clinical works mt sinai patient portal

by Sonya Considine 5 min read

Patient portals - An online tool for your health Information …

25 hours ago Nov 02, 2020 · A patient portal is a website for your personal health care. The online tool helps you to keep track of your health care provider visits, test results, billing, prescriptions, and so on. You can also e-mail your provider questions through the portal. Many providers now offer patient portals. For access, you will need to set up an account. >> Go To The Portal

How do I find my way around Mount Sinai Hospital?

Nov 02, 2020 · A patient portal is a website for your personal health care. The online tool helps you to keep track of your health care provider visits, test results, billing, prescriptions, and so on. You can also e-mail your provider questions through the portal. Many providers now offer patient portals. For access, you will need to set up an account.

Why choose the Mount Sinai Hospital?

Manage Your Health Information. For your personal use, you can get some records through Mount Sinai South Nassau's patient portal, FollowMyHealth. and if you are signed up for FollowMyHealth, you can also aggregate all your medical records from all providers’ electronic record portals through MyLinks or Apple Health, which are patient portal aggregation tools that …

What is FollowMyHealth by Mount Sinai South Nassau?

Hearing conservation programs. Pre-placement and fit-for-duty evaluations. Return-to-work assessments. World Trade Center Health Program services for 9/11 workers and volunteers. Coordination of care with specialists involved in your treatment. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 888-702-0630.

What is a patient portal?

Online Health Records Connect to Your Mount Sinai South Nassau Health Record Online. For your personal use, some records and results are available through Mount Sinai South Nassau's patient portal, Follow My Health and if you are signed up for FollowMyHealth, you can also aggregate all your medical records from all providers' electronic record portals through MyLinks or Apple …


What is health record on iPhone?

Health Records on iPhone offers patients a simple and secure way to access medical data and brings together hospitals, clinics and the existing Apple Health app to make it easy for patients to see their available medical data from multiple providers whenever they choose . The Health Records feature is part of the Health app, which also shows activity, heart rate, nutrition and other health data consolidated from iPhone, Apple Watch and HealthKit-enabled third-party apps.#N#Previously, patients’ medical records were held in multiple locations, requiring patients to log into each care provider’s website to piece together the information manually. Health Records creates a direct connection between medical institutions and a patient’s iPhone, allowing them to see a central view of their allergies, conditions, immunizations, lab results, medications, procedures and vitals. It also notifies patients when their data is updated.#N#Health Records on iPhone was designed to protect patients’ privacy through utilizing a direct, encrypted connection between the user’s iPhone and the healthcare organization. Downloaded health records data is stored on-device and encrypted with the user’s iPhone passcode, Touch ID or Face ID. Apple worked with the healthcare community to take a consumer-friendly approach, creating Health Records based on FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), a standard for transferring electronic medical records.#N#Patients can access Health Records from within the Health app and can download their health records by selecting Mount Sinai South Nassau and authenticating with their patient portal username and password.#N#For more information, visit Apple Health Records.

Is iPhone a trademark of Apple?

iPhone and iTunes are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. FollowMyHealth and Mount Sinai South Nassau are not associated with, nor endorsed by, Apple or Google.

How does a CTO work?

Specifically, the CTO provides comprehensive services to support clinical investigators with: 1 Document preparation and submission to internal Department of Medicine Protocol Review Committee. 2 Determine in collaboration with Investigators protocol feasibility. 3 Financial Management during the lifecycle of the study. 4 Collaboration with sponsors and/or contract research organizations to prepare all pre-award documentation, including regulatory submissions. 5 Centralized study processes through the 3 Core Teams: Regulatory Affairs, Financial Management, and Clinical Coordinator. 6 The CTO staff serves as a clinical, regulatory, and financial resource for physicians and their staffs.

What is the protocol review committee?

The Protocol Review Committee (PRC) The Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS); Department of Medicine Protocol Review Committee (PRC) reviews all industry sponsored clinical studies conducted under the auspices of MSHS, regardless of whether the research involves use of the DOM Clinical Trials Office shared resources or not.

Do all new protocols need PRC approval?

All new protocols are reviewed and must receive full PRC approval in addition to the Program for Protection of Human Subjects (PPHS) approval before they can be activated. Ongoing studies will be monitored for protocol accrual.
