager?

The Dentrix Collections Manager helps you increase your practice revenue by decreasing your accounts receivable (A/R). This interactive module displays your A/R and allows you to filter the data by balance, aging, insurance claim status, and last payment dates.

How do I use the Dentrix Practice Advisor?

The Dentrix Practice Advisor (Office Manager > Analysis > Practice Advisor) shows your practice’s key performance indicators (KPIs), compares them to industry standard benchmarks, and offers suggestions for improving these statistics. The Practice Advisor includes a section about Collections KPIs.


How do I run a patient report in Dentrix?

Generating the Patient Report (by Filters)Select Office Manager | Letters | Misc. ... Highlight Patient Report (by filters) and click Edit to open the Patient Report View.Select the filters you want to use to narrow the report data. ... Click the Data Fields tab and check the data you want to include on the report.More items...•

How do I create a custom report in Dentrix?

In the Office Manager menu, click Letters & Custom Lists. In the Letters & Lists dialog box, click the button that corresponds to the type of letter that you want to create. A dialog box corresponding to the type of letter appears. If necessary, set a date range.

Where is the power reporting page in Dentrix?

On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Power Reporting. The Power Reporting page opens.

How do I run the audit trail in Dentrix?

To run the Audit Trail Report, in the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Audit Trail Reports. Specify the desired options for your report and click OK. For more advice about using the Audit Trail Report, read “Fraud Prevention Starts at the Top.”

What is Practice Advisor report Dentrix?

In the Practice Advisor, you can view key performance indicators for production, collections, continuing care, schedule management, and new patient analysis. The Practice Advisor Report shows you your totals for the previous month, the current month to date, and the year to date.

How do you find total active patients in Dentrix?

A: There are different reports in Dentrix that will show you the total number of patients in your practice. You could run a Patient List or a Practice Statistics Report. However, these reports are only looking at the patient status on the Family File. The most accurate and up-to-date report is the Practice Advisor.

What is Procedure Code Analysis report?

The Procedure Code Analysis report will identify any codes that have been deleted or are invalid giving you any available replacement code(s), will note any codes that have had their terminology revised, will identify any starred procedures, and give you a list of the latest modifiers.

What is the difference between Dentrix and Dentrix ascend?

Is Dentrix Ascend just Dentrix on the Web? No. Dentrix Ascend is a completely new product, designed specifically as a Web-based application and with a new workflow that is very distinct from the original Dentrix application.

How does Dentrix track production?

Click the Show production link under the provider's name. The scheduled and actual net production appear. S = Scheduled Production. The Net Scheduled Production is the sum of the charges for the scheduled procedures, minus any discounts or insurance adjustments that apply to those procedures.

Can you export a report from dentrix to excel?

This is currently not a feature in DENTRIX. If you would prefer DENTRIX to function differently, please enter a Software Change Request. A possible Workaround will export it into Excel, but will still leave it in an undelimited format.

How do I audit in dentrix?

From the Office Manager's Maintenance menu, click Audit Trail Reports. Under Select Report Types, select Standard, then click OK.

Where is the audit log in dentrix?

The audit log is a record of various activities performed by users in Dentrix Ascend. On the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Audit log.

Insurance Carrier List

One report to consider is the Insurance Carrier List. This list will provide you with options to view basic insurance plan information including maximum and deductibles, a list of subscribers, a list of all insured patients, or a combination of this information.

Letters and Custom Lists

If you prefer to generate a list for a range of insurance plans you could use the Patient Report (by Filters) in Letters and Custom Lists. By using this report, you could get a number of patients for a range of plans within an insurance carrier.

Utilization Report for Dental Insurance

The Utilization Report for Dental Insurance is a great report to evaluate your office fee compared to the fee an insurance plan is allowing you to charge. This may be a good report to generate if your practice is considering dropping an insurance plan.

How to run audit trail report?

To run the Audit Trail Report, in the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Audit Trail Reports. Specify the desired options for your report and click OK. For more advice about using the Audit Trail Report, read “ Fraud Prevention Starts at the Top .”.

How to run an adjustment report in a patient?

To run an adjustment report with patient names, from the Office Manager, click Reports > Management > Day Sheet. Under Select Date, specify the desired date range for the report. Then under Select Report Types, select only Adjustment Only Day Sheet, and then click OK.

What is Dentrix report?

Dentrix reports give you the visibility into your practice that you need as a business owner. With that in mind, let me share with you five critical Dentrix reports that every doctor should be using regularly.

How to run a report in Office Manager?

To run this report, in the Office Manager, click Analysis > Collection Manager. Specify the desired report options and then click Show Columns. Under Available Columns, select Last Statement Date, click Add, and then OK to add that column to your Collection Manager List. This enables you to see if your patients are receiving billing statements in a timely manner.

What is a collection manager list?

It lets you generate a list of guarantors with outstanding balances so you can target them for collections. You should run this report monthly or whenever you are working on billing statements and accounts receivable.

What is an adjustment summary report?

If your cash flow is not as it should be, the Adjustment Summary Report is one of the first places I would look to see where the adjustments are being made. There are two adjustment summary reports you can run: one is sorted by category and one is sorted by patient names.

What is the provider A/R totals report?

The Provider A/R Totals Report will show you your gross production, adjustments to production, net production, gross collection, adjustments to collection, net collection, and accounts receivable.

Discover the Dentrix features designed to help with the tricky process of allocating balances and posting transactions accurately

In Dentrix there are a couple of features which will help your office when it comes to the tricky process of allocating balances. I wanted to take a moment to tell you about these features and how they can help your office.

Why is it so important to post to the provider?

Many practices that are privately owned by a solo practitioner have always posted all payments and adjustments to the owner-doctor. This results in messy accounting and inaccurate reports.

Does Adrian Farmer have dental insurance?

For example, Adrian Farmer has dental insurance with a $50 annual deductible and a yearly maximum individual benefit of $2,500. Unfortunately, because of major dental work at the first of the year, she has maxed out her insurance coverage. It’s now November, and her wisdom teeth are bothering her. She’s wondering what it would cost to have them removed before the year ends; or, if she should wait until next year when her insurance benefits renew.

Can you print a second version of a dental plan report?

Then, print a second version of the report with the Use Dental Plan Maximums and Deductibles option unchecked. You can then present both reports to the patient and use them to compare what the treatment would cost this year and what it would cost next year, helping your patients decide which option works best for them.

Does the second report ignore the maximum benefit limit?

This second report has turned off the Use Dental Plan Maximums and Deductibles option, so the report ignores the maximum benefit limit and deductibles owed. This allows you to show her the coverage breakdown for the procedures and gives her a ballpark estimate of what the insurance will likely pay, next year.

Why do we pay unapplied payments?

The benefit of having unapplied payments is that when you pay your providers, you are paying them on recognized revenue – meaning, the provider is paid when the work is both paid for and treatment completed. This approach also saves time and reduces complexity when patient or insurance refunds are required.

What happens if you overpay an insurance guarantor?

Insurance overpayments will pull a prior guarantor payment into an unapplied status – reduce this from occurring by fixing PPO fee schedules when EOB’s are returned

What to do if you see a blue negative number on a credit card?

Best practices recommend that as each patient checks out after a visit, the team member handling their checkout should review their ledger; if they see a blue negative number under Unapplied Credits, they need to click on that number and apply the credit. (If the credit cannot be applied, clicking this number doesn’t hurt anything.)

How does applied collections work?

By using the applied collections report to calculate compensation for your providers , our unapplied credits work seamlessly with this approach. When you apply a previous payment (or even part of a previous payment) in the ledger, this amount will be displayed in the applied collection power report. It is important to know that there is no indicator of the applied date in the payment or in the ledger, only in the applied collection report. This approach works even when the original prepay was collected in January, the procedure completed in February – but then the prepay was applied in April. There is no way to apply a payment in the past, so this applied amount will show up on the most current applied collections report – and the doctor that did the work back in February will be compensated appropriately.

What is the Insights dashboard?

Found in the Insights dashboard in the Billing/Collection box or in Power Reports, this is a pre-built report based on the applied date. This report shows all applied payments, applied credit adjustments, charge adjustments and Total Collection. You will use the Total Collections column as the Net Collections number to determine provider compensation.

When to run age receivables report?

In addition to performing this at every checkout, a second best practice recommendation is to run the Aged Receivables report at the end of the month, and assign a team member to go into the ledger for each patient that has an unapplied credit listed and click the blue negative number to clear out as many of these as possible.

What is the difference between AR Totals and Applied Collection?

Many offices want to compare reports to make sure their numbers are accurate. The Applied Collection report uses the applied date and the Provider AR Totals report uses the modified date (which matches the applied date) - the collections for providers in two reports will match as long as you select the same timeframe.

How does Dentrix help with collections?

Dentrix helps you focus your collections efforts by analyzing your practice’s accounts receivable (A/R) and tracking family and insurance balances. Using the Practice Advisor Report, you can determine how your practice is collecting your A/R ; then, by running the Insurance Aging Report and Aging Report, you’ll know which insurance companies and patients to contact.

What is the report on insurance carriers?

The report lists each insurance carrier, the aged balances for each outstanding claim and the patients for whom those claims were submitted.

What is the account receivable row?

The Accounts Receivable row shows the account balance totals in each aging bracket.

How to analyze A/R?

1. Open the Practice Advisor from the Office Manager, click Practice Advisor Report, set up the desired report options (making sure Collections is selected), and then click Preview to generate the Practice Advisor Report. Go to the Collections section.

How many times should the A/R to production ratio be in a month to date?

The A/R to Production ratio in the MTD (month-to-date) column should not be more than 1.5 to 2 times the production during the same time frame. A negative number in the Variance column indicates that your collections are too low.


Insurance Carrier List

  • One report to consider is the Insurance Carrier List. This list will provide you with options to view basic insurance plan information including maximum and deductibles, a list of subscribers, a list of all insured patients, or a combination of this information.
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Letters and Custom Lists

  • If you prefer to generate a list for a range of insurance plans you could use the Patient Report (by Filters)in Letters and Custom Lists. By using this report, you could get a number of patients for a range of plans within an insurance carrier. For example, if you wanted a number of all MetLife patients, you could generate a list by a range of insurance plans beginning with the first MetLife …
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Utilization Report For Dental Insurance

  • The Utilization Report for Dental Insuranceis a great report to evaluate your office fee compared to the fee an insurance plan is allowing you to charge. This may be a good report to generate if your practice is considering dropping an insurance plan. The Utilization Report shows you detailed information regarding procedures performed, the total number of patients seen (based on the da…
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Learn More

  • For additional information, read the following: 1. Find the Patients Attached to Each Insurance Plan in Dentrix 2. Using the Patient Report (by Filters) to Find Specific Groups of Patients 3. Utilization Report for Dental Insurance By Charlotte Skaggs Certified Dentrix Trainer and The Dentrix Office Manager columnist Charlotte Skaggs is the founder...
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