10 hours ago CVI’s new West office is open! We have closed our West Marion office located at 4600 SW 46th Ct, Ste 250 and 160, Ocala FL 34474. Our new office is located at 6555 SW Hwy 200, Bldg 100, Ocala FL 34476. If you have questions or concerns, please call our office at 352-622-4251. >> Go To The Portal
To be eligible for Contract health care through CVIH, the patient has to be a documented California Indian who is a resident of the CVIH health services delivery area (Fresno, Madera or Kings counties excluding Table Mountain Rancheria tribal members or any tribe that has pulled out of CVIH).
To learn more about your eligibility to receive services, either download the forms and bring them completed into the clinic or stop by the clinic to receive the e ligibility forms. Once filled out, please speak to one of our PRC/Eligibility Clerks for assistance.
The Sliding Fee Scale is Based On HHS 100 % Poverty Guidelines Effective Jan 1, 2018
CVIH Clinics accept Medicaid, Medicare, State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) & most private insurances.
The CIS mission is to provide our patients with the highest quality cardiovascular care available. Discover how our team continues to be a leader in the development of new techniques and technologies in the treatment of both coronary and peripheral artery diseases.
HIGHEST QUALITY CARDIOVASCULAR CARE AVAILABLE. Cardiovascular Institute of the South is one of the nation's most respected groups of cardiologists, representing nearly every specialty in heart and vascular medicine. While most leading medical centers are located in a single facility within a large city, CIS brings comprehensive cardiovascular care ...
Established in 1983 , CIS remains dedicated to its mission, guiding its expansion to more communities.