14 hours ago The Children's Clinic of Wyomissing Patient Portal is a safe, secure web site at https://login.intelichart.com/ccwyo that allows you to see and print many of your child’s … >> Go To The Portal
The comfort and well being of each child entrusted to us as a patient are the highest priorities for us. We're always available -at least one pediatrician is available by phone 24x7. The Children's Clinic of Wyomissing believes patient-family satisfaction is paramount. We strive to provide caring, state-of-the-art pediatric care.
Whether your child is seeing a Children’s National Hospital specialist or one of our primary care pediatricians, you can manage your child’s health information, access medical records and more through our online patient portals. Please do not use the patient portals if your child requires immediate assistance.
Learn more about the portal in our frequently asked questions. Children’s National Hospital is dedicated to helping improve your family’s health care experience by providing convenient, streamlined access to your child’s health information.